by Jüri Lina
Lending money at interest has been
condemned by men such as Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, Seneca and Cicero,
early fathers of the Christian church; the majority of popes and
councils up to 1830; likewise modern authors such as Goethe and Wagner.
The fight against usury goes back to the earliest known beginnings of
civilization. From the days of Sumer to the present, decent people have
struggled against this tool of the forces of darkness. Charging
interest was condemned by the ancient Greek, philosophers. Money was to
them something dead; something dead cannot be allowed to grow. Aristotle
wrote in his work
Politics (Book One, part X): “The most hated
sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of
money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was
intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. . .
Wherefore of all modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.”
Up until the end of the Middle Ages it was forbidden for Christians
to charge interest. To charge interest on a loan was tantamount to
murder and robbery. Later, those who charged interest were treated as
Martin Luther stated plainly: “All usurers are thieves and belong in
the gallows.” Everyone who lent money at an interest rate of 5 to 6
percent was considered to be a usurer. During the Middle Ages only Jews
were allowed to lend money with interest: In Deuteronomy a Jew is
forbidden to charge interest from his brother. But the goy (non-Jew) was
not his brother. And to Jewish extremists plunder was not unfamiliar.
In ancient Babylonia the legal interest rate was 30 percent on money
and 50 percent on grain. In Assyria there was no upper limit for
interest rate. The farmers were often so deep in debt that they starved
to death along with their families. This led to ruthless exploitation of
the soil.
Luther, the founding father of the Lutheran Protestant Church, and
others of his era condemned usury, Fiery preacher Jakob Strauss
conducted a violent campaign against usury and tithes. Thomas Muentzer,
an unruly genius, combined his own ingenious liturgical reforms with a
program of holy war.
In the city of Uruk in Sumer there lived two brothers who lent money
with interest. When a borrower no longer could repay his loan, he lost
his house and had to start working for free for the brothers. The slave
could be lent also to other employers. This is a classical example of
economic slavery.
Almost 3,700 years ago the ruler of Babylon, Hammurabi (1848-1805
B.C.). who was descended from the Amorite dynasty, forbade through his
legal acts (containing 93 paragraphs) the taking of interest on
interest, which meant that the borrower had to give in addition to the
assets he had borrowed the same amount in goods or money. Anyone who
broke the rule was severely punished, though very few abided by it. The
282 statutes of Hammurabi, written in Akkadian, were found in 1901-02 at
excavations at Susa in ancient Elani (now Iran).
The tribune Tiberius Gracchus of the Roman Empire tried in 133 B.C.
to reduce the power of the moneychangers through stricter laws against
usury and to limit the legal land ownership to
lugeri (about 600 acres) per family. He was murdered the same year.
In 48 B.C. Julius Caesar deprived the moneychangers of the right to
coin money and had it done himself. With a larger money supply he was
able to erect many public buildings. Common people adored Caesar for his
contribution to making money more available. After the murder of Caesar
there was an end to the abundance of money. The money supply was
reduced by 90 percent. Taxes rose sky-high. As a result most people lost
their land and their homes. The slander of Caesar goes on even today.
The Freemasons wanted to acquire as much wealth as possible in order to serve their demons during the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Irish economist Margrit Kennedy has pointed out that a 1 percent
loan is doubled in 70 years. A 3 percent loan with accumulated interest
doubles in only 24 years. A 6 percent loan doubles in 12 years, and at
12 percent the amount is doubled in just sis years.
If anyone had lent one cent in A.D. 1 and charged a 4 percent
interest; in 1750 he could have bought gold weighing as much as the
whole Earth. (At 5 percent interest it would have been possible as early
as the year 1403.) [n 1990 he would have been able to buy 12,246 such
These extreme examples show how madly interest damages each country's economy.
After the so-called French Revolution the use of paper money was widespread.
The gold traders began practicing economic fraud to become even more
powerful. They lent secretly part of the gold that had been deposited
with them and kept the interest they made on such illegal loan. The gold
traders then issued more receipts (bank notes) of gold deposits than
they had gold, then lent these notes and charged interest on them Far
more money was lent than what the creditor had cover for. Soon these
money crooks lent as much as up to 10 times more than they had gold
This breach of trust has become common in all areas in the world of
the Freemasons. The American banks have the right to lend 10 times more
money than they actually have. This means that their interest actually
is close to 80 percent and not 8 percent, which is officially claimed.
The Masonic bankers create money out of nothing and force us to pay
interest thereon.
The Prieure de Sion initiated, with the aid of the moneychangers
(above all the Portuguese Rabbi Menasseh ben Israel, who lived in the
Netherlands, and Antonio Fernandez Moses Carvajal), the insurrection of
1642, led by Oliver Cromwell, which in turn led to the first republic
(commonwealth) in England in 1649. In the year 1643 a large group of
rich Jews came to England. They met with the Portuguese ambassador in
London, Antonio de Souza, a Maranno, where further moves were discussed.
All their actions were coordinated by Carvajal.
Having deposed and executed Charles I in 1649, naming himself as
dictator in 1653, Cromwell became bloodthirsty and hostile to cultural
development, letting the moneychangers strengthen their financial power.
Under the puritanical rule of the Lord Protector Cromwell, music and
other cultural activities were practically banned. Even colorful
garments were forbidden.
In November of 1688 (under the sign of the scorpion) the Catholic
king of England James II (Stuart) was overthrown through a
well-organized invasion financed by the moneyed Jews of Amsterdam and
led by the Prieure de Sion and the Orange Order. The king was exiled to
France and in February of 1689 William of Orange, the prince of Nassau,
was put upon the English throne by means of a coup d'etat, which became
known as the Glorious Revolution. Even official historians admit that
the people did not participate in this coup.
England at that time was in poor condition after more than 50 years
of war with France and the Netherlands, and the new king, William III
(of Orange), asked several powerful bankers for help. They provided the
English state with a loan of 1.25 million pounds but only delivered
750,000 pounds. The terms of the loan were as follows; the names of the
lenders were not to be revealed, and these were guaranteed the right to
found the Bank of England, whose directors were ensured to establish a
gold reserve so as to be able to issue loans to a value of 10 pounds for
each pound deposited gold in the bank vault. They also were allowed to
consolidate the national debt and secure payment for annuity and
interest through direct Taxation of the people.
The privately owned Bank of England was established in 1694 with
absolute control over the currency (the right to issue bank notes). The
lending of money on usury was able to continue at an even larger scale.
Thus the English people suffered a huge national debt. Taxes had to be
raised and prices doubled. To the Masonic bankers it was necessary to
have a monopoly on money issuing. That way they were able to make
enormous profits and also control political processes.
The Bank of England was allowed to lend money to an amount 10 times
the security the lender put. up. With 5 percent interest it only took
two years for the bank to earn back an amount equal to the original
By the year 1698 the national debt had risen from one and a quarter
million pounds to 16 million. In 1815 it was 885 million pounds and in
1945 it had grown to 22.5 billion pounds. By 1995 the national debt had
risen to more than 300 billon pounds, equal to 45 percent of GNP.
Not even the Macmillan Committee, which was appointed in 1929,
managed to find out who governed the Bank of England. Only one name has
leaked out—that of Rothschild. All great wars have been started and
financed by the economic conglomerate emanating from one single banking
family—the Rothschilds.
In the Netherlands, secret societies bad been able to found a central
bank as early as 1609. About 40 of the world's most important central
banks were established in a similar way as that of the Bank of England.
In that way the Masonic bankers ruled the long-term development in the
world with loan interest as a method, the central banks as middlemen,
the politicians as dummies and the people as ignorant wage slaves. The
freemason-controlled banks thus can govern political life by acting
without being seen. The English people strengthened the power of these
invisible Freemasons through paying taxes during three centuries.
Central banks were supposed to keep the economy stable.
In reality it works quite differently.
Benjamin Franklin wrote of the British colonies in North America in
the 1750s: "Nowhere on Earth does one find a happier and more well-being
people." He explained that this was due to that "we in the colonies
make our own currency," called "colonial scrip." He further explained:
"By issuing our own currency we can control its buying power, and we are
not obliged to pay interest to anyone."
In these British colonies in New England, there was a wealth
contrasting sharply to the poverty and misery in England. There was
enough money, and it was definitely interest free.
When the Masonic bankers in England heard Franklin's speech to the
British Parliament, they made sure that Parliament forbade the colonies
to use their own financial system and instead demanded they use interest
money in gold and silver. Only an insufficient amount of this money was
to be available. The money supply was reduced in half, and the colonies
were forced to borrow money from the Bank of England. The result was
steep interest and price increases. Within a year the streets were full
of unemployed people.
In American schoolbooks the reason given for the outbreak fif the
Revolutionary War was the tea tax. but according to Franklin "the
colonies would gladly have borne the little tax" (of 2 percent) on tea
and other matters had it not been that England took away from the
colonies their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction."
The result of the influence of the English banks on the British
Parliament was horrendous poverty in America. When this situation had
been created, it was easy to get people ready for war which the
Freemasons did with satisfaction. They wanted a safe base for their
future global activities.
Among the men who drew up the Constitution of 1787, there were those
who thought one should protect oneself against the financial drain of
the international bankers. Therefore Article 1, Sec. 8 of the
Constitution reads: "Congress shall have power ... to coin money,
regulate the value thereof..."
Alexander Hamilton, a Freemason and secretary of finance in the
government of George Washington, and also the agent of the international
financiers, ordered the establishment of a privately owned union bank
and the introduction of interest money. His argument was simple; "A
limited national debt would he a blessing to a nation " He considered it
dangerous for the government to issue its own currency.
Thus the United States got its first central bank in 1791. It was
privately owned but had a contract running for only 20 years. It was not
renewed when it expired. Andrew Jackson referred to the fact that the
Constitution had given Congress the right to issue currency in
sufficient quantity but not transfer this right to others.
The historian Richard Boesen disclosed that, the Freemason Nathan
Rothschild (1777-1836), who in 1806 had founded his bank in London and
who partly financed the Napoleonic wars through the Bank of England,
subsequently issued an ultimatum—either the contract be renewed or there
would be war. Jackson called the Masonic bankers a hunch of thieves and
promised to exterminate them, Rothschild gave his own orders: "Teach
those insolent Americans a lesson. Force them back to a colonial
The British government began to limit, the American sea trade and
checked the American expansion in Canada. President James Madison in
1812 had no other choice but to let Congress declare war on England. The
intention of the leader of the Freemasons, Rothschild, was to lay waste
the country to such an extent that, the Americans would be forced to
seek financial aid. Great Britain, however, failed to regain the lost
colonies, and the United States failed to occupy Canada. The war was
actually fought in 1814.
Many lives were lost, but Rothschild did not triumph this time. The
renewed central bank contract was again suspended in 1836 during Andrew
Jackson's presidency (1829-1837), despite the fact that he was grand
master of Tennessee. The central bank was abolished.
Even so European bankers and their American agents managed to
exercise an extensive control of the American monetary system. Gustavus
Myers admits in his book
History of the Great American Fortunes (1910):
"Under the surface the Rothschilds had for a long period of time a
direct influence by dictating the American financial laws. The legal
records show that they were the ones in control of the old Bank of the
United Slates."
In American history books there is nothing about the role of the
banks in the first and second American wars of independence (that is
1775-83 and 1812-1814). Neither is there anything about the debt-free
"greenbacks" that Abraham Lincoln issued. Their existence is only
verified by a few encyclopedias.
To finance the American Civil War, which broke out on April 12,1861,
President Abraham Lincoln was forced to utilize the right of the
Congress to issue its own currency. Between the years 1862 to 1864, 450
million interest-free "greenbacks'" were printed. Lincoln promised at
his re-election in 1864 to begin fighting the banks as soon as the war
was over. Lord Goschen, the representative of the financial world, wrote
The London Times: "If this financial policy becomes
permanent, the government can without expenses acquire necessary
monetary provision. It can pay its debt and repay its loans without
debt. It will have enough money to trade (on the open market). It is
going to be more healthy than any other (before) in history. If we do
not overthrow this government, it will overthrow us."
The North during the Civil War was financed by the Rothschilds
through their American agent August Belmont (actually Schoenberg} and
the South by the Erlanger brothers who were related to the Rothschild
The Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, and international Freemasonry got busy to remove President Lincoln.
The assassination of Lincoln was carried out by John Wilkes Booth
(Botha), a Freemason of the 33rd degree, on April 15, 1865 in
Washington, D.C., only six days after the end of the Civil War. Izola
Forrester, Booth's granddaughter, stated in her book
This One Mad Act
(1937), that Booth belonged to the lodge Knights of the Golden Circle
and also Giuseppe Mazzini's "revolutionary" movement Young America.
Izola Forrester revealed in detail that the Freemasons were involved hi
the assassination of the president. Booth was soon eliminated.
The above-mentioned Masonic lodge Knights of the Golden Circle was
mixed up in the plot. This name had begun to be seen in the press, and
so the Freemason leader Albert Pike in 1866 decided to rename it the Ku
Klux Klan; "kyklos" in Greek meaning "circle."
It was officially founded as a new organization in 1866 in Pulaski,
Tennessee. In 1882 it was banned. The present group with the name name
was founded in 1915 by William Joseph Simmons and thus has not grown out
of the Masonic lodge that existed in the 1860s and 1870s.
After the demise of Lincoln, things were "normalized." The amount of
money in circulation, which in 1866 amounted to $1,9 billion or $50.46
per capita, had by 1876 been reduced to $605 million or $14,80 per person.
As a result there were 56,446 bankruptcies in 10 years and a loss of
$2 billion. In 1887 the Masonic bankers reduced the money amount further
to $6.67 per head. The Irish writer Margrit Kennedy stated in the book
Interest and Inflation Free Money
that the interest rate always goes up when there is a shortage of
money. This in turn leads to bankruptcies and worsens the unemployment
In American schoolbooks it is claimed that it was all for the good
that the Democratic candidate for president in 1896, Wil-ham Jennings
Bryan, was not elected, since he was against the gold footing and the
"sound money" of the banks (that is money that creates debt). Bryan
explained in his "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic National
Convention, in Chicago on July 9. 1896: "When we have restored the money
of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and
that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished."
Bryan was not elected, and 17 years later, in 1913. Congress passed a
bill (introduced by the Masonic President Woodrow Wilson), that
purported to repeal the right of the Congress to issue currency and
transferred this right to a "federal reserve" funding system.
Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, father of the famous aviator, had
the following to say about this: "When the president signs it, the
invisible government of the money brokers has become legalized. The
worst legal crime of the century is a fact. The day of reckoning is only
a few years removed."
The man who played a very important role in providing the United
States again with a central bank was Paul Warburg. He was a German
immigrant, arriving in America together with his brother Felix. Both
brothers became partners in tiie banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co. led
by the Illuminatus Jacob Schiff, who also belonged to B'nai B'rith. The
Warburgs were supported by Nelson Aldrich (later to become grandfather
to Nelson and David Rockefeller), known as the handyman in the Senate of
John Pierpoint Morgan. The family of (Samuel Moses) Del Branco in 1559
moved from Italy to Germany taking the name Warburg. In 1798 the family
founded the bank of M.M. Warburg & Co.
The 1907 financial panic had been caused by Masonic banker J.P.
Morgan, historian Fredrick Lewis Allen concluded in 1949. This was used
as pretense to show that there was a need for a central banking system.
Frank Vanderlip, who worked for Rockefeller, admitted in his memoirs:
"I do not believe I exaggerate in saying that our secret excursion to
JekyI Island was the actual beginning of that which eventually became
the Federal Reserve System."
During the aforementioned JekyI Island meeting at the end of 1910
Paul Warburg had emphasized that the term "central bank" should be
avoided under all circumstances. It was decided to present the project
as a Regional Reserve System.
It was made sure that Morgan's candidate, the Freemason Thomas
Woodrow Wilson, was elected president. His campaign was financed by
Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau,
New York Times publisher Adolph Ochs and other powerful Jewish financiers and Freemasons.
The high-ranking Freemason Edward Mandel House, by many historians
considered the "actual" president of the United States during Wilson's
administration, proposed in his novel
Philip Dru: Administrator
(1912), which was published anonymously, a transition to a progressive
income tax and a central bank. These requirements were known from the
Illuminati five-point program. House was in favor of forming a world
government and adopting the kind of socialism Marx dreamed of. To
accomplish this he was willing to use political fraud.
The Federal Reserve bill was presented the night of December 22.
1913, when most of the members of the congressional committee were
asleep. That same day the bill hastily was pushed through the House of
Representatives and the Senate, President Wilson signed the Federal
Reserve Act and control over money supply was transferred from Congress
to private Masonic bankers. Four times earlier the American people had
managed to get rid of a central bank, but not the fifth time
The Federal Reserve Act was hailed as the victory of democracy over
the money trusts, which was hardly the case. Paul Warburg immediately
began working at the Federal Reserve for a salary substantially less
than that he received as a banker. Neither the president, members of
Congress nor the secretary of treasury have any authority over the
Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve System is actually a cartel of 13 large private banks, of which the Bank of New York is the most important.
President Woodrow Wilson allowed the national debt to grow from $1
billion to $455 billion. Interest became the third largest post of the
federal budget.
The United States borrowed up to $4 trillion from various private
banks in 1992. At the same time the deficit was $285 billion. In 1991
another 2 million people were registered as poor in the United States.
The national debt was slightly less than $1 trillion in 1980: in 1995 it
was $5 trillion. The 32.9 million Americans who in the year 2002 lived
in poverty were 1.3 million more than those of 2000 (31.6 million).
The economist Milton Friedman is convinced that the economic collapse
of 1929 took place because the Federal Reserve System refused to buy
government bonds, which would have given the banks more cash, and thus
it, caused the monetary crash, which in tarn led to the deep economic
In the 1810s the Freemasons had been brought into Europe in order to
prepare their socialistic revolutions. Particularly bad was the
situation on Guernsey in 1815, one of the Channel Islands. Less than
half the size of Jersey, it enjoys a mild and humid climate and fertile
soil. People had no money to buy things; production stopped and workers
went idle. Bankruptcy was near, since taxes to England and interest to
lie creditors could not be paid, and no new loans were granted. The
situation was desperate. People were beginning to leave the island and
emigrate to Australia.

Paul Warburg, left, born in Germany in 1868. came to the United States
for the purpose of "reforming" the financial system. In 1895, he married
a daughter of Mr. Loeb, Jacob H Schiff (enter) also married a daughter
of Mr. Loeb. The name of "Sen. Nelson Aldrich" (right) was, many years
ago, a synonym for the Money Power. Aldrich was a leader on tariff and
financial matters. He was desirous of the prosperity of the country, but
that "prosperity" was written in banking balances. These were three of
the top representatives of the organized usury of their era.
In 1815 Guernsey needed a new market hall. There was no money. Then
somebody proposed that the island should avail itself of its ancient
prerogative and issue its own interest-free money. At first the proposal
was turned down, but as they urgently needed 5,000 pounds and only had
1,000 pounds in hand, the Bailiff Daniel de Lisle Brock in 1816 decided
to issue 4,000 pounds in one-pound interest-free Guernsey state notes.
This was in addition to the current supply of English pounds, which two
main banks were circulating on the island already.
Work was begun on the market hall, everything being paid for with
this new money. When the hall was finished, customers arrived, and
business was better than expected. By 1822 the market hall was paid for.
The 4,000 one-pound notes were destroyed. The first project with the
new money was so successful that it was soon followed by others. Next a
new road was needed; there was gravel, stone and plenty of labor—but no
money to pay for it. In all, the states issued 55,000 pounds' worth of
notes, which paid for the rebuilding of the market. A new school was
built, then several more, the whole surroundings of the market hall were
renewed, and several other public buildings were constructed, as well
as widening of the streets. A new harbor was built along with the best
new roads in Europe and sewers. The sum was paid for with taxation, and
the notes were again destroyed. All these projects provided employment
and economic stimulation.
In 1827 de Lisle Brock was able to speak of "the improvements which
are the admiration of visitors and which contribute so much to the joy,
the health and well-being of the inhabitants." Things had certainly
improved since 1815. It is significant that the great depression never
troubled Guernsey. There was no unemployment, and the income tax was 10
pence on the pound. Things got even better. The import of expensive
English flour was reduced. The money supply never exceeded 60,000
pounds. Unemployment was practically nonexistent. Guernsey became a
prosperous island community. But the Freemasons disliked this paradise,
for fear that the idea should spread to other parts of Europe. In that
case they would no longer be able to continue their destructive
In 1830 the banks launched a counterattack and began to flood the
island with their own notes. The bankers Finkelstein & Go, of London
were the first to open an office on the island. There they started
their propaganda for "better money," "real money." People believed this
hogwash, which resulted in money shortage and loan applications in the
banks. De Lisle Brock fought like a lion to save the island's sound
economy and high standard of living—but to no avail. The intrigues and
undermining work of the Freemasons steered the island economy over to
the banks and their exploitation.
The Guernsey example of 1816 to 1837 speaks for itself. We can do
without Masonic economy and do much better. But to try to do away with
interest is considered the worst possible crime against humanity.
By 1837, 55,000 pounds had been put into circulation by the
government for the primary purpose of local projects such as the sea
walls, the roads, a new marketplace, a church and a college. These
55,000 pounds more than doubled the money supply, but there was no
In 1914, while the British restricted their own money supply,
Guernsey issued more—another 140,000 pounds over the next four years. By
1958, over 500,000 pounds of interest-free money was in circulation on
Guernsey, and still no inflation.
By 1990, there was a total of 6.5 million pounds in circulation,
issued interest free. There was no public debt as in the rest of
Britain, which was still paying for its war debts. And yet on Guernsey,
prosperity was very much evident everywhere.
It was nothing new. In 1793, Liverpool suffered from extreme cash
flow problems, and solved this by creating out of nothing by an act of
Parliament some 300,000 pounds of non-repayable money, which was used
for public works with great benefit to the city and its people. This
issue of money by the Liverpool Corporation allevial.ed the immediate
debt crisis.
On June 30,1934, the London magazine New Britain published a
statement by the Freemason and former Prime Minister David Lloyd George:
"Great Britain is a slave under the international financial powers."
The Masonic bankers during the last 25 years have lent money to the
governments of the industrial nations, which find it harder and harder
to repay their enormous debt. The private sector has become exactly that
much richer. This monetary power has enough money to stop any
intransigent politicians. Popularly elected politicians no longer have
any means of conducting the policies they wish. They cannot take back
their power until the debts are paid. For every dollar borrowed, the
politicians relinquish more power. The developing countries are in much
worse situation. They are not even able to pay interest on their loans.
During 1982-1990 the banks of the industrial nations received $1,345 trillion in interest and annuity from these poor countries.
The Argentine-German economist Silvio Gesell (1862-1930) wished to introduce "free money." Margrit Kennedy relates in her book
Interest and Inflation Free Money
(1988) how adherents to Gesll's theory of a free economy in the 1930s
made several attempts with interest-free currency in various countries,
including Germany, Switzerland, Spain and the United Slates.
Particularly successful was the model used in the small town of Woergl
in the Tirol in Austria. In 1932 the ideas described m Gesell's book
Die natwerlicke Wirtschaftsordnung (The Natural Economic Order, 1916) were introduced
In August 1932 the town council of Woergl issued their own bank
notes, called work certificates, to a value of 32,000 schillings. Backed
by an equivalent amount of ordinary schillings in the bank, the town
put 12,600 work certificates into circulation. The fee on the use of the
money was 1 percent per month or 12 percent per year. This fee had to
be paid by the person who had the banknote at the end of the month, in
the form of a stamp worth 1 percent of the note glued to its back.
The town paid for wages and building materials with this money. A
ski-slope was built: streets were renewed as well as the canal system.
They built bridges, improved roads and public services, and paid
salaries and for materials with this money, which was accepted by the
butcher, the shoemaker, the baker, by everyone.
The small fee made everyone put this money into circulation before
using one's "real" money. Within a year 32,000 work certificates had
been in circulation 463 times and thus had made possible the exchange of
goods and services to value of 14,816,000 schillings. In comparison to
the sluggish national currency it cmrulated eight limes as fast.
Unemployment was reduced by 25 percent within a year. When, however. 130
communities in Austria began to be interested in adopting this model
the Austrian National Bank on September 1. 1933, pro-liibited the
printing of any local currency.
Unemployment returned, prosperity disappeared, and the situation was "nonnalizedv" that is, Freemasouized.
Economic Slavery
Interest charges are always included in today's prices,
which makes all goods and services very expensive and leaves very little
money in the wallet. The economic historian John King has pointed out
that because of interest, businesses must constantly raise their prices.
This is camouflaged as inflation. He recommended abolishing interest as
soon as possible, so as to avoid economic catastrophe. Everyone must
now help pay interest. It is included in all prices—about 77 percent of
rental rates, for instance. Taxes and other fees and imposts add up.
Thus we have become slaves of the bankers. All goods would be only half
as expensive without interest payments. According to the Swedish
historian Herman Lindqvist, the Freemasons decided in the 1810s that
wages should be fixed at the poverty level. Such an attitude shows an
enormous contempt for ordinary people. Between the years 1860 and 1910
almost a million Swedes left for America in connection with several
years of famine, poverty and difficulties in providing for themselves.
During the Middle Ages conditions were much better than the Masonic
myths claim. It has been calculated that a Saxony bricklayer, in
addition to free food, made, in today's currency, at least 26,000 marks a
month. Craftsmen normally received various benefits in addition to
their wages. Despite the high wages, working hours were short, normally
eight hours a day, and at work five and a half days a week. Minng
journeymen in Saxony only worked six hours a day. Not until 1479 did
they put in an extra hour. Often the journeymen enjoyed a free Monday,
called "blue Monday," usually without wage reduction. This was
terminated in Sweden with the 1669 guild order.
So as not to be confused with noblemen, craftsmen in Freiburg, in
Saxony, were advised not to wear gold jewelry and velvet and satin
clothes, even though they could well afford all this. The fact that the
economy and cultural life flourished was due to the bracteate coins,
which were the basis of a system with continuous withdrawal of coins,
since they often broke. Withdrawal occurred thrice yearly and also
served as taxation. Using old coins was not permitted. No one wanted to
hang on to "bad" money, so as not to make a loss, since by exchange of
12 (old) coins one received only nine (new) ones. The economy prospered
because the effect of interest-generating money was not present. There
was to be no interest charged. For the frail, the old and the sick there
were sick houses, and the rich usually provided housing, clothing and
free meals for the poor. Wealth was relatively evenly distributed at
all levels of society.
All this disappeared when the Masonic bankers took control of the
economy. From then on, no one could afford a decent life. To enable
people to stand this misery, the lie that things were much worse before
is propagated, which is certainly not true.
The current interest system makes it possible for those that already
have money to get even richer, while those in need find it increasingly
hard to make ends meet. From 1968 to 1982 the national income of West
Germany increased by 300 percent, while the interest on the national
debt increased by 1,160 percent In 1982 that interest amounted to 29
billion DM. When interest is abolished, inflation vanishes. Kennedy
stressed in her book that the income tax must also be abolished. The
government will have to be satisfied with a very low VAT; otherwise the
gray economy will grow. As of now interest rates go up when there is not
enough money available.
The European Community during the years 1982-88 lost up to 735,000
jobs due to the debt crisis, while the United States lost 1.8 million
jobs during the same period.
The Swedish national debt was 1.4 trillion crowns in the fall of
1997, which makes Sweden more debt-ridden than either Brazil or
Argentina. Interest on the national debt was 111 billion kronor yearly,
which is about 40 billion more than the cost of old-age benefits. Every
Swede owed various banks 158,558 crowns each in 1997. Half of Swedish
national income goes to pay interest. Twenty-five percent of the export
income went to support of the national debt in 1990. The head of the
central bank, Bengt Dennis, said: "In the circles where I move, it is
expected that Sweden keeps a high interest rate."
In the beginning of the 1990s the bankers Salomon Brothers, which had
provided the Swedish, government with huge loans, demanded that the
Swedish crown be devalued. The government complied.
Argentina went bankrupt in the spring of 2002, having a national debt of
$132 billion. Two Jewish banks (Banco de Patricios and Banco de Mayo;
collapsed in 1998 due to the owners' criminal activities. This was a
final blow to the national economy.
The Italian national debt in the summer of 2001 was astronomically
2,391,663,000.000.000 lire ($145,831,500,000), roughly equivalent to 105
percent of the GNP.
The sultanate of Brunei in northern Borneo has free schools and free
medical care. There is no tax and no VAT, but the standard of living is
very high. Interest rates are very low. The country has enormous amounts
of oil and gas, which is exported and has given them large incomes. The
sultan, Muda Hassanal Bolkiah. is one of the richest men in the world.
His assets are roughly estimated at $20 billion.
Norway also has oil and gas, but the politicians do not wish to
abolish the income tax and other charges. Prices are horribly high:
medical care means long lines.
On May 1, 1998, exactly 222 years after the founding of the order of
the Illuminati (222 being a third of 666. which in turn tsa third of
1998), the European Central Bank was established, actually a cartel of
private banks. All of the people shall be in debt through taxation. The
Masonic bankers are thus trying to realize the Knights Templars' ancient
idea of creating a European super state by means of the banking system.
The Danish "no" to the "euro" at a referendum in September 2000 and
the Swedish "no" in September 2003 showed, however, that not everything
goes as planned. One does not have to be a prophet to see that the euro
does not stabilize the economy, though one must not say it out aloud.
Bernard Connolly, who was head of the department of currency policy at
the European Commission in Brussels, in 1996 published a book,
The Rotten Heart of Europe,
claiming that fixed exchange rates and the monetary union (EMU) would
lead to instability and growing unemployment. He felt the result would
be horrifying. Connolly was summarily fired.
At a visit to Sweden in August 2003, Connolly stressed that the
introduction of the euro would lead to economic disaster and to the fall
of the European democracies. He warned that the euro is used as a
pretext for forming an economic, political and military super state.
The problems have become worse in southern Europe. Portugal for
instance is already at the brink of a political breakdown, and riots in
the streets are not far away. This will then spread to the rest of
Europe. He compared the situation to the economic collapse in Argentina,
but the EMU countries are worse off. Argentina was able to cut its
connection to the dollar, but EMU countries cannot abandon the euro.
One meter was one meter in 1910, just as now. A liter is a liter, but
a Swedish krona of 2004 is no longer worth the same as in 1910. Its
value has sharply declined. Is that not strange?
Swedish and U.S. official statistics state that in the year 2000,
roughly 140 percent of the average working man's income went to
necessities such as food, living, clothing, education medical care, as
compared to 75 percent in the early 1970s. Today it is barely enough for
both parents to work to make ends meet.
Count Cherep-Spiridovitch, a tsarist general who battled
the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, published a book in 1926
entitled The Secret World Government which shows how the Rothschilds
plan for world tyranny dominates modern history. He cites an interview
with German Chancellor Otto van Bismarck in 1876, in which Bismarck
explained that the Rothschilds who already controlled Europe, were
afraid, in the middle of the 19th century, that the United States would
become independent of them if it remained one nation. The plan,
therefore, was to divide the United States between England (controlled
by Lionel Rothschild) and France (controlled by James Rothschild).
France was to take over the South while British Canada annexed the
defeated North. As a preparatory move, in 1863, France and Spain invaded
Mexico with 30,000 troops. Britain, France and other European powers
were ready to snuff out the young republic but were deterred by Russia,
the only European nation not in the Rothschilds' thrall. Tsar Alexander
II sent his fleets to New York and San Francisco and declared that an
attack on the United States was an attack on Russia. Meanwhile the U.S.
Congress, stimulated by Lincoln, created "greenback" dollars to finance
the war and escape indebtedness to the foreign financiers. 'They [the
Rothschilds] understood at once that the United States would escape
their grip,” Bismarck said. “The death of Lincoln was resolved upon.
Nothing [was] easier than, to find a fanatic to strike.”
Cherep-Spiridovitch concludes: “According to Bismarck the awful Civil
War in America was fomented by a Jewish conspiracy and Abraham Lincoln
..was killed by the same Hidden Hand that killed six Romanov tsars, 10
kings and scores of ministers only to more easily bleed their nations?
In the 1970s the total value of the world trade of industrial goods
was 50 percent, the rest was in stocks and shares. In the year 2001 the
relation was 1 percent goods and 99 percent with securities. Speculation
The current monetary system encourages fraud and extension of the
gray economy and has led to the fact that those who constantly are in
need of money lose more and more to those who have far more than they
need. More and more money is collected in the hands of certain
individuals, who happen to be Masonic bankers. If interest is abolished,
everyone benefits from the new system, not only the 80 percent
considered poor.
Alfred Herrhausen, member of the hoard of Deutsche Bank, has pointed
out: “Those responsible for the current monetary system, know very well
that it cannot last, but they do not know any alternative or do not
want, to know of any.”
To the Freemasons it is important to keep us in economic slavery;
otherwise they would have done everything to abolish interest. Through
taxes and duty the government owns most of the result of the economic
activities of the people. What are then the Freemasons’ beautiful
phrases of humanism really worth? The Masonic leaders’ foremost goal has
been to conceal as best as they can the current economic slavery, One
must ask oneself if they have been successful.
“Bonniers stora lexikon”/ Bonnier’s Encyclopaedia, Stockholm. 1985, 252.
Diagnosen (German magazine), February 1986
Daniel. John.
Scarlet and the Beast, Vol III. Tyler, U.S.A.
Grubiak, Olive & Jan,
The Guernsey Experiment, Omni Publicatlions, 1960.
Jaikaran. Dr. Jacques S,.
The Debt Virus: A Compelling Solution to the Warm Debt Problems, 1992
Kennedy, Margrit.
Interest and Inflation Free Money, Goeteborg 1993.137-39.
JURI LINA an internationally renowned writer. His chief specialty is
political economy, with a specific concentration on the connection
between finance and political regimes. He presently lives in Sweden.
written by Juri Lina and coded here by Joe