
Friday, May 31, 2019


  ~ hehe "climate change"   hey folks what's 'bout ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL these ...patents   HUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   nawwww nut~in ta C here folks's god um hum yeah yup yep sher ??????????????????    ~hehe READ !!! ...but hey WTF don't worry mr./mrs. bat~shit crazy mad~fuck'in~hatters ...nobody READS shit ... any~more's god's ...
For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear.
United States Patent and Trademark Office

The birds are singing again, the sun is out, flowers bloom, and all is well. The flood waters are receding, and now the major American network CBS, or as we like to call it here, See BS, has ridden to the rescue to explain what just happened. And of course, it all has to do with climate change and global warming:
As one might expect, amid all this explanation, there's not one word about geoengineering, weather modification technologies, of the Pentagram's desire for "full spectrum dominance" and to "own the weather" as a "force multiplier," and that's interesting, because the list of known patents concerning such technologies is hardly short, according to this list shared by V.T.:
 For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear. United States Patent and Trademark Office 1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus … Continue reading Extensive List of PATENTS
What's interesting to note about that list is the rapid increase of patents concerning aerosolization and chemical spraying from aircraft at more or less the same time that President Reagan launched his now famous Strategic Defense Initiative. I've seen (and smelled) this spraying myself, as have many people around the world and particularly in the USA. These technologies, to put it as succinctly as possible, are designed to increase the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, and are to be used in conjunction with weather modification technologies such as HAARP, which according to its own patent, could be used as a weather manipulation and modification technology, and to steer the weather via high and low pressure zones.
But See BS cannot be bothered with all of that. Its explanation for the recent weather is standard boilerplate:
For the past few weeks, an abnormally large and prolonged cool pool of air has been locked in over the Southwest. These western U.S. dips in the jet stream, called "troughs," are a main ingredient in every severe weather season because they eject energy into the Plains states; that energy mixes with warmth and moisture from the Gulf of Mexico to spawn severe weather.
In recent weeks this pattern has been magnified for a few reasons. This amplification does not exist in isolation — the complex web of weather is interconnected all around the globe. Meteorologists call these links "teleconnections."
A couple of significant teleconnections are playing a part in our current severe weather pattern. The first is a natural multiweek cycle called the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO). The other is an abnormally warm airmass over the Arctic and Alaska, which can happen naturally but in recent years has become more prominent because of human-caused climate change.
Dr. Victor Gensini, an atmospheric and tornado researcher at Northern Illinois University, foresaw the recent burst of severe weather. "The latest rash of severe weather can be tied back to a strong Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) event that started in late April," he said, noting that the MJO reinforces the western U.S. trough and the resulting severe weather flowing from it.
Another prominent feature factoring in is an extremely amplified jet stream stretching from Alaska down to Mexico. The jet stream is a fast-moving river of air in the upper atmosphere that transports storms and separates cold air from warm air. Normally the jet stream flows from west to east with modest perturbations, but there is nothing modest about the jet stream the past few weeks. It's been oriented in an abnormally deep north-south trajectory, especially for late May.
And on and on the article lurches from "explanation" to "explanation", all of  it sounding very "scientific," and with but one end in view: to make people grasp at "climate" change, and that it is all "human-caused." What they don't want to talk about is which humans are causing that change. And therein lies the rub, for the omission from the discussion of geophysical engineering technologies - of which weather modification technologies are a subset - constitutes a material omission of the first and highest order. One can only assume, therefore, that See BS's explanation is either a case of simply not knowing about it, and hence that it's "journalism" and "research" are incredibly slipshod and suspect, or that its material omission is deliberate, which wouldn't surprise me one little bit; the network's role in the Clowns In America's "Mighty Wurlitzer" mockingbird media from the 1950s to the 1970s was alleged in the 1970s and has been a subject of a few studies since.
It did get one thing right with its neat animations of High and Low pressure zones parked over Alaska (location of HAARP), and the jet stream helping to pump enormous moisture and energy over the American midwest. But again, it omitted from its discussion the capability of HAARP to create, and then maintain, that system in that position. We're supposed to be it all "just happened" and invoke the tautologies of "climate change" and human action. What we're not supposed to look at too closely are the technologies. It's our fault, not the deep state's.
What's the bottom line here? While I realize I've been hammering the weather modification-geoengineering theme rather hard lately, it's to a purpose, and the purpose is this: climate change is real, and weather modification is real, and the two are related. As Elana Freeland put it to me in a recent interview we had, "there is no such thing as natural weather any more," the reason being that the weather modification technologies have been in more or less consistent and constant use on an increasing spiral since the Reagan era, if not before. That means the technologies themselves are of a global nature, and that the technocrats running them have far more influence on the weather than people driving cars, or cattle ranching, or any of the usual "culprits" blamed by the media or the blithering radical leftist idiots.
Those technologies mean that articles of "explanation" such as this by See BS, are just that: they're BS; they're at best omitting the lion's share of relevant data - the technologies and military agenda - through incompetence, or deliberate omission. But the result is the same: In neither case are such articles and studies to be trusted.
We may put that in the form of a proposition: any article or scientific study purporting to discuss mechanisms of climate change or global warming, that does not include nor mention the technologies and military agenda they serve, is unscientific at best or a lie at worst. And just so we're clear on what that means, it means, yes, all those "learned" papers in Nature or Icarus or any number of other prestigious scientific journals are to be dismissed, prima facie, if they do not include the weather modification technologies in their data and discussions.
But what do we expect from a media that has only in the last few weeks finally admitted what alternative field researchers have known since the 1950s: that, yes, the Pentagram and the government have a keen interest in UFOs, and as I've pointed out, weather modification and UFOs are related, for if one suspects the latter have advanced technology, then demonstrating that one can engineer and manipulate systems of planetary scale becomes a kind of space gun-boat diplomacy.                                                                      

Extensive List of PATENTS
For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear.
United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • 1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists

  • 1619183 – March 1, 1927 – Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft

  • 1631753 – June 7, 1927 – Electric Heater – Referenced in 3990987

  • 1665267 – April 10, 1928 – Process of Producing Artificial Fogs

  • 1892132 – December 27, 1932 – Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts

  • 1928963 – October 3, 1933 – Electrical System And Method

  • 1957075 – May 1, 1934 – Airplane Spray Equipment

  • 2097581 – November 2, 1937 – Electric Stream Generator – Referenced in 3990987

  • 2409201 – October 15, 1946 – Smoke Producing Mixture

  • 2476171 – July 18, 1945 – Smoke Screen Generator

  • 2480967 – September 6, 1949 – Aerial Discharge Device

  • 2550324 – April 24, 1951 – Process For Controlling Weather

  • 2582678 – June 15, 1952 – Material Disseminating Apparatus For Airplanes

  • 2591988 – April 8, 1952 – Production of TiO2 Pigments – Referenced in 3899144

  • 2614083 – October 14, 1952 – Metal Chloride Screening Smoke Mixture

  • 2633455 – March 31, 1953 – Smoke Generator

  • 2688069 – August 31, 1954 – Steam Generator – Referenced in 3990987

  • 2721495 – October 25, 1955 – Method And Apparatus For Detecting Minute Crystal Forming Particles Suspended in a Gaseous Atmosphere

  • 2730402 – January 10, 1956 – Controllable Dispersal Device

  • 2801322 – July 30, 1957 – Decomposition Chamber for Monopropellant Fuel – Referenced in 3990987

  • 2881335 – April 7, 1959 – Generation of Electrical Fields

  • 2908442 – October 13, 1959 – Method For Dispersing Natural Atmospheric Fogs And Clouds

  • 2986360 – May 30, 1962 – Aerial Insecticide Dusting Device

  • 2963975 – December 13, 1960 – Cloud Seeding Carbon Dioxide Bullet

  • 3126155 – March 24, 1964 – Silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Generator – Referenced in 3990987

  • 3127107 – March 31, 1964 – Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals

  • 3131131 – April 28, 1964 – Electrostatic Mixing in Microbial Conversions

  • 3174150 – March 16, 1965 – Self-Focusing Antenna System

  • 3234357 – February 8, 1966 – Electrically Heated Smoke Producing Device

  • 3274035 – September 20, 1966 – Metallic Composition For Production of Hydroscopic Smoke

  • 3300721 – January 24, 1967 – Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases

  • 3313487 – April 11, 1967 – Cloud Seeding Apparatus

  • 3338476 – August 29, 1967 – Heating Device For Use With Aerosol Containers – Referenced in 3990987

  • 3410489 – November 12, 1968 – Automatically Adjustable Airfoil Spray System With Pump

  • 3429507 – February 25, 1969 – Rainmaker

  • 3432208 – November 7, 1967 – Fluidized Particle Dispenser

  • 3441214 – April 29, 1969 – Method And Apparatus For Seeding Clouds

  • 3445844 – May 20, 1969 – Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System

  • 3456880 – July 22, 1969 – Method Of Producing Precipitation From The Atmosphere

  • 3518670 June 30, 1970 – Artificial Ion Cloud

  • 3534906 – October 20, 1970 – Control of Atmospheric Particles

  • 3545677 – December 8, 1970 – Method of Cloud Seeding

  • 3564253 – February 16, 1971 – System And Method For Irradiation Of Planet Surface Areas

  • 3587966 – June 28, 1971 – Freezing Nucleation

  • 3601312 – August 24, 1971 – Methods of Increasing The Likelihood oF Precipatation By The Artificial Introduction Of Sea Water Vapor Into The Atmosphere Winward Of An Air Lift Region

  • 3608810 – September 28, 1971 – Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions

  • 3608820 – September 20, 1971 – Treatment of Atmospheric Conditions by Intermittent Dispensing of Materials Therein

  • 3613992 – October 19, 1971 – Weather Modification Method

  • 3630950 – December 28, 1971 – Combustible Compositions For Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable For Cloud Modification And Weather Control And Aerosolization Process

  • USRE29142 – This patent is a reissue of patent US3630950 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

  • 3659785 – December 8, 1971 – Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material

  • 3666176 – March 3, 1972 – Solar Temperature Inversion Device

  • 3677840 – July 18, 1972 – Pyrotechnics Comprising Oxide of Silver For Weather Modification Use

  • 3722183 – March 27, 1973 – Device For Clearing Impurities From The Atmosphere

  • 3769107 – October 30, 1973 – Pyrotechnic Composition For Generating Lead Based Smoke

  • 3784099 – January 8, 1974 – Air Pollution Control Method

  • 3785557 – January 15, 1974 – Cloud Seeding System

  • 3795626 – March 5, 1974 – Weather Modification Process

  • 3808595 – April 30, 1974 – Chaff Dispensing System

  • 3813875 – June 4, 1974 – Rocket Having Barium Release System to Create Ion Clouds In The Upper Atmospphere

  • 3835059 – September 10, 1974 – Methods of Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification And Apparatus Therefore

  • 3835293 – September 10, 1974 – Electrical Heating Aparatus For Generating Super Heated Vapors

  • 3877642 – April 15, 1975 – Freezing Nucleant

  • 3882393 – May 6, 1975 – Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere

  • 3896993 – July 29, 1975 – Process For Local Modification of Fog And Clouds For Triggering Their Precipitation And For Hindering The Development of Hail Producing Clouds

  • 3899129 – August 12, 1975 – Apparatus for generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification

  • 3899144 – August 12, 1975 – Powder contrail generation

  • 3940059 – February 24, 1976 – Method For Fog Dispersion

  • 3940060 – February 24, 1976 – Vortex Ring Generator

  • 3990987 – November 9, 1976 – Smoke generator

  • 3992628 – November 16, 1976 – Countermeasure system for laser radiation

  • 3994437 – November 30, 1976 – Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals

  • 4042196 – August 16, 1977 – Method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changes

  • RE29,142 – February 22, 1977 – Reissue of: 03630950 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols,

  • particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

  • 4035726 – July 12, 1977 – Method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or

  • radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al

  • 4096005 – June 20, 1978 – Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition

  • 4129252 – December 12, 1978 – Method and apparatus for production of seeding materials

  • 4141274 – February 27, 1979 – Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser

  • 4167008 – September 4, 1979 – Fluid bed chaff dispenser

  • 4347284 – August 31, 1982 – White cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays

  • 4362271 – December 7, 1982 – Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure

  • 4402480 – September 6, 1983 – Atmosphere modification satellite

  • 4412654 – November 1, 1983 – Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids

  • 4415265 – November 15, 1983 – Method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy

  • 4470544 – September 11, 1984 – Method of and Means for weather modification

  • 4475927 – October 9, 1984 – Bipolar Fog Abatement System

  • 4600147 – July 15, 1986 – Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus

  • 4633714 – January 6, 1987 – Aerosol particle charge and size analyzer

  • 4643355 – February 17, 1987 – Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions

  • 4653690 – March 31, 1987 – Method of producing cumulus clouds

  • 4684063 – August 4, 1987 – Particulates generation and removal

  • 4686605 – August 11, 1987 – Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

  • 4704942 – November 10, 1987 – Charged Aerosol

  • 4712155 – December 8, 1987 – Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

  • 4744919 – May 17, 1988 – Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer

  • 4766725 – August 30, 1988 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

  • 4829838 – May 16, 1989 – Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas

  • 4836086 – June 6, 1989 – Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog

  • 4873928 – October 17, 1989 – Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation

  • 4948257 – August 14, 1990 – Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing

  •  1338343– August 14, 1990 – Process and Apparatus for the production of intense artificial Fog

  • 4999637 – March 12, 1991 – Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth

  • 5003186 – March 26, 1991 – Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

  • 5005355 – April 9, 1991 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

  • 5038664 – August 13, 1991 – Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

  • 5041760 – August 20, 1991 – Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration

  • 5041834 – August 20, 1991 – Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

  • 5056357 – October 15, 1991- Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium

  • 5059909 – October 22, 1991 – Determination of particle size and electrical charge

  • 5104069 – April 14, 1992 – Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft

  • 5110502 – May 5, 1992 – Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

  • 5156802 – October 20, 1992 – Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics

  • 5174498 – December 29, 1992 – Cloud Seeding

  • 5148173 – September 15, 1992 – Millimeter wave screening cloud and method

  • 5245290 – September 14, 1993 – Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect

  • 5286979 – February 15, 1994 – Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin

  • 5296910 – March 22, 1994 – Method and apparatus for particle analysis

  • 5327222 – July 5, 1994 – Displacement information detecting apparatus

  • 5357865 – October 25, 1994 – Method of cloud seeding

  • 5360162 – November 1, 1994 – Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

  • 5383024 – January 17, 1995 – Optical wet steam monitor

  • 5425413 – June 20, 1995 – Method to hinder the formation and to break-up overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality

  • 5434667 – July 18, 1995 – Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering

  • 5441200 – August 15, 1995 – Tropical cyclone disruption

  • 5486900 – January 23, 1996 – Measuring device for amount of charge of toner and image forming apparatus having the measuring device

  • 5556029 – September 17, 1996 – Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)

  • 5628455 – May 13, 1997 – Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog

  • 5631414 – May 20, 1997 – Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state

  • 5639441 – June 17, 1997 – Methods for fine particle formation

  • 5762298 – June 9, 1998 – Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth’s weather

  • 5912396 – June 15, 1999 – System and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions

  • 5922976 – July 13, 1999 – Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector

  • 5949001 – September 7, 1999 – Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis

  • 5984239 – November 16, 1999 – Weather modification by artificial satellite

  • 6025402 – February 15, 2000 – Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a

  • detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin

  • 6030506 – February 29, 2000 – Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species

  • 6034073 – March 7, 2000 – Solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity

  • 6045089 – April 4, 2000 – Solar-powered airplane

  • 6056203 – May 2, 2000 – Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds

  • 6110590 – August 29, 2000 – Synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same

  • 6263744 – July 24, 2001 – Automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector

  • 6281972 – August 28, 2001 – Method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution

  • 6315213 – November 13, 2001 – Method of modifying weather

  • 6382526 – May 7, 2002 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

  • 6408704 – June 25, 2002 – Aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus

  • 6412416 – July 2, 2002 – Propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method

  • 6520425 – February 18, 2003 – Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

  • 6539812 – April 1, 2003 – System for measuring the flow-rate of a gas by means of ultrasound

  • 6553849 – April 29, 2003 – Electrodynamic particle size analyzer

  • 6569393 – May 27, 2003 – Method and device for cleaning the atmosphere

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


 We better start "looking" at  ALL these "so~called"     ...acts of god ???  DISASTER CAPITALISM: THE GUARDIAN 2017


I had to do several double takes when I read this article from the U.K.'s The Guardian from 2017, for just last week I did a two part blog about what former Housing and Urban Development Assistant Secretary, Catherine Austin Fitts, has dubbed "disaster capitalism." Well, it seems we're not alone in detecting a disturbing pattern, for the authoress of this article, Naomi Klein, has spotted it to, according to this artcile shared by T.M.:
Ms. Klein observed the same pattern, beginning with Hurricane Katrina:
One of those moments arrived in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, as I watched hordes of private military contractors descend on the flooded city to find ways to profit from the disaster, even as thousands of the city’s residents, abandoned by their government, were treated like dangerous criminals just for trying to survive.
I started to notice the same tactics in disaster zones around the world. I used the term “shock doctrine” to describe the brutal tactic of using the public’s disorientation following a collective shock – wars, coups, terrorist attacks, market crashes or natural disasters – to push through radical pro-corporate measures, often called “shock therapy”. Though Trump breaks the mould in some ways, his shock tactics do follow a script, and one that is familiar from other countries that have had rapid changes imposed under the cover of crisis.
This strategy has been a silent partner to the imposition of neoliberalism for more than 40 years. Shock tactics follow a clear pattern: wait for a crisis (or even, in some instances, as in Chile or Russia, help foment one), declare a moment of what is sometimes called “extraordinary politics”, suspend some or all democratic norms – and then ram the corporate wishlist through as quickly as possible. The research showed that virtually any tumultuous situation, if framed with sufficient hysteria by political leaders, could serve this softening-up function. It could be an event as radical as a military coup, but the economic shock of a market or budget crisis would also do the trick. Amid hyperinflation or a banking collapse, for instance, the country’s governing elites were frequently able to sell a panicked population on the necessity for attacks on social protections, or enormous bailouts to prop up the financial private sector – because the alternative, they claimed, was outright economic apocalypse.
What Ms. Klein is calling "shock doctrine" is what Ms. Fitts and I have been calling "disaster capitalism". There's a catch, however, and that is that Ms. Klein does not discuss the data that indicate that Katrina was possibly steered to New Orleans. In my blogs last week about the subject, I pointed out that "disaster capitalism" comes in two kinds, and they often work in tandem: (1) deliberately engineered geophysical disasters, and (2) crises of opportunity which are seized upon for fun and profit. The catch, as I pointed out, was that geophysical engineering technologies allow one to create the very "crises of opportunity" and hide behind them as "acts of God" or "accidents of 'Mother Nature'". The difficulty with the technologies is an epistemological one: how does one distinguish between the two? Certainly actual "natural disasters" can occur, allowing one to practice "disaster capitalism" of the second sort. But so much the better if one can actually manufacture them (disaster  capitalism type one) and then move in to profit from them (disaster capitalism type two).
In the case of Katrina, I strongly suspect one was looking at both types, for it will be recalled that Katrina was making a beeline west through the Gulf of Mexico, and had she continued on her course, would have made landfall somewhere in southern Texas, not New Orleans. Then, two amazing things happened: once directly south of New Orleans, the hurricane made for all intents and purposes a ninety-degree turn north, and slammed into the city. The second amazing thing - and I recall this vividly because I saw the jet stream tracks - once the hurricane started to head to New Orleans, the jet stream suddenly dropped south, as if someone were trying to steer the hurricane away from the city.  It's these two factors - a sudden and abrupt change in the direction of the storm, plus what looked to have been an attempt to avert the disaster (or perhaps even to add more energy to the storm, take your pick), that make me think to this day that the disaster was "disaster capitalism" of both types.
With this as a backdrop, there was something that the article mentioned that caught my eye. Ms. Klein focused attention on the role of corporations in practicing disaster capitalism of the second type, and zeroed in on former Trump Administration Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. At that point, there came this short, but stunning and tought-provoking paragraph:
At a public event in 2012, Tillerson acknowledged that climate change was happening – but what he said next was revealing: “as a species”, humans have always adapted. “So we will adapt to this. Changes to weather patterns that move crop production areas around – we’ll adapt to that.” (Emphasis added)
Of course, Ms. Klein has written her entire article - in true Guardian fashion - as another hit piece on the Trump administration, refugees, and so on. Like many, it appears she accepts the "climate change" narrative and that it's "man made," a proposition which I accept, though for vastly different reasons than she: the technologies of geophysical engineering and weather manipulation do exist, and any discussion which purports to discuss the subject without reference to them is committing the material omission of a significant chunk of data which changes the narrative - and its promulgators' motivations - immensely.
It's that technology which places Mr. Tillerson's 2012 remarks into a very different and singularly disturbing context. If one can engineer the weather and weather patterns, one can indeed "move crop production areas around." And this, right now, is what is happening in the American plains states, which, beginning in the north and progressing southward, have been hit with a "pattern of weather" that appears to be stuck over the region, producing strange storms and dumping loads of rain, flooding out farms and businesses. Mr. Tillerson, in my high octane speculation of the day, may have in fact let "something slip," and that is precisely the "re-engineering" of food production areas.
If that thesis be true, the one can watch for certain future patterns to emerge: (1) the buying up of more family farms in the flooded regions by corporate interests; (2) the subsequent repair of infrastructure in the affected areas to serve the corporate interests; and (3) similar weather patterns to emerge in other major food production areas of the world, particularly in places perceived to be competitors to the West...
... Russia, for instance...
Weather warfare, and GMO geopolitics, may be set to go hot.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Cybercrime Wave ‘Unstoppable’ by Design: Cities and Corporations Across America Being Cyberattacked into Communication Paralysis

Who’s doing it and why?

Hackers reportedly launched a cyberattack on Baltimore with a leaked NSA tool
SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s a HUGE war going on under the radar that’s potentially as dangerous and destructive as any on the planet.
Deep State agents, foreign intelligence agencies and contracted cybercriminals both foreign and domestic are working in concert to terrorize cities and corporations across the USA.
The pattern of criminal cyberattacks indicates a variety of motives which make this crime spree more difficult to solve. However, that only means that this type of cyber-warfare is being used more frequently and with greater effect.
That Baltimore, Maryland has been successfully targeted for nearly 3 weeks demonstrates the high degree of proficiency of these mercenary cyber-criminals. It also shows how close to the nation’s capital the perps are willing to go. See: Here’s how cyber-weaponry has literally shut down a major American city
This burgeoning cybercrime wave is actually a highly complex conspiracy with multiple state actors (not Russia) that requires a dedicated exposé which is forthcoming. In the meantime, what follows is the MSM spin from the ever-prevaricating NYT.
State of the Nation
May 26, 2019

In Baltimore and Beyond, a Stolen N.S.A. Tool Wreaks Havoc

The National Security Agency headquarters in Maryland. A leaked N.S.A. cyberweapon, EternalBlue, has caused billions of dollars in damage worldwide. A recent attack took place in Baltimore, the agency’s own backyard.CreditCreditJim Lo Scalzo/EPA, via REX, via Shutterstock
By Nicole Perlroth and Scott Shane
The New York Times

For nearly three weeks, Baltimore has struggled with a cyberattack by digital extortionists that has frozen thousands of computers, shut down email and disrupted real estate sales, water bills, health alerts and many other services.
But here is what frustrated city employees and residents do not know: A key component of the malware that cybercriminals used in the attack was developed at taxpayer expense a short drive down the Baltimore-Washington Parkway at the National Security Agency, according to security experts briefed on the case.
Since 2017, when the N.S.A. lost control of the tool, EternalBlue, it has been picked up by state hackers in North Korea, Russia and, more recently, China, to cut a path of destruction around the world, leaving billions of dollars in damage. But over the past year, the cyberweapon has boomeranged back and is now showing up in the N.S.A.’s own backyard.
It is not just in Baltimore. Security experts say EternalBlue attacks have reached a high, and cybercriminals are zeroing in on vulnerable American towns and cities, from Pennsylvania to Texas, paralyzing local governments and driving up costs.
The N.S.A. connection to the attacks on American cities has not been previously reported, in part because the agency has refused to discuss or even acknowledge the loss of its cyberweapon, dumped online in April 2017 by a still-unidentified group calling itself the Shadow Brokers. Years later, the agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation still do not know whether the Shadow Brokers are foreign spies or disgruntled insiders.
Thomas Rid, a cybersecurity expert at Johns Hopkins University, called the Shadow Brokers episode “the most destructive and costly N.S.A. breach in history,” more damaging than the better-known leak in 2013 from Edward Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor.
“The government has refused to take responsibility, or even to answer the most basic questions,” Mr. Rid said. “Congressional oversight appears to be failing. The American people deserve an answer.”
The N.S.A. and F.B.I. declined to comment.
Since that leak, foreign intelligence agencies and rogue actors have used EternalBlue to spread malware that has paralyzed hospitals, airports, rail and shipping operators, A.T.M.s and factories that produce critical vaccines. Now the tool is hitting the United States where it is most vulnerable, in local governments with aging digital infrastructure and fewer resources to defend themselves.
On May 7, city workers in Baltimore had their computers frozen by hackers. Officials have refused to pay the $100,000 ransom.
Before it leaked, EternalBlue was one of the most useful exploits in the N.S.A.’s cyberarsenal. According to three former N.S.A. operators who spoke on the condition of anonymity, analysts spent almost a year finding a flaw in Microsoft’s software and writing the code to target it. Initially, they referred to it as EternalBluescreen because it often crashed computers — a risk that could tip off their targets. But it went on to become a reliable tool used in countless intelligence-gathering and counterterrorism missions.
EternalBlue was so valuable, former N.S.A. employees said, that the agency never seriously considered alerting Microsoft about the vulnerabilities, and held on to it for more than five years before the breach forced its hand.
The Baltimore attack, on May 7, was a classic ransomware assault. City workers’ screens suddenly locked, and a message in flawed English demanded about $100,000 in Bitcoin to free their files: “We’ve watching you for days,” said the message, obtained by The Baltimore Sun. “We won’t talk more, all we know is MONEY! Hurry up!”
Today, Baltimore remains handicapped as city officials refuse to pay, though workarounds have restored some services. Without EternalBlue, the damage would not have been so vast, experts said. The tool exploits a vulnerability in unpatched software that allows hackers to spread their malware faster and farther than they otherwise could.
North Korea was the first nation to co-opt the tool, for an attack in 2017 — called WannaCry — that paralyzed the British health care system, German railroads and some 200,000 organizations around the world. Next was Russia, which used the weapon in an attack — called NotPetya — that was aimed at Ukraine but spread across major companies doing business in the country. The assault cost FedEx more than $400 million and Merck, the pharmaceutical giant, $670 million.
The damage didn’t stop there. In the past year, the same Russian hackers who targeted the 2016 American presidential election used EternalBlue to compromise hotel Wi-Fi networks. Iranian hackers have used it to spread ransomware and hack airlines in the Middle East, according to researchers at the security firms Symantec and FireEye.
“It’s incredible that a tool which was used by intelligence services is now publicly available and so widely used,” said Vikram Thakur, Symantec’s director of security response.
One month before the Shadow Brokers began dumping the agency’s tools online in 2017, the N.S.A. — aware of the breach — reached out to Microsoft and other tech companies to inform them of their software flaws. Microsoft released a patch, but hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide remain unprotected.
Hackers seem to have found a sweet spot in Baltimore, Allentown, Pa., San Antonio and other local, American governments, where public employees oversee tangled networks that often use out-of-date software. Last July, the Department of Homeland Security issued a dire warning that state and local governments were getting hit by particularly destructive malware that now, security researchers say, has started relying on EternalBlue to spread.
Microsoft, which tracks the use of EternalBlue, would not name the cities and towns affected, citing customer privacy. But other experts briefed on the attacks in Baltimore, Allentown and San Antonio confirmed the hackers used EternalBlue. Security responders said they were seeing EternalBlue pop up in attacks almost every day.
Amit Serper, head of security research at Cybereason, said his firm had responded to EternalBlue attacks at three different American universities, and found vulnerable servers in major cities like Dallas, Los Angeles and New York.
The costs can be hard for local governments to bear. The Allentown attack, in February last year, disrupted city services for weeks and cost about $1 million to remedy — plus another $420,000 a year for new defenses, said Matthew Leibert, the city’s chief information officer.
He described the package of dangerous computer code that hit Allentown as “commodity malware,” sold on the dark web and used by criminals who don’t have specific targets in mind. “There are warehouses of kids overseas firing off phishing emails,” Mr. Leibert said, like thugs shooting military-grade weapons at random targets.
The malware that hit San Antonio last September infected a computer inside Bexar County sheriff’s office and tried to spread across the network using EternalBlue, according to two people briefed on the attack.
This past week, researchers at the security firm Palo Alto Networks discovered that a Chinese state group, Emissary Panda, had hacked into Middle Eastern governments using EternalBlue.
“You can’t hope that once the initial wave of attacks is over, it will go away,” said Jen Miller-Osborn, a deputy director of threat intelligence at Palo Alto Networks. “We expect EternalBlue will be used almost forever, because if attackers find a system that isn’t patched, it is so useful.”
Until a decade or so ago, the most powerful cyberweapons belonged almost exclusively to intelligence agencies — N.S.A. officials used the term “NOBUS,” for “nobody but us,” for vulnerabilities only the agency had the sophistication to exploit. But that advantage has hugely eroded, not only because of the leaks, but because anyone can grab a cyberweapon’s code once it’s used in the wild.
Some F.B.I. and Homeland Security officials, speaking privately, said more accountability at the N.S.A. was needed. A former F.B.I. official likened the situation to a government failing to lock up a warehouse of automatic weapons.
In an interview in March, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, who was director of the N.S.A. during the Shadow Brokers leak, suggested in unusually candid remarks that the agency should not be blamed for the long trail of damage.
“If Toyota makes pickup trucks and someone takes a pickup truck, welds an explosive device onto the front, crashes it through a perimeter and into a crowd of people, is that Toyota’s responsibility?” he asked. “The N.S.A. wrote an exploit that was never designed to do what was done.”
At Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Wash., where thousands of security engineers have found themselves on the front lines of these attacks, executives reject that analogy.
“I disagree completely,” said Tom Burt, the corporate vice president of consumer trust, insisting that cyberweapons could not be compared to pickup trucks. “These exploits are developed and kept secret by governments for the express purpose of using them as weapons or espionage tools. They’re inherently dangerous. When someone takes that, they’re not strapping a bomb to it. It’s already a bomb.”
Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president, has called for a “Digital Geneva Convention” to govern cyberspace, including a pledge by governments to report vulnerabilities to vendors, rather than keeping them secret to exploit for espionage or attacks.
Last year, Microsoft, along with Google and Facebook, joined 50 countries in signing on to a similar call by French President Emmanuel Macron — the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace — to end “malicious cyber activities in peacetime.”
Notably absent from the signatories were the world’s most aggressive cyberactors: China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, Russia — and the United States.
A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Cities Hijacked By Tool Stolen From the N.S.A.