
Monday, September 24, 2018


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Hold on to your hats, sit down, pour yourself two or three fingers of your favorite "adult beverage", and brace yourself, because this may be one for the record books. Ms. K. found this one, and it went right to the top of my list for this week's offering of high octane speculation:
The article begins by providing an unusual perspective on the manipulation of electromagnetic systems, specifically, the Iraqi radars when Israel struck Iraq's nuclear plant in the 1980s, and struck the Syrian reactor in 2007. This, the author notes, was as much about the manipulation of reaction times of the Syrians and Iraqis by compressing it, and expanding the "mission time" of Israeli striking forces. There was no actual manipulation of time, but the effect of the electronic interference the Israelis utilized amounted to time manipulation:
Operation Opera used a flaw in the Iraqi radar coverage to manipulate space and time (as seen by the Iraqi air defenses). In Operation Orchard, Israeli ELINT systems took control of Syrian air defense radar systems and manipulated space and time (as seen by the Syrian air defenses). Additionally, both missions time for the Iraqis and the Syrians (they had no time to react), and expanded time for the Israelis (allowing them time to complete their mission unmolested). These examples show the future of 6GW. Maybe the definition of space-time manipulation will help you understand the principles better.
This brings the author of the article, Ray Alderman, to the subject of 6GW, or Sixth Generation Warfare, and the actual manipulation of space-time as a weapon of war. Yes, you read that correctly: the proverbial "they" want to weaponize space time.
Go refill your "adult beverage," we have time(at least, for the moment)...
This admission is followed by a stunning paragraph, which, again, shows that the current capabilities of electronic counter-measure systems amount to the manipulation of space-time for an "enemy":
The Suter ELINT systems we have today, created by the Air Force’s “Big Safari” program, have advanced much further since 2007. They can secretly invade and control an enemy’s air defense radar systems, move their sensors and create a blind spot, and show normal air traffic screens while our fighters, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or bombers are approaching their targets undetected. We can show them recordings of normal air traffic patterns from last week. We can also show them screens with unidentified aircraft coming at them when none exist in their airspace. That gives our intelligence people the opportunity to track and record their response to a perceived (but false) attack, discover their command and control structure, DF (direction find) their SAM (surface-to-air missile) locations when they come up, intercept their communications traffic, and RFP (radio fingerprint) their transmitters (each one identified with a specific military unit). Once we have that information, we can further manipulate space and time, from our enemy’s perspective, and shroud them in a debilitating “fog of war.” (Emphasis added)
In other words, what is being weaponized is really the observer effect. And for those paying attention to the 9/11 truth community, where have we heard all this before?
And lest we think that this is merely manipulation of perception, there's this tantalizing reminder of an experiment that I've blogged about before:
Still skeptical? Look at what the scientists at Purdue University did in 2011. They modulated two light beams out of phase, in an optical fiber, creating a “hole in time.” In that hole, they placed data. Anyone intercepting that signal would only see a flat-line frequency of light, unless they know how to demodulate the out-of-phase light frequencies and retrieve the data ( You can bet that the National Security Agency (NSA) and the crypto guys are interested in this technique of time manipulation.
There are many more examples of how we can manipulate space and time in 6GW warfare, but my evil masters will not give me the space to explain them here. Just understand that in 6GW, we are getting inside our enemy’s OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act). Once inside, we can control what they see and hear, what they think, what they decide, and what they do, all to our advantage.
In my next installment, we must recap what we have learned in this next generation warfare series, and speculate on what 7GW would look like (holographic warfare?).(Emphasis added)
All of which brings me to my high octane speculation: suppose, for a moment, that the Purdue experiment could be expanded to the "macro-world", where an entire region could be placed into a "hole in time" into which different "data" was placed. In effect, this would create an entirely different region with its own timeline, and no one would be the wiser unless a means were found to "demodulate the out of phase light frequencies and retrieve the data." In other words, the technique would not be limited to its potential uses in cryptography, but in actual manipulation of the real world itself.
And, leaving the Purdue experiments altogether out of view, if mere manipulation of perception is a manipulation of the time of an observer (who is being manipulated), then the implications here are profound: Mandela Effect anyone? Now add to this the "macro-world" version of the Purdue experiments, and you get the idea...

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How They Plan to Control Everything In Your Life

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on September 17, 2018         ~ hehe NOBODY really  READS "patents" other wise you'd B pissed the fuck off Oops .. folks READ the fucking ...patents !?! Related image

You Will Be Completely Controlled — You Are Wetware — Implanted Devices and Mind Control Hijack You The video below gives you a great overview of the extensive article that you will read in this citizen intelligence report. Please share it with your social media network.
Monstrous Patent Calls People “Wet-ware”

Implanted Devices Deliver Electric Shock, Poisons, Dopamine, Adrenaline, Emit Mind Control Frequencies

Hewlett-Packard & Agilent Technologies Are Complicit


FIG. 1–RICHARD C. WALKER, AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES (Palo Alto, CA) holds monstrous “Internet of Things” patents that can take down planes with remote instructions to one little QRS-11 sensor in the autopilot system.

The global surveillance grid includes embedded chips in planes, devices, equipment and people to remotely send signals and control every element of The Internet of Things network. The QRS-11 quartz rate sensor (the diameter of a quarter) is embedded in most aircraft autopilots.

The intelligence version of the sensor can be turned off remotely and bring down the plane. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas was the original attorney representing the inventor of the QRS-11 sensor in BEI Electronics/Technologies (US Pat. Nos. 3,974,428; 3,976,997; 4,628,298). This sensor was so critical to national security that the State Department fined Boeing $16 million for illegal exports. After many mergers and company sales, the rights to the QRS-11 went to France for a decade owned by Schneider Electric SA. Schneider sold the rights to a Barclays Bank client in London. The Rose Law Partner who hired Hillary, J. Joseph Giroiri, served on the BEI Technologies board of directors. He also coordinated the Clinton’s China and Indonesia banking connections associated with their Mena, Arkansas drug smuggling, money laundering and sex trafficking.

Barclays then sold the company and the QRS-11 patent rights to Sensata, Inc. which is controlled by Mitt Romney’s Goldman Sachs-aligned Bain Capital in Boston. Tellingly, dozens of former Clinton staff have died in mysterious airplane and vehicle crashes. Also telling, the late FBI Superstar Ted Gunderson, said in 2005 that Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVay had a bio chip surgically installed in him by Dr. Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West who led the rogue C.I.A.’s MKUltra mind control program.

Conveniently for Bill and Hillary, the Oklahoma City bombing destroyed the records of the FBI investigation on Janet Reno’s WACO criminality. The bombing also killed former Clinton chief of security Alan G. Whicher. Four other Clinton’s bodyguards (C. LeBleu/T., T. McKeaham,, R. Williams,, S. Willis) were shot in the head by a helicopter sniper at the illegal military siege of the Branch Davidian property in Waco, Texas (1993). Some call these deaths “Arkancide” since most everyone associated with the Clintons in Arkansas, except Larry Nichols, have died. Nichols produced The Clinton Chronicles (1994) to expose the Clinton devilish corruption.

What Americans for Innovation and American Intelligence Media researchers have just discovered is breathtaking, disgusting, astounding and monstrous. It is also shocking how far along the plan is. Amazingly, the Deep State shadow government, in its evident hubris, has fully disclosed their diabolical technology scheme for “The Internet of Things” in writing.

Their plan is to identify, tag, track and control literally everything on the planet. Their unquestioned plan is to embed micro-electronic control devices, either surgically or by injection, in every human being on the planet. To them, it’s all about “management of the world’s resources” including you. Walker Patent No. 6,965,816 Col. 118, Lns. 53-54.

Why would they publish these plans? They evidently believed that these documents would not surface until after they had seized control.


These documents show that their authors have a total disdain for humanity. These define people as “wet-ware.” In this world view, a human is merely a silicon chip surrounded by a membrane of carbon and water.

These are the people who are planning to take over the world.

Read for yourself:

Here are two lines captured from the actual patent:

FIG. 2–U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Col. 3, Lns. 5-6.

“PFN” means Protected Primary Focal Node. “TRAC” means Trusted Remote Activity Controller.

The illustrations in Walker’s patent are truly dystopian (a community or society that is undesirable and/or frightening)—and they have been implemented! Their message is clear: “you can run but you cannot hide.” In this illustration, even the trees are watching you! Here is Figure 21 from Walker’s patent.

FIG. 3–U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Fig. 21.


For example, “inequitable conduct” means fraud, “prosecute” means make filings, “on-sale bar” means sell an invention too soon, “Markman” handles technical definitions, “pro hac vice” means an out-of-state attorney, “pro se” means means represent yourself, and so on.

Patent lingo insulates the “old boy” club of patent lawyers and judges from We The People accountability. (Reference)


Patents are a form of intellectual property alongside trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks and trade dress. Here’s a thumbnail tutorial.

Trade secrets are anything you do or think that is not publicly known that you have taken reasonable means to protect, like the way you solve a problem or build something.

Copyrights are your thoughts reduced to some medium like pen, paper, program or design, like books, artwork, type or manuscripts.

Trademarks are unique names, phrases and other expressions used in commerce and assigned to you in order to avoid confusion in your marketplace. For example, it would be confusing to have two companies in your state with the same names.

Trade dress is the sum total of the way something is designed, like the unique colors and style used in a franchised store design and product packaging.

Finally, patents are unique and “nonobvious” inventions, methods and designs. Patents do not have to be working to be patentable. They just have to be described well enough to be repeatable by a person of “ordinary skill in the art.” We’ll describe what this means below.


Patents and copyrights are the only two property rights specifically protected by the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8. Indeed, the Founders protected inventors because new ideas are essential to creating new wealth. They also knew that innovations are fragile flowers that would otherwise be hijacked by greed, power and wealth if not protected.

Tragically, the patent system has been hijacked by many corrupt lawyers and judges who themselves steal from real inventors and grow rich in the process.


A patent is a contract and a property deed. The contract is between We The People and the inventor. We give the inventor twenty years to exploit his or her idea for the benefit of society and to be rewarded for sharing the invention with the public.

The patent document itself describes the innovation. It’s like the “four corners” of a physical property deed (e.g., survey, terrain, frontage, roads, vegetation, water, drainage, utilities). Similarly, a patent describes an inventor’s new idea in words and diagrams.

A patent must contain enough detail to enable a third party with “ordinary skill in the art” to replicate it . . . ostensibly for the benefit of society. The expectation is that third party will license the underlying patent in the process of adding value to it.


Walker has not licensed the invention of social networking from Leader Technologies. Instead, as this Walker patent reveals, they just stole it.

Here’s the proof.

“Art” means the field of the invention, like computer hardware, software, furniture, machinery, medical device, pharmaceutical, consumer product, office product, tool, manufacturing method, agricultural implement, vehicle type, etc.

The Patent Office uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for the tens of thousands of “art” classifications. An inventor must describe his/her invention in enough detail so that one of ordinary skill in the patent classification being described can replicate it.

The Walker patent discussed below identified both U.S. and International industry classifications. See also “How do I read a patent? – the Front Page.”


U.S. Patent Number 6,965,816 Nov. 15, 2005

“PFN/TRAC System FAA Upgrades For Accountable Remote and Robotics Control To Stop The Unauthorized Use of Aircraft and to Improve Equipment Management and Public Safety in Transportation.”

Patent enabling the Deep State to crash most any aircraft

Classification Description

U.S. (U.S. Cl.)

701/16 DATA PROCESSING: VEHICLES, NAVIGATION, AND RELATIVE LOCATION / With indication or control of landing


244/189 AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS, AIRCRAFT CONTROL, Automatic, Electric course control, By remote radio signal

International (Int. Cl.)

G06F 19/00 Digital computing or data processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for specific applications (specially adapted for specific functions G06F 17/00; data processing systems or methods specially adapted for administrative, commercial, financial, managerial, supervisory or forecasting purposes G06Q; healthcare informatics G16H) [2018.01]

G06F 7/00 Methods or arrangements for processing data by operating upon the order or content of the data handled (logic circuits H03K 19/00) [2006.01]

TABLE. 1–RICHARD C. WALKER U.S. Patent Number 6,965,816 Nov. 15, 2005 Classifications.

We recently uncovered U.S. Patent Number 6,965,816 (10.9 MB) awarded on Nov. 15, 2005 to the named sole inventor Richard C. Walker titled:

“PFN/TRAC System FAA Upgrades For Accountable Remote and Robotics Control To Stop The Unauthorized Use of Aircraft and to Improve Equipment Management and Public Safety in Transportation.”

While this patent focuses on aircraft, it is written so broadly as to encompass all kinds of equipment and devices, including people, defined as “wet-ware.”

While the patent was issued on Nov. 15, 2005, it incorporates filings going all the way back to Dec. 2, 1996.

Most patents incorporate provisional patents and related technology upon which they rely. AFI and American Intelligence Media (AIM) researchers cataloged those claims for this patent below. Several critical pieces of information emerge.

First, these patents to remotely control vehicles started being filed within two months of the passage of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA) during Bill Clinton’s first term. The EEA was written by law professor James P. Chandler, III.

Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Larry Summers were strategically positioned at the top of the Justice Department and Treasury. The patentee, Richard C. Walker, could have patented a ham sandwich had this group wanted it.

Second, the evident intent of the Walker patent was to illustrate the technology planned for control of everything—The Internet of Things.

THIER JUSTIFICIATION: The benevolent control of vehicles and aircraft in hijack situations was merely the cover story for the development of a global surveillance grid on everyone and everything. Given the timing of these Walker filings (around 9/11), one is increasingly skeptical about who really caused 9/11.

Third, Robert S. Mueller’s law firm, Wilmer Hale LLP, formerly Hale & Dorr LLP, drove Walker’s filings. Mueller was sworn in as FBI director just seven days before 9/11. This clearly implicates Wilmer Hale in the treachery.

Fourth, the global data sharing platform described in the patent was not doable by the likes of IBM, Microsoft, Boeing, AT&T and Cisco. They were all behind the curve from an R&D perspective when the Internet emerged. For example, Bill Gates thought it was a fad. The telephone pager network that Walker described could not scale to the volumes required for such global communication.

James P. Chandler surely could not believe his luck, when, in early 2000, Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies was first introduced to him. Leader was looking for the best patent attorney in the country to protect its social networking innovations.

Chandler, on the other hand, needed a fix for the Deep State’s ailing digital takeover master plan. He agreed immediately to be Leader’s patent attorney. He then spent the next three years deceiving Leader until he was able to get his hands on the underlying engineering source code, which he immediately shuffled to the IBM Eclipse Foundation where DOJ’s Eric Holder and IBM’s David Kappos were waiting, along with Cisco, Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, Kleiner Perkins, Qualcomm, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, AT&T and a host of other rogue C.I.A. providers.

Leader’s source code was essential to building The Internet of Things, quickly.

The table below shows the patent filings included in the PFN/TRAC System FAA. The eventual patent focused on remote control of aircraft, but also subsumed control of vehicles, ships, equipment, commerce, education and people.

U.S. Patent Number 6,965,816 Nov. 15, 2005

PFN/TRAC System FAA Upgrades For Accountable Remote and Robotics Control To Stop The Unauthorized Use of Aircraft and to Improve Equipment Management and Public Safety in Transportation.

Crash any aircraft, any vehicle, anytime, remotely

Incorporated claims

(i.e., ALL of these filings are included in this patent by reference)

Filing Date: Filing#/Award: Title: Attorney/Firm:

Dec. 02, 1996 60/032,217 Real-Time Vehicle Recovery System Including Stop Box That Restricts Unauthorized Use of Vehicle Irah Donner Lowe & Price

Nov. 20, 1997 08/975,1406,157,317WO199824664 Secure Communication and Control System for Monitoring, Recording, Reporting and/or Restricting Unauthorized Use of Vehicle Irah H. Donner Hale & Dorr

Jan. 19, 1999 60/139,759WO2000078057 Secure Accountable, Modular and Programmable Software “TRAC” for PFNS Processors, Controllers, and Computer Networks to Monitor, Manage, Store and Remotely Control Data and Equipment Irah H. Donner Pepper Hamilton

Jun. 17, 1999 60/140,029 Electrically Controlled Automated Devices to Operate, Slow, Guide, Stop and Secure Equipment and Machinery for the Purpose of Controlling Their Unsafe, Unattended, Unauthorized, Unlawful Hazardous and/or Legal Use, with Remote Control and Accountability Worldwide Irah H. Donner Pepper Hamilton

Jan. 19, 2000 60/176,818 Protected Accountable Interfaces Termed PFNS with Secure Modular and Programmable Software Termed TRAC to Monitor, Manage, Store and Remotely Control and Data and Equipment for Everyday Use to Extremely Aggressive High Security Applications Irah H. Donner Pepper Hamilton

May 01, 2000 60/200,872 Personal PFN systems for accountable tracking remote management and aggressive control scenarios Henry N. Wixon Wilmer Hale LLP

Oct. 19, 2000 60/330,088 Durable high barrier metallized polypropylene film [for embedded body electronics] Raj S. Dave Morrison & Foerster

Sep. 04, 2001 Robert S. Mueller, III appointed by George Bush as FBI Director Former Hale & Dorr, Wilmer Hale

Oct. 01, 2001 60/325,538WO2003029922

PFN/TAC system FAA upgrades for accountable remote and robotics control to stop the unauthorized use of aircraft and to improve equipment management and public safety in transportation Irah H. Donner Hale & Dorr

Oct. 19, 2001 60/330,085 WO2003029922 PFN/TAC system FAA upgrades for accountable remote and robotics control to stop the unauthorized use of aircraft and to improve equipment management and public safety in transportation Irah H. Donner Hale & Dorr LLP

Oct. 01, 2002 Issued: Nov. 15, 2005 10/260,5256,965,816

PFN/TRAC System FAA Upgrades For Accountable Remote and Robotics Control To Stop The Unauthorized Use of Aircraft and to Improve Equipment Management and Public Safety in Transportation Irah H. Donner Wilmer Hale

May 28, 2003 10/401,041 Automated Accounting System that Values, Controls, Records and Bills the Uses of Equipment/Vehicles for Society Irah H. Donner Wilmer Hale

Oct. 28, 2003
Oct. 28, 2004 60/514,83310/975,109

National / international management and security system for responsible global resourcing through technical management to bridge cultural and economic disparity Richard C. Walker, pro se

TABLE 2—RICHARD C. WALKER. Patent filings incorporated into U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816.


Walker is a geek scientist who has worked inside the bowels of Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies his entire career.

We do not believe that Walker is the sole inventor. The sheer breadth of global policy perspectives incorporated in these documents shows a collective policy mind.

Our hunch is that they are derived from the illegal Highlands Group that has been secretly convened since late 1994 by the Department of Defense to begin coordinating the Deep State takeover of the Internet.

According to Walker’s resume, he was a Principal Staff Scientist at Hewlett-Packard (HP) for twenty-one (21) years from Jan. 1981 to 2002. Since 2002 he has been a Senior R&D Electrical Engineer at Agilent Technologies, for whom he continues to file patents.


Years City Organization Activity

1978-1981 Caltech BS, Engineering and Applied Science
1988-1992 California State University-Chico MS, Compter Science
1981-1991 Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Technical Staff
1981-2000 Palo Alto HP Labs Principal Project Engineer
1981-2001 Palo Alto Hewlett-Packard Principal Project Engineer
1991-2003 Palo Alto Agilent Technologies Principal Project Engineer
1982-2004 Palo Alto Agilent Technologies Principal Project Engineer
2005-2012 Palo Alto Adema Technologies Consultant
2009-2015 Palo Alto Corning Consulting Electrical Engineer
2015-2016 Palo Alto Speck Design Consulting Electrical Engineer
2010-current Palo Alto R&R Engineering LLC Owner
2016-current Santa Clara Agilent Technologies Sr. R&D Electrical Engineer

TABLE 3–RICHARD C. WALKER BIOGRAPHIES. Sources: LinkedIn, ResearchGate.

Walker has consistently failed to disclose his Kline & Walker, LLC company that claims ownership of this 170-page total global surveillance “Internet of Things” patent . . . even though he assigned the patent to Kline & Walker, LLC (a defunct company) on Nov. 15, 2005

1998 to (at least Nov. 15 2005) Potomac MD Kline & Walker, LLC Owner & Inventor


Patent Office records show that at least until Nov. 15, 2005 when the patent was awarded, “Kline & Walker LLC” was still the owner or “Assignee.” This information alone shows “fraud on the court” or “inequitable conduct” since the official company records in both Maryland and Delaware show that Kline & Walker, LLC was long defunct for nonpayment of taxes, see below.

Remarkably, he does not show his employers, HP or Agilent Technologies, as the assignee, which is what one would normally expect to see from such a large volume of work. Corporations rarely—almost never—allow an employee to file for patents that are not assigned to the company.

State corporate records show that Kline & Walker LLC was formed in Delaware on Aug. 06, 1998, then 20 days later in Maryland on Aug. 26, 1998. These records also show that these companies did not pay any taxes and were both closed after the statutory waiting period.

Therefore, Kline & Walker LLC appears to be a faked company running interference for the true inventors (we think the Highlands Group). Such conduct, if true, is called “inequitable conduct” in patent law. Patents are not permitted to disguise material contributors.


Walker’s current employer, Agilient Technologies, was a spin off of HP that went public on Nov. 18, 1999. That was only a week after Bill Clinton and his Treasury Secretary Larry Summers abolished Glass-Steagall. Summer’s chief of staff then was Sheryl K. Sandberg, the subsequent creator of Gmail (2004) and the current chief operating officer of Facebook (2008 to current). Another Summers employee then was Marne L. Levine. Levine who married disgraced C.I.A. director John M. Deutch’s son, and is now chief operating officer at Instagram. Deutch was pardoned by Bill Clinton on the same day as Marc Rich. It’s truly a cozy little world at the top of the criminal Internet of Things.

Agilent raised $2.1 billion and was the largest Silicon Valley public offering ever at that time. The usual globalist shadow government suspects were the Agilent underwriters: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, etc. The insider trading is evident.

To put the Agilent Technologies / HP actions in context, on Jul. 14, 1999, President Bill Clinton formed the National Intellectual Property Assurance Council (NIAC) by Executive Order #13130 with James P. Chandler, III.

A few months later on Sep. 29, 1999, President Bill Clinton formed In-Q-Tel to run a rogue C.I.A. private venture capital company in Silicon Valley.

A few weeks later on Nov. 12, 1999, Bill Clinton and Larry Summers, Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and Chandler’s Harvard colleague, abolished Glass–Steagall market protections separating underwriting and banking.

Evidently, Agilent Technologies and HP are key suppliers to the Internet of Things.


Here is a complete U.S. Patent Office list of the patents attributed to Richard C. Walker as the inventor. Eleven (11) are assigned to Hewlett-Packard and fourteen (14) are assigned to Agilent Technologies, Inc.

These patents are very evidently refinements of Walker’s “control everything” patent. They are full of euphamisms (deceptions) to obscure the true censorship purpose.

Here’s just one example:


U.S. Pat. No. 6,735,328 filed on filed on Mar. 07, 2000 (soon after Agilent was founded), awarded May 11, 2004 and assigned to Agilent Technologies, Inc. is titled “Personal viewing device with system for providing identification information to a connected system.”

Walker helped patent a system for spies to identify anyone or any thing (Internet of Things) by wearing his glasses as the viewing device (Read: You can run, but you cannot hide from Walker and his predator friends).

FIG. 5–U.S. Pat. No. 6,735,328, Fig. 2. Mar. 07, 2000, awarded May 11, 2004 and assigned to Agilent Techologies, Inc. is titled “Personal viewing device with system for providing identification information to a connected system.“


FIG. 6–U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, Fig. 1.


“Socio-Economic and Environmental Technology Accounting System for Democratic Government”

This appears like a Soviet-style central government system.

U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, re. Fig. 40 ( FIG. 7–U.S. Patent No. 6,965,816, re. Fig. 40 (“World Organization”;). Incorporated by reference in multiple Walker applications, including U.S. Pat. App. No. 10/401,041, Fig. 2B, Automated Accounting System That Values Controls Records and Bills The Uses of Equipment Vehicles For Society.nnnn


FIG. 8–Boston and London Internet of Things pitchman Beecham Research has produced this cute little pastel illustration of the demonic takeover.


Defund these criminals—their corruptly-acquired power must be removed.

Stop the criminals who are responsible for this, which means we need to lock up Hillary and the others truly responsible.

Ask President Trump to pay Leader Technologies’ Miller Act Notice. This generates hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenue for the federal government without raising taxes, among the many benefits. It will also help to start developing a true Free Press envisioned by the Founders and now lost to the globalists.

OF WEATHER CONTROL & LASERS & MARDUK’S LIGHTNING BOLTS     ~hehe & "where" have we seen ..."before" result for Valle Marineris

Mr. V.T. spotted this one, and I simply have to pass it along, because needless to say, it occasions some high octane speculation.
For it's all about engineering the weather, you see, and that's a topic that has been and off-and-on subject of blogging and discussion here, both in vidchats and in the Dialogues, where one or the other of us occasionally brings it up.  The subject intrigues me, because with the recent invention of "weather derivatives" added to the arsenal of financial schemes and scams of Mr. Globaloney, controlling the weather on which those derivatives are based would seem a surefire bet for some unique new twists on insider trading, especially since most people don't believe that humanity is capable of controlling the weather.
The subject also intrigues me for a very different reason, and that's the technologies involved with it, which seem to me to increasingly substantiate the view that weather, and in particular major storms such as hurricanes and tornadoes, are fundamentally electromagnetically-based phenomena, and not the hot-air-got-trapped-by-cold-air sort of stuff we learned in school (that was back when they were still trying to teach something. OK, it may have been incorrect, but at least they were still trying). I, and many others who have researched the phenomenon of weather engineering far more deeply than I, have concluded that much of the spraying, or "chemtrails" as they are more popularly known, is designed in part at least for this purpose: the modification of the electrical conductive properties of the atmosphere for a variety of purposes: mind manipulation, weather control, and even in some cases, "Star Wars."
The article is "Short Pulse Lasers for Weather Control," by JP Wolf, and unfortunately, as is often the case, all we get to see is the abstract (I not having the money to purchase the scientific papers of everything I'd like to read). In this case, the abstract says a mouthful, and here our attention will be focused on the second paragraph:
While non-linearly propagating in air, these filamentary structures produce a coherent supercontinuum (from 230 nm to 4 µm, for a 800 nm laser wavelength) by self-phase modulation (SPM), which can be used for remote 3D-monitoring of atmospheric components by Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging). However, due to their high intensity (1013–1014 W cm−2), they also modify the chemical composition of the air via photo-ionization and photo-dissociation of the molecules and aerosols present in the laser path. These unique properties were recently exploited for investigating the capability of modulating some key atmospheric processes, like lightning from thunderclouds, water vapor condensation, fog formation and dissipation, and light scattering (albedo) from high altitude clouds for radiative forcing management. Here we review recent spectacular advances in this context, achieved both in the laboratory and in the field, reveal their underlying mechanisms, and discuss the applicability of using these new non-linear photonic catalysts for real scale weather control. (Emphasis added)
Ok, we've all known about the fact that lasers can "modify the chemical compositions of the air via photo-ionization" for some time, and we've also known that lasers can thus "photo-dissociate molucules," i.e., basically disintegrate them. LIDAR - light detection and ranging - has also been around for a while too. But then there's this:
These unique properties were recently exploited for investigating the capability of modulating some key atmospheric processes, like lightning from thunderclouds, water vapor condensation, fog formation and dissipation, and light scattering (albedo) from high altitude clouds for radiative forcing management.
Let that one sink in for a moment, and then ponder the euphemistic end of the abstract, that they want to use "these new non-linear photonic catalysts for real scale weather control." Yes, I'd call "investigating" such "unique properties" for the possibility of having "the capability" to modulate "some key atmospheric processes, like lightning from thunderclouds" is quite a capability. In other words, imagine being able to steer lightning, to target it, via a plasma channel created by a charged laser beam, creating a columnated channel of charge differential for the lightning to travel on. Build up enough charge differential by some means - oh, I don't know, like HAARP or some other ionospheric heater - build up a massive charge, and then use a space-based laser to create a channel for that charge to discharge to the ground. To make the whole process more efficient, one could also increase the electrical conductivity of the medium (in this case the atmosphere) by - oh, I don't know - maybe spraying it with all sorts of electrically conductive heavy metal particulates.
Sounds a bit like science fiction (and it is, of course, today's little bit of high octane speculation), and a bit like the ancient gods, like Zeus and Marduk, with their "thunderbolt" weapons. And if I can think of it, and you can think of it, rest assured, they can think of it and probably already have (funny how they seem to be building, piece by piece, the capability outlined above). And if such lightning bolt weapons seem to be "no big deal", look at the Valle Marineris on Mars, a vast scar running along the equator of the planet Mars, which some believe to have been caused precisely by such electrical arcing.
Of course, some will tell you this was all just natural catastrophism created by an electrically dynamic solar system, when the planets were bunched up much closed together and electricity arced from one planet to another. But the same techniques I outlined above could be used just about anywhere, by anyone, "anywhen", who had the technology to engineer systems of a planetary scale. And we're doing it.
On earth.
Now.                                               Related image                                                

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


nut~in ta see here folks , move along ...but me thinks "somebody" was fuckng 'round wit shit back in ole 1896??Image result for 1896 airships

            I am constantly amazed at the quality of information the "Gizars" send me, and today's example sent along by Mr. G.B., who deserves a major thank you and "doff of the hat" for this find, is a case in point. This one is nothing less than a whopper-doozie, particularly for all of us who have been following and hypothesizing about "secret space programs" and Mr. Richard Dolan's hypothesis of a breakaway civilization, for today's blog is not about an article, but about a pdf file of what apparently is a powerpoint presentation on the use of antimatter as a source of energy and propulsion.
Yes, you read that correctly: the use of antimatter as a source of energy and propulsion. Much more importantly, the pdf is dated March of 2004, and I want to spend some time pointing out certain pages within it, though it should be stated, that every page is worth consideration and commentary, but unfortunately, time and space do not permit it. Here is Mr. G.B.'s highly important discovery:
So let's dive in:
Note on the very first page that the presentation is sponsored by the "Munitions Directorate" and the "Air Force Research Laboratory." This will assume major significance in a moment.
Then on page 10, after outlining the basic principles of using positron production for energy, there is a schematic that should give T.Townsend Brown fans some pause, for page 10 consists of a schematic showing a standard jet turbine with a twist, and the twist is Townsend Brown's idea of using a jet turbine to turn an electrical generator, and charge the exhaust to create a charge differential between a leading positively charged region in front of an aircraft, and a negatively charged region in back of it. The charge difference between these two regions, in turn, creates added thrust of an electromagnetic nature. The twist here is the use of positrons to create the actual heat of the exhaust. And then note also what it states at the bottom of the page: "Exo-atmospheric  Capability Achieved by including Onboard working fluid tanks."
Exo-atmospheric capability: let that one sink in.
But wait, it gets much better: on page 13, the report "flashes back" to a 1955 project, called Project Rover, to create a nuclear-reactor propulsion system, complete with a picture of a nuclear rocket... from 1955, which, it notes, was successfully tested in 1964. Now, skip forward to page 43, and note the advantage of antimatter as a reaction system for an energy and propulsion system: "No nuclear residue." This is worth spending some time with, because as most people are aware, standard fission reactions leave "residue", a nice euphemistic way of saying "radioactivity" which, when it comes to fission bombs (atom bombs), is "fallout". Fusion reactions, similarly, spit out lots of gamma rays and fast particles, which again is a deadly "residue." But matter-antimatter reactions are total annihilation reactions: there is no "nuclear residue" left over. Why is this significant? I suspect that there is more going on with this interest in antimatter than merely for energy or propulsion, for recall that on page 1 this is being sponsored by the "Munitions Directorate," and a matter-antimatter bomb, if sufficient antimatter could be collected and successfully contained, could be much more powerful than the largest hydrogen bomb, and leave no nasty "nuclear residue"... easier said than done, to be sure, but if you and I can think of it, rest assured, they have too. In short, a breakthrough both in the creation and containment of antimatter would open doors to energy sources, propulsion sources, and an entirely new class of weapons of mass destruction (which could be made to order, from very small yields to very large yields), all in one fell swoop. The result for propulsion purposes, as page 43 also notes, is the capability for "extended missions" not of mere hours, but an entire month (and presumably, much longer), for any craft employing such "exo-atmospheric" technologies. The applications to space are self-evident.
This is followed, on page 44, with the usual "brainstorming" slide, which, includes a picture of a "stealthy lifting fan airframe." For those familiar with the human side of the UFO story, this will sound very familiar, for the earliest German, and later post-war Canadian and American efforts to create vectored jet exhaust vertical lifting airframes are well-known. Interestingly enough, the Air Force, according to this file, is still talking about the idea in 2004, but this time in conjunction with antimatter combined with Townsend Brown's "charged jet exhaust" idea.
This is followed by page 45, where the proposed technology of the lifting airframe is touted as being able to give 24/7, thirty-day long "battle space coverage", which, let it be observed, is depicted as being over Iraq. One has to wonder if, indeed, the technology is "proposed", or actual.  And if there were any doubts that all of this has potential for deep space, page 48 dispels it by noting its applicability to "Human Development and Exploration of Space."
Lastly, on page 50, lest all of this be thought to be "purely theoretical," the penultimate page/slide in the presentation makes the statement "proof of principle experiments are being conducted."
Let that one, too, sink in: proof of concept experiments in antimatter propulsion and energy... and, ultimate, bombs.
While this is not "proof" of a secret space program, it is a glimpse through a very tightly sealed door. And if the Air Force is willing to talk openly about this, one wonders what lurks behind the walls of classification.Image result for 1896 airships or ???Image result for anti gravity ufos

Lucky number slevin - the boss wants to see you

Published on Jan 3, 2012

Part of the movie Lucky number Slevin in which two bullies come to Nick Fisher's apartment, looking for him and mistakenly take his friend Slevin who is momentarily staying in the apartment.

The Air That I Breath - The Hollies

Published on May 14, 2008
 If I could make a wish I think Id pass Cant think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound Nothing to eat, no books to read Making love with you Has left me peaceful, warm, and tired What more could I ask Theres nothing left to be desired Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe And to love you All I need is the air that I breathe Yes to love you All I need is the air that I breathe Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak So sleep, silent angel, go to sleep Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe And to love you All I need is the air that I breathe Yes to love you All I need is the air that I breathe Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe And to love you All I need is the air that I breathe Yes to love you All I need is the air that I breathe And to love you All I need is the air that I breathe Yes to love you

Sunset Grill

Published on Jan 25, 2017
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group North America Sunset Grill · Don Henley · Mike Boddicker · David Paich · Pino Palladino · Patty Smyth

Monday, September 3, 2018

Working Teens Dragged Back to School By Bounty Hunters

the saddest image describing the school system

~hehe folks "we" got the DUMBEST ASS'S  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ can buy & fucking nobody notices "it"  Oops ...fucking A has there  EVER in history ... been a cunt~tree  better at piss'in $$$$$       away  than .....U.S. & the bat~shit    CRAZY  .... a~merry~CANS don't even have a clue ...not wiff  whimmmm  ...all aboard !!! ...Image result for pic of titanic sinking
By Joe Jarvis - September 03, 2018
There has been an uptick over the past year in “children skipping school,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
And that is where the problem begins. Because the article does not talk about “children.” It talks about teenagers, young adults. They are “adolescents,” the invented stage between childhood and adulthood which keeps teens in an oppressive purgatory.
And why are these “children” skipping school?
Greene County Career Center, a high school in Xenia, Ohio, dispatches a truancy interventionist to meet with students at home or in school to determine why they are missing classes. ”She has gone to work sites before, if she knows a kid is working,” said Jenny Adkins, the school’s supervisor of student services.
That’s it, let’s drag these “kids” away from work and back to school. Forget making money and building experience in the real world. Let’s keep the real world on hold so they can get a public education.
Especially ironic is that this particular school is called a “Career Center.” Nothing says career training like snatching a teen from work.
So the first problem is that teens are being treated like children. Some have made the choice to work, and the government forces them to attend school instead.
The second problem is that it is taken as a given that school attendance is positive. They act like just being inside a school building will magically educate students. That’s probably why so many people end up with jobs that require little more than a warm body sitting in a cubicle.
It terrifies most people to have a job where getting paid depends on your work output. Yet that is the training that would be most valuable. The gig economy is growing, and getting paid depends on finishing tasks, not putting in your hours.
But schools are on a crusade to encourage attendance. Why? Because that is where the administrators’ incentives lie.
States typically fund school districts based on attendance, so school officials worry about losing money due to absent students.
And there you have it. It has nothing to do with “the children.” It has everything to do with money.
“Truancy interventionists,” are simply bounty hunters for the school. They round up the escaped chattel and return them to their pen.
Of course, it is tempting to equate higher budgets with better education. But the data simply does not back this up.
Some of the worst schools in Camden, New Jersey spend over $23,000 per student. And some of the best schools in American Fork, Utah spend just $5,600 per student.
Most of the ballooning school budgets go to administration. The chart below shows the increase in students, teachers, and administration since 1950.
school administration costs chart
There are about twice as many students, and seven times as many administrators and other non-teaching staff.
From 1992 to 2009, students’ numbers increased 17 percent whereas administrators and other non-teaching staff rose 46 percent. And during that time, some states actually lost students yet kept hiring more non-teachers.
Of course, those hiring patterns might be warranted if students’ academic gains kept pace. Academic outcomes, however, have not experienced similar growth.
And here a more sinister view of public education emerges. Is it truly a misguided effort to educate the children? Or has it turned into another racket, where children are used as collateral?
Either way, the results of American public education are terrible for the teens forced into the system.
According to a 2015 PISA test, U.S. students rank 38th in math and 24th in science among the 71 countries studied. Overall in math, the U.S. ranked below the 71 country average by 20 out of 1000 possible points. China has the U.S. beat in science. But the U.S. is on par with Russia.
The PISA results indicate that scores are only slipping further since then.
According to the 2010 documentary The Cartel, an employer had two requirements for hiring a security guard. They had to have a high school diploma and pass an 8th-grade level test. He had to interview 1,300 applicants with a high school diploma before he filled 130 positions with people who could pass the 8th-grade test.
And public schools are focused on attendance. They just want to make sure they round up all those run-away kids and lock them back inside their failing schools.
That is why these schools are worse than useless. Not only do they fail to educate students, they keep them from educating themselves, working, and gaining experience.
Whatever teens are interested in, that would be time better spent than in public school.
The Inkling of a Solution
Out of all this public school mess, there is one little tidbit from this article that points us in the direction of a solution.
Some students are homeless. They are embarrassed to come to school dirty, with unwashed clothes.
Some schools have got Whirlpool and others to donate laundry facilities so that students can do laundry at school.
If public schools could be replaced with optional resource centers for teenagers, that would be a massive improvement. Provide laundry, showers, and a safe environment. Teens, especially those in bad living situations, could go to learn on their own, or get help from the staff. Even provide certain meals. The cost would be less than public schools, and the benefit would be astronomically higher.
Look, anything the government does is going to be done terribly. It will be inefficient. The incentives will be aligned all wrong. And this solution would have those same flaws. But it would be an improvement.
Perhaps these “Charter Resource Centers” could be placed near some of the worst schools, and allow teens to opt out of mandatory school, and opt into this alternative. If the funding followed them, this might make a difference.
But the current public school system ruins lives. It destroys potential. It creates conflicts in society.
Skipping school is not a problem. It is the solution.

THE “ART” OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ///The Terrifying Paintings by ArtificiaI Intelligence

THE “ART” OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   ~ hehe um yea yup... we R "head~in" the right way Lol ....ain't that right ....hal ?      ....this way ? umm hummmm

It has been quite some time since I blogged about an article from our friends at The Daily Bell, not because I do not find their commentary to be intriguing or even oftentimes thought-provoking, but rather because, as regular readers here know, the blogs on this site are to some extent community-driven. I blog about the articles people have sent me that they have found interesting, and I invest some time each week going through the week's accumulation of articles, looking through them, trying to notice patterns. Sometimes such patterns result, which makes my "sorting" job easy, as I tend to blog about stories that several people have noticed and passed along. Other times, the story is so significant, that I have to blog about it, and this very brief, but thought provoking article from The Daily Bell shared by Mr. V.T. and Ms. K.M. is precisely one of those articles, and it concerns modern "art", and artificial intelligence.
My interest here is both cultural and personal. Those who know me personally know that one of my biggest complaints is the soullessness of modern western, and particularly American, culture. Our music is flat, one dimensional, and for the most part, lacking in any expression of transcendent objective beauty or virtue. Our visual arts, for the most part, have been corrupted by modernism and post-modernism to the extent that canvases of nothing but pure white paintings hang in museums of modern "art." The films that Hollyweird churns out are endless political commentary, posturing, and virtue signaling (almost always coming from the "left"), and are filled with gore, special effects to make up for the lack of story, plot, and development, all of which is "acted" by equally one dimensional actors and actresses playing flat characters that are more caricatures than human beings; virtue is reviled, vice extolled, beauty is bastardized and ugliness and mediocrity are celebrated and extolled.
Recently I wrote a book titled Microcosm and Medium, which details some of my concerns with such matters, and the underlying cosmologies behind various artistic schools or periods. My intention was to show the relationship between the arts and the popular topic of "mind control," since the arts are both an expression of cosmologies and metaphysical presuppositions, as well as soft forms of mind manipulation. To make a very long story and point ridiculously short, I pointed out in that book that the arts were deliberately targeted in the post-World War Two world by the various intelligence agencies, and that they deliberately chose a form or style of artistic expression both in the visual arts and in music that produced clinically dissociative states, rather than integrative states, in the population that viewed or listened to them. Rather than trying to integrate the rational mind with the "under mind" of the emotions and passions of human nature, a wedge was driven between the two in these styles, and by driving and promoting such art, the corresponding dissociative states were driven into society. The art reduced man to a machine, to be hacked apart and explored in Cubist slices of reality.
So if man is but a machine, and his art nothing but the result of algorithms and "electromagnetics" and "chemistry", a machine should be able to produce credible works of art and music, right?
Wrong. I forego my usual "high octane speculation" today, and have resorted to this relatively long prologue to this article, because I want the readers to see an example of the anti-human trend produced by "artificial intelligence." Like all such programs, this has been produced ultimately by people who programmed and wrote the algorithms to begin with, and that should tell us something about the nihilistic anti-human trends so evident in today's "culture." I forego my usual high octane speculation, because I cannot improve upon The Daily Bell's own assessment of these productions. I don't know about you, but I find them profoundly disturbing. Here is the article, and I will see you on the flip side...
August 31, 2018. “And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. ” – Nietzsche
The Terrifying Paintings by ArtificiaI Intelligence
By Peter De Boer - August 31, 2018

Baroness De Belamy
And its one hell of a mutilated abortion. Words that spring to mind: monstrous, from hell, distorted, terrifying, soulless…
Its like self-portraits of a family of aristocrats if they were each and every one of them a soul-sucking demon.
Edmond De Belamy
If this is what Artificial Intelligence has to offer in terms of art, if these images are the seeds of that future, count me out. A French art collective, selling these little monsters at Christie’s for beaucoup bucks, fine.
But I can’t tell… this collection is called Obvious. Obviously what? Obviously a horror show?

What does this tell us of the nature of artificial intelligence?
Evidence of the soul.
Look long and hard at these images, and think of the emotions that rise. Art may be subjective, but there appears to be a universal Élan vital that accompanies it, especially the best works.
Le Duc de Belamy
True art brings forth human emotions. It is the artist speaking to you through an irrational form. A form that subverts whatever prefaces your own existence to strike at your core. It brings forth the non-algorithmic. The representationally infinite. The Golden Ratio. And it transmits from one human, a human who has tapped into that, to another, a language where none is needed to understand.
Even what could be considered sinister or horrible works such as Rubens’ Saturn speaks to us.

It’s relatable, and tells us something, warns us. And because it comes from us, it can be appreciated. Understood. Respected as part of the human spectrum.
But this stuff, it should serve as a warning. This is the soul of A.I., and it tells us we are staring into the abyss. Into nothing. Which is what is so horrifying here.
Cardinal De Belamy
Even the very term Artificial Intelligence should clue us in. It’s artificial. As opposed to real intelligence. Because there is more to intelligence than simply complex math equations. We are not just biological computers as the technocrats would have us believe. But if we were, this is the art we would create.
This art fails on every level. As a general attempt to emulate greater works, this art sucks worse than a black hole.
Aesthetically, it would probably be enjoyed most hanging in a Rothschild manor.
Lynne De Rothschild
But mostly it fails because it does not include the incalculable.
And you can say that about most art produced these days.
Film corporations produce movies based on profit calculations. The spirit of the filmmakers is so often playing second fiddle if at all. No wonder most films are throwaway trash.
Meanwhile, Modern Art museums are busy twisting our minds into accepting garbage as art. Or art as garbage. I’m not sure which…
Modern art...
And now this – A.I. art slithering from the bowels of the netherworld. Coming from a place of nothing. Planting within us the seed of nothing.
So look long and hard at these images of the abyss. And let’s remember what one of our greatest ancestors said:
“And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee. ” – Nietzsche