
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Information on Organ Donations provided by Alex Steblowsky:
The last time I renewed my driver’s license, the clerk at the DMV asked if she should check me off as an organ donor. I said no. She looked at me and asked again. I said, “No. Just check the box that says, ‘I am a heartless, selfish bastard.’”
What are you giving up when you check the donor box on your license? Your organs, of course – but also much more. You’re also giving up your right to informed consent. Doctors don’t have to tell you or your relatives what they will do to your body during an organ harvest operation because you’ll be dead, with NO legal rights.
Organ Donors are Alive when their Organs are Harvested
Prior to 1968 a person was declared dead only after their breathing and heart stopped for a determinate period of time.
The current terminology “Brain Death” was unheard of.
When surgeons realized they had the capability of taking organs from one seemingly “close to death” person and implanting them into another person to keep the recipient alive longer, a “Pandora’s Box” was opened.
In the beginning, through trial and error, they discovered it was not possible to perform this “miraculous” surgery with organs taken from someone truly dead, even if the donor was without circulation for merely a few minutes, because organ damage occurs within a very brief time after circulation stops.
To justify their experimental procedures it was necessary for them to come up with a solution which is how the term “BrainDeath” was contrived.
Much is being done to get your organs.
For an organ to be suitable for transplantation it must be healthy and it must come from a living person.
Once DBD (Donation After Brain Death) or DCD (Donation After Cardiac Death) has been verified and permission extracted from distraught family members (in cases where relatives cannot be located the government often now makes the determination on our behalf) the “organ donor” undergoes hours, sometimes days, of torturous treatment utilized to protect and preserve the body-container of “spare parts!”
The “organ donor” is forced to endure the excruciating painful and ongoing chemical treatment in preparation for organ excising.
Literally the “donor” is now an organ warehouse and used for the sole purpose of organ preservation until a compatible recipient can be located.
Donation after circulatory death (DCD) can be performed on neurologically intact donors who do not fulfill neurologic or brain death criteria before circulatory arrest. This commentary focuses on the most controversial donor-related issues anticipated from mandatory implementation of DCD for imminent or cardiac death in hospitals across the USA.
The truth of the horrific treatment and DEATH OF THE “DONOR”
Organ removal is performed while the patient is given only a paralyzing agent but no anesthetic!
Multi-organ excision, on the average, takes three to four hours of operating during which time the heart is beating, the blood pressure is normal and respiration is occurring albeit the patient is on a ventilator. Each organ is cut out until finally the beating heart is stopped, a moment before removal.
It is well documented the heart rate and blood pressure go up when the incision is made. This is the very response the anesthesiologist often observes in everyday surgery when the anesthetic is insufficient. But, as stated below, organ donors are not anesthetized.
There are growing numbers of protesters among nurses and anesthesiologists, who react strongly to the movements of the supposed “corpse.” These movements are sometimes so violent it makes it impossible to continue the taking of organs. Resulting from their personal experiences and attestations, many in the medical profession have removed themselves from this program altogether.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

This is why the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia.

STRATFOR Founder/CEO George Friedman Leaves Private Intelligence Agency After Giving Bombshell Presentation on Russia

State of the Nation
On February 3, 2015 STRATFOR Founder and CEO George Friedman made an egregious and fatal mistake…in public!
While speaking before the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Friedman revealed what no Intel operative has ever exposed.  The quite telling title of his speech was “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”.
Throughout the course of his nearly 2-hour talk and Q&A, Friedman divulged highly privileged information about the secret strategies routinely employed by the leadership of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis in order to maintain global hegemony.
The stunning disclosures made by the STRATFOR Chief Intelligence Officer were as unprecedented as they were astonishing.  Truly, Friedman’s unparalleled release of what really amounts to highly classified information (read: radioactive) was a defining moment in modern history.
Here’s a video which captures the most important parts of Friedman’s utterly reprehensible presentation: Former Stratfor CEO George Friedman really lost it during his speech on “Europe: Destined for Conflict?” (Video).

Resignation tendered shortly after Chicago fiasco

What follows is a screenshot from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs website indicating the Tuesday 02/03/15 date that he gave his fateful talk.

The screenshot posted below was taken from George Friedman’s Wikipedia page.  It indicates that he resigned (some say forced to resign) in May of 2015 as CEO and Chief Intelligence Officer of STRATFOR, the private intelligence firm that he founded (see 3rd paragraph below).

Although many commentators have offered various theories as to why such a monumental blunder was made, there’s no question that Friedman was NOT in his right mind.  However, one perceptive armchair analyst made the following insightful observation.
“If you have read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion this Friedman
“faux-pas” could fall under the heading of “Shouting the Zionist Goals
from the Roof Tops”. It is a tactic of legitimizing their snake-like evil by announcing it beforehand in order to paralyze the rabbit before
devouring it.”              
While this theory may have some validity, it’s more likely that old George simply lost it that evening—totally lost it!   Having been lulled into his apparent grandiosity through decades of CIA propagandizing about Pax Americana, he appeared to believe that he was completely immune to any blowback.  It was that false sense of being insulated, along with the hubris of American exceptionalism, that set up “Chicago’s night of infamy” and his subsequent dismissal.
In order to better understand the profundity of Friedman’s extraordinary errors of judgment, the following analysis provides an excellent breakdown.

STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination

The preceding exposé makes it crystal clear “why the Anglo-American Axis is so determined to wage war against Russia”.  For those initiated into the Great Game, however, there’s a much more important back story which must also be understood.  As follows: What’s really behind all the fabricated anti-Russia hysteria?
The global geopolitical chessboard is currently being played out on many levels, some call it 5D chess, but in reality it’s beyond 12D.  In point of fact, what the whole world is now witnessing is the final battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness.
The following 13-part series only scratches the surface of this “War of the Titans” currently being waged across the planet.
The more educated and enlightened about these crucial matters, the more able patriots everywhere are to address them successfully.
The bottom line is that it really does all come down to Russia, just as world-renowned psychic Edgar Cayce accurately pointed out as follows.

Through Russia, Cayce said “comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”
(Source: PROPHETIC: Edgar Cayce – ‘Russia – The Hope Of The World’)

State of the Nation
May 8, 2018

What’s really behind all the fabricated anti-Russia hysteria?   ~ hehe folks our so~called "elites" R fucking bat~shit crazy ....folks RUSSIA IS THE ONLY 1 who's acting WITH ANY FUCKING SENSE !!! ...r they (Russia)  fucking bombing, killing, INVADING  ... OTHER FUCKING  ...Country;s (not to mention their OWN cit's) ..."we've" BEEN at war  wit fucking somebody every fucking day of my life    WTF !!!    ... they (elites) gotta fucking Gooooooooooooooooooooooo Lol  before "they" turn   OUR   PLANET in~ta the fucking ....moon HUH ???? ...Populist movements and nationalist revolutions are springing up like mushrooms across the planet   & Y the fuck do ya think that ...IS      ...wakey , wakey,  eggs & bakey        ....ya know folks RUSSIA IS the 1st post ,post,  modern ...nation ...think about IT

Why so much naked propaganda and fake news directed against Russia especially since Trump’s election?

State of the Nation

Executive Summary:

The Deep State now fears a “partnership for peace” between the United States and Russia more than anything else.  It used to fear the natural alliance between Russia and Germany, since the Anglo-American domination of the world would be genuinely threatened by such a powerful geopolitical relationship.  The two World Wars were engineered to pit Russia against Germany in order to preclude such a bloc from forming. The same Neocon cabal has been very busy setting up Europe for yet a third world war by manipulating Merkel’s government against Putin’s Kremlin.  The immigrant crisis that began with the wars in the Middle East and North Africa was literally manufactured to destabilize Europe as a precursor to World War III.
However, in the wake of the Trump presidency, Deep State now has a much bigger ‘problem’—the very real prospect of a United States-Russian Federation entente.  For this reason, the C.I.A. and MSM (mainstream media) have been beating the war drums like never before.  Russia has, overnight, become the whipping boy for everything wrong with the Democratic Party as well as the scapegoat for every major intel security lapse in the USA.  The U.S. Intelligence Community will continue to fabricate patently false stories about the Trump Administration with respect to Russia as pre-emptive strikes to make any meaningful dialogue politically precarious.  At the request of the C.I.A., the MSM will also continue to publish fake news and naked propaganda about the same in order to greatly inflame anti-Russian sentiment.
Whenever the Neocon cabal wants war, they pull out all the stops.  However, in 2017, their New World Order is under serious assault around the globe and war has become an apparent necessity.  Populist movements and nationalist revolutions are springing up like mushrooms across the planet.  After the controlled demolition of the global economic and financial system, the cabal considers war — World War III — as their only real option (just as they created the Great Depression to set the stage for World War II).  Inciting extreme Russophobia has often been the means to starting the real big wars. World War III will be no different, unless Trump and Putin meet in broad daylight and declare Deep State the archenemy of We the People everywhere.  That’s the short story, now read on for the extended back story.
The entire anti-Russian campaign is being quite deliberately orchestrated at the highest echelons of Deep State and the U.S. Intelligence Community.[1]
As usual, the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) is coordinating the Russophobic propaganda campaign.  The following data point explains why the C.I.A. is always so effective in this endeavor and institutionally oriented to forever conduct war propaganda campaigns distinguished by extreme Russophobia.
“General Reinhard Gehlen, former head of Nazi intelligence operations against the Soviets, was hired by the US Army and later by the CIA to operate 600 ex-Nazi agents in the Soviet zone of occupied Germany.
In 1948, CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter assumed control of the
so-called Gehlen Organization.”
The World Shadow Government, itself, which directs the clandestine leadership in the Vatican, the City of London, and the District of Columbia, is behind every move.
The Global Control Matrix, which overlays the entire planetary civilization, is also deeply involved in every aspect of this black operation to unseat a sitting POTUS and overthrow the Russian president.
The globalist New World Order (NWO) agenda, which has been operating in the background for centuries, hinges upon the strict adherence to some key organizing principles.
The central organizing principle, which is always followed religiously by the secret NWO ruling cabal, concerns the strict maintenance of the perpetual war economy.
Toward that end, world peace can never be achieved.  Rather, only the false notion that peace may be attained — at some magical moment in the future — is ever projected.
Consequently, the imaginary split between East and West is always exploited to the max by the ruling cabal.  The East is just far and foreign enough relative to the West that it can always be successfully set up as the [fictitious] bogeyman.


The landmass of the Russian Motherland is not only the largest on Earth, it’s also the only country that stretches from the Far East to the West.
Given this geographical reality, Russia naturally serves as the bridge between East and West.  Russian society and culture, traditions and customs, philosophies and religions come from both the East and the West.
As both the land bridge and the diplomatic bridge between East and West, Russia’s fundamental role is to unify and reconcile humankind.
The Great Game initiated by the British Empire centuries ago, and perpetuated by the present US-UK Empire, is an ongoing attempt to sabotage the great destiny of Russia.
THE GREAT GAME: Britain’s Never-Ending Conquest Of Asia
Because Russia is so heavily influenced by Eastern philosophy and spirituality, its current leadership has much patience and forbearance.  Putin et al. are well aware of every attempt to wreck and ruin Russia, as well as diminish its standing within the world community of nations.
Putin’s Russia has been preparing (and practicing) for this intensifying global conflict for many years, as the Motherland has over decades before him.  Hence, the present Kremlin leadership is undaunted by the endless saber-rattling by the West.  They know that empty cans make the most noise.

The World Wars

Each of the World Wars was intentionally staged and planned well before their actual occurrence.  Both wars were in actuality major moves within the context of the Great Game.  The global geopolitical chessboard was profoundly rearranged at the end of each world war.  For example, both World War I and II were quite instrumental in paving the way for the illegal establishment of the Modern State of Israel.
World War I was precisely engineered to keep Germany and Russia from forming either a political alliance and/or an economic union.  Both bilateral arrangements would have spelled disaster for Anglo-American hegemony which had been well established by 1914 through British imperialism.
However, it was the purposeful weakening of Russia by the ravages of WWI from 1914 through 1917 which set the stage for the Bolshevik Revolution.  That fake Russian Revolution was manufactured by a collaboration of London and New York City banksters, at the direction their Illuminati overlords.
The very purpose of the unrelenting Great Game is not only to completely control the four corners of Russia, but also to exploit its vast supply of natural resources and manpower. The notorious slave labor camps known as the Gulag Archipelago were established to accomplish both of these objectives.
Soviet Communism was then painstakingly set up high in the international firmament as the global bogeyman which must be resisted by all democracy-loving people.  In this way, the future National Socialists of Germany would be used to further antagonize the Marxist Communists of the Soviet Union as a means of keeping both countries alienated from each other.
According to a fastidiously designed blueprint, World War II was the second global conflict devised to keep Russia and Germany apart.  Both Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were carefully groomed by their handlers to take opposite sides during the second “Great War”.  There’s no better way to prevent a natural alliance between two emerging superpowers than to instigate an epic war between them.
The ensuing Cold War provided the perfect pretext for the Military-Industrial Complex to become deeply entrenched throughout the all the major Western powers.  Once the Deep State was inaugurated, the perpetual war economy would never run out of wars to fight. In this fashion, the West and the East would be forever pitted against each other right up to the present day.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The most unacknowledged byproduct of the fall of the Berlin Wall is that it facilitated the immediate liberalization of Russia as well as all of the former republics and satellites of the USSR.  This pre-planned neoliberal scheme was expeditiously implemented in order to indoctrinate all the concerned nations for the coming predatory capitalism.  The populace of each country was told that the predatory capitalists from the West were there to show them the right way to run an economy, as well as their governments.
In actuality, the new class of oligarchs (both homegrown and foreign) only arrived to steal the wealth of each target nation, as well as the hard assets of the citizen owners.  This pervasive dynamic of plundering, pillaging and raping all of the former states which comprised the USSR continued until the very day that Vladimir Putin was handed the reins of government by President Boris Yeltsin.
Secret History Revealed — Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR
The relentless campaign against Putin essentially began the very day that he left the neoliberal reservation and started taking back what was stolen from Russia.  He also began the process of national social transformation by gradually bringing Russia back to its conservative roots.  As a matter of historical fact, all of the largest Eastern societies are quite conservative by tradition and values.  Russia, China, India, as well as the other nations of the East, share common beliefs and core principles which are profoundly antithetical to the ultra-liberalism of the West.
The very purpose of imposing Marxist Communism by the Anglo-American banskters on Russia and China was to erode the long-held conservatism and genuine religiosity of those peoples. The same attempt was made in India, which leaned toward Russia and China throughout the Cold War; however, Mahatma Gandhi short-circuited that subversive NWO plot overseen by the British.

The BRICS Alliance

Because India successfully threw off the yoke of British imperialism under Gandhi’s leadership, the Western power’s “divide and conquer” conspiracy revealed itself as never before. The imposed partitioning of Pakistan exposed what the leaders of the BRICS nations have always known: that “divide and rule” would forever be the control mechanism used by the Anglo-American Axis (AAA) to dominate planet Earth.
The formation of the BRICS economic union at the urging of Vladimir Putin represents the single greatest threat to the US-UK Empire.  The unification of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa constitutes such a danger to the NWO agenda that their intelligence agencies were ordered to come up with a plan to destroy the BRICS association. The fairly recent coup d’état in Brazil is just one conspiratorial plot that was hatched to achieve that goal.
Brazil’s CIA-Directed Color Revolution: The Back Story
There are literally hundreds of plots afoot to torpedo the BRICS flagship—Russia.  After all, it was Putin who stepped into the role of point man for this extremely dangerous but liberating project.  Because of this extraordinary act of self-sacrifice, he has been resoundingly vilified throughout the Western mainstream media (MSM).  Likewise, his every peace initiative has been misrepresented as warmongering by his Neocon nemeses, when it is they who are the incessant warmakers.
Most of the MSM-generated propaganda is disseminated so as to stop the decline of the U.S. dollar.  As the world’s reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, the dollar stands to lose the most as the BRICS cease using it for international transactions. The transitioning away from the greenback for oil and gas purchases is the single greatest threat to the U.S. dollar.  And it’s the very reason why so many countries in the Middle East have been attacked by various nations belonging to the Anglo-American Axis.  Those that were victims of unprovoked aggression by AAA militaries simply took serious initiatives to decouple from the U.S. dollar.

Syrian war refugees (AP Photo/UNRWA, File) — Click on photo to enlarge.

Armageddon in the Mideast

The ever-unfolding Armageddon in the Middle East, especially throughout the Northern Levant, is yet another ploy by the AAA leadership to continue their perpetual war economy.  Not only did they hope to further the Greater Israel project coordinated by Israel and quietly advocated by the Sunni-backed governments in the region such as Saudi Arabia, they also hoped to take control of all the oil and gas resources in the Mideast.
The Syrian Holocaust: A Preplanned Genocide And Forced Exodus
It’s no wonder then that extensive areas would be transformed into a dystopian, post-apocalyptic wasteland.  This was all done by design in order to remove the indigenous peoples from their ancestral lands.  Only in this manner could the corporate coveted lands be freed up for unbridled oil and gas exploration and development.  Except that one day the Russian military showed up as the skunk at the picnic.
If there’s one transgression that the Neocon cabal will never forgive, or forget, it is Russia’s unanticipated entry into the Syrian theater of war.  This sole act of defiance by President Putin showed the whole world that the combined US and NATO war machine wasn’t nearly as invincible as it appeared to be.  Putin’s generals ran roughshod over the CIA-trained ISIS terrorists and Al-Nusra Front mercenaries.[2]  Actually, they first ensured their military success by totally controlling the airspace above ISIL raining bombs and missiles on their most strategic strongholds and supply lines.
Putin’s Russia Blows Up Scheme For ‘Greater Israel’
By overwhelming Daesh positions all over Syria, Putin’s generals basically blew up the Greater Israel project for the rest of this decade and beyond.  In so doing, the entire NWO agenda has been significantly curtailed.  No other individual can be given so much credit as Putin for throwing a wrench in the Zio-Anglo-American juggernaut.  The cabal has gotten so desperate that they have been using Saudi Arabia to carry out all sorts of military operations (e.g. Yemen), as well as terrorist attacks whenever and wherever they are needed.
With this understanding of Putin’s role in the prevention of a totalitarian One World Government via the ever-unfolding NWO agenda, it should be clear why the cabal forever crucifies him in the press.  Truly, Vladimir Putin is a personification of everything the New World Order is working hard to destroy.  He is, at once, a nationalist president and a genuine peacemaker, a spiritually advanced leader and a world-class statesman, a master chessman and rugged individualist.  In short, Vlad scares the heck out of the Neocon cabal.

Trump and Putin

It ought to be self-evident by now as to why the same cabal is so very afraid of a Trump-Putin compact.  They know that a USA-Russia détente would even be more deadly to their misguided plans than a German-Russian alliance.  Were President Trump to take his intentions one step further, a Russo-American accord would guarantee that the New World Order agenda would effectively be terminated.
Given the multi-century crime spree committed by those at the very peak of the pinnacle of  the World Shadow Government, they understand that they would eventually be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  The world’s premier law enforcement agencies possess untold volumes hard evidence of crimes against humanity in the form of countless war crimes, several premeditated genocides and numerous acts of state-sponsored terrorism.
The members of the cabal, both covert decision-makers at the top and overt collaborators in the middle, know that they are all facing unprecedented existential threats.  And, that they must use every ruse and stratagem to nullify those threats.  Therefore, they simply fall back on what they have always done best and assert that “The Russians are coming!”  After all, the Russian Red Scare has worked like a charm for many decades, so why should it fail now?
However, what the cabal has quite deceitfully failed to tell the people is that it is they who represent the real Red Scare of the 3rd millennium.  Their One World Government is nothing but a supranational and tyrannical ruling body that is answerable to no one save its hidden masters.  Their furtive plans are all carried out to turn the whole world into a monolithic, communist superstate. Their future unelected totalitarian government is closely modeled after the European Union’s, which has proven to be the bane of existence for countries and citizens all over the Continent. EU Exposé: A Planned Totalitarian Superstate to Destroy Europe

Where is this all going?

Now the reader can better comprehend why there is so much propaganda spewed at Russia, and outright lies written and told about Putin.
Because Trump cuts a similar profile to his Russian counterpart, he has been hoisted even higher in the public square and made the victim of nonstop ridicule and unwarranted persecution.
Who is the real source of all the anti-Russian propaganda? Why the false flag against Trump now?
Deep State is now clearly on the defensive as it takes every offensive measure it can think of to neutralize both Putin and Trump.  By fabricating one accusation after another against Trump, they hope to keep him in the state of constant agitation.  In forcing his entire administration to fight one fire after another, Team Trump will eventually succumb to political PTSD which eventually paralyzes as it incapacitates.
Similarly, the agents of Deep State will continue to launch one allegation after another against Putin’s Russia.  They then follow-up on these unproven violations of international law by imposing economic sanctions and financial constraints which constitute the cold phase of WW3 in order to soften up the Russian people.  The Neocon cabal knows that their only hope is to trigger a hot phase of a full-blown World War III.  This is why they have pushed Putin so hard with black operations like murdering Russia’s top diplomats and ambassadors. Who is killing all the Russian diplomats?
It’s important to point out that the Anglo-American Axis is merely following the exact same playbook that they used as a prelude to starting World Wars I and II.  With the planned election of warmonger Hillary Clinton, the cabal had hoped to finally push the world into a WW3 scenario.*  It really does appear that they never counted on Donald J. Trump showing up and being ready for active duty—as Commander-in-Chief.
*Key Point: It’s an historical fact that Democratic Administrations
have been used to start and prosecute the World Wars as well as most
of the regional wars since 1900.[3]

Clinton and Podesta

As always, there are several levels of intrigue going on simultaneously whenever Deep State undertakes such an all-consuming global operation as the “Russian hack” psyop. The sheer domination of the daily news cycle by “Russia this; Russia that” is always a reflection of what TPTB really do fear the most.  However, there is also a purely political point being scored with this completely contrived Russophobia black op.
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman was John Podesta.  Both Clinton and Podesta have gone down in U.S. presidential election history as the two of the biggest losers of all time.  Bear in mind that this was Clinton’s second humiliating loss after being blindsided by Barack Obama in 2008.  Not only did these two very bad losers need a very good excuse for all the livid donors, they were also desperate for a story that would pacify their ultra-sensitive and still-crying liberal base.
There are actually multiple reasons why these two characters required the “excuse of the millennium” as to why they just got trounced by Trump.  The very best they could come up with was the “Russian election hack”.  This false accusation led to the baseless conclusion that the election was hacked by the Russians and, therefore, the Democrats were powerless in defeat, even though no such thing happened.
This gave Podesta, especially, something very BIG to talk about at a time when his direct involvement with Pizzagate was being virally exposed in the worldwide Alt Media, and then to a lesser extent by the MSM.  Once Pizzagate was exposed as Podesta’s Achilles’ heel, he became like a wounded animal thrashing about in sheer desperation.  This is when the anti-Russian campaign was really racheted up because the very future of the Democratic Party was hanging in the balance as was his political fate.
PIZZAGATE: The Scandal That Will Take Down the Clintons, the Democratic Party and the Obama Administration
Clinton also needed to blame anyone but herself, being the most inferior and corrupt, caustic and unlikeable, offensive and dangerous, mean-spirited and vengeful presidential candidate in U.S history.  How she ever even got the nomination can only be explained by the staunch support she received from the warmongering Neocons.  They prepared her over the course of her entire career to be the POTUS who would wage war on Russia, even if it meant going nuclear on them.
Key Point: HRC was actually disqualified from holding any public office based on her own admissions of fact. (U.S. CODE: Hillary R. Clinton is disqualified from holding any public office in the United States Government)
Most expediently, the concocted “Russian hacking” narrative by Podesta perfectly plays into the Neocon machination to provoke Russia into a regional war (e.g. Ukraine) on the way to triggering a full-scale WW3.  The war propaganda also feeds into their desire for massive war profiteering in the form of gun running, human trafficking, drug smuggling, artifact black marketing, oil theft and other illicit enterprises which are easily covered up in the fog of war.
Lastly, this “Russian hacking” approach, the Neocons hope, will afford them the opportunity to again take back the Motherland from the Russian people. The Neocon cabal longs for the day when they can complete their Russia exploitation project via their oligarch agents of predatory capitalism and the draconian application of neoliberal economics.  What follows is the back story to this multi-decade conspiratorial movement that has brought so much death and destruction to Russia for a century, as well as to the world-at-large. STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
The bottom line here is that neither Clinton nor Podesta would take any blame whatsoever for their epic failure.  Clinton herself had issued many anti-Russian screeds during the debates in order to smear Trump so it was a very convenient excuse when they were soundly defeated at the polls.  It’s a well known fact that criminally insane psychopaths will never assume responsibility for their misconduct and/or unlawful actions. When such bad actors enter politics, their incorrigible criminal behavior mixes with those of similar ilk, and then all hell can break loose as it is across America today. This link explains the surreptitious process of ponerization in much greater detail: PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths

Deep State

Because of so many unanticipated eventualities, the agents of Deep State are working triple time to sow seed of chaos and confusion everywhere and anywhere.  It’s as though Pandora’s box has been opened in every nation on Earth wherein each is now plagued with so much political pandemonium and social mayhem, economic instability and financial insecurity.
Economic Sabotage & Financial Terrorism: The Primary Weapons Deep State Will Use Against The Trump Administration
In light of this rapidly devolving predicament, it’s more essential than ever for President Trump and President Putin to meet face-to-face in order to meet this extraordinary global challenge. The world is truly at a crossroad: it can follow the Neocons to more war or the righteous leaders to an enduring peace.
The current generation has never witnessed two presidents of the 2 superpowers willing to sit down with each other in a mutually respectful manner.  This alone bodes well for humanity; now, if only they can be compelled by their good conscience to speak to each other as members of the universal brotherhood.
Remember, Deep State knows that it will  be like the Titanic colliding with the iceberg should Trump and Putin cooperate to expose the real “Beast” that has terrorized the planet for so long.  And Deep State will be the Titanic.  Should enough people wake up to this unfolding reality, everything can change in a day and a night. There is nothing so strong and formidable as people power in this age of populist movements and authentic revolutions. Therefore, the real mission here is to enlighten as many people as possible before things really get so out of control that we move past the point of no return.
______________________________________________________________ Special Note:
The real benefit of Trump’s victory is that the focus of Deep State has been shifted from Russia and Germany to Trump and Putin.  Enormous amounts of time, energy and resources had been directed to degrading the Russo-German relationship.  Now the Neocon warmongers have been compelled to sabotage the US-Russian with all deliberate speed to avert the utter collapse of their NWO implementation plan.  No matter what the POTUS does or does not do, the Trump movement has squared off against the purple revolutionaries who ignorantly blame Russia for Hillary’s historic loss.  This exceedingly polarizing dynamic alone should serve as an insurance policy against Trump being neoconned into war with Russia.  Also, there is this: How Trump Averted World War III


Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin must schedule a summit meeting post haste before the US president is so undercut that he no longer has the power to proceed toward a durable peace.
The American people have no quarrel with the Russian people.  Nor do the Russians have any disagreements with Americans.  It is rogue elements within the US government that have stoked the divisions that separate both countries.  Likewise, it is the malevolent Neocon factions within Deep State that seek to advance the doomed NWO agenda. Which is why Trump has no choice but to knock down the 3 primary pillars of Deep State.
The 3 Pillars of Deep State Must Be Knocked Down Post Haste
Trump cannot allow a fake Russian conspiracy to keep him from his stated mission. He said many times on the campaign trail that there was no reason not to make peace with Russia.  And Trump asked why anyone would ever want war with the nuclear superpower. Putin is his own man and quite willing to meet with Trump.  The vast majority of his people only want peace and good will between the two nations.
Given these true circumstances, there is no reason why Putin and Trump cannot bring the world together under one big tent marked by mutual respect and good will.  Since both are professed Christians, there is plenty of religious common ground upon which to convene their historic peacemaking venture.

Please, gentlemen, let’s get busy!

State of the Nation
March 17, 2017

Editor’s Note
Why has President Putin been so vilified and demonized?  The following essay provides a more complete answer to this important question: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World Order

Monday, May 7, 2018

Cord Cutting Is The Obvious Result Of A 70% Spike In Cable TV Prices Since 2000

We've discussed time and time again how, when faced with an evolving video market, the broadcast and cable industry repeatedly decided to double down on bad ideas. While consumers increasingly lamented having to pay $130 per month for a massive channel bundles filled with sub-par content, the industry refused to offer serious a la carte options and then jacked up prices even further. When consumers began to complain about high costs and annoying ads, cable and broadcast executives responded by trying to stuff more ads into every viewing hour by speeding up or editing down programs.
So for anybody paying attention, the fact that cord cutting is expected to set records in 2018 shouldn't be particularly surprising. And it's equally unsurprising that a recent study by Kagan highlights how soaring cable TV prices are contributing to the cord cutting trend. The firm was quick to note how the average cable bill has increased in price by 74% since 2000, even adjusted for inflation. All while the average income saw either tepid growth or remained flat, as this Kagan chart highlights:
The firm noted how prices for multichannel packages have steadily risen from just below $60 a month in 2000 to close to $100 in the peak year of 2016, and that's not including the added costs these companies hide below the line via obnoxious hidden fees. Or the fact that most cable companies now charge you for everything from modem rental to the honor of being able to pay your bill in person or over the phone, resulting in compounded annual gross revenue for cable, satellite and telco pay TV platforms increasing at at a rate of 5.5% every year from 2000 to 2017.
It's only now that streaming has begun to reach critical mass that some cable giants have actually buckled to the call for cheaper, better options (AT&T's DirecTV Now, Dish's Sling TV). But there's still countless cable operators soldiering forth with rate hikes and a refusal to improve historically awful customer service -- as if the traditional cable TV cash cow is going to live forever. Many industry execs still honestly see cord cutting as a trend that will magically end once Millennials come to their senses, which is a painful misreading of the scenario.
Part of this confidence is because they have a fairly obnoxious plan b. Given the cable industry's growing monopoly over broadband, most of these companies will simply counter these losses with even bigger price hikes for broadband. Most of those are going to come in the form of arbitrary and unnecessary usage caps and overage fees. These are just glorified rate hikes on uncompetitive markets, but they have the added benefit of making it more expensive to stream for those looking to escape the stranglehold of their traditional cable provider.
And with the looming death of net neutrality, there will soon be an ocean of new "creative" tricks these companies will use to ensure that you remain tightly constrained inside their own massive media landscapes (be that Comcast NBC Universal, or AT&T Time Warner), and punished should you actually try to wander into greener, cheaper pastures.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Ten Irrefutable, Devastating 9/11 Facts

Scholars who attempt to elucidate the crime perpetrated on 9/11 – who are commonly referred to as 9/11 truthers – are often criticized for relying on conjecture and speculation in support of their claims. Such criticism may at times be justified, though often made in bad faith. There is actually no need to resort to speculative arguments that the official account of 9/11 is a fraud since there are hard facts that support this conclusion. Here are 10 such undisputed facts:
1. U.S. authorities have failed to trace, arrest, try (prosecute), and punish anyone responsible for the crime against humanity committed on 9/11.
The mass murder committed on September 11, 2001 represents, under international law, a crime against humanity. The State where it was committed – in this case the United States of America – bears the obligation to the international community to trace, arrest, try, and punish individuals responsible for that crime.
Since 2002, U.S. authorities admit they have detained a handful of persons at Guantánamo Bay who are accused of helping to orchestrate 9/11. Their identities remain in doubt; their alleged confessions were made behind closed doors; and their trial by a military court does not fulfill minimal international norms of due process.
U.S. authorities claim to have sentenced Zacarias Moussaoui to life imprisonment for not having warned the FBI about the preparations for 9/11, an allegation he denied. No evidence was presented that he was involved in the preparations for 9/11 or knew anything about these preparations. No evidence was presented that he even knew the alleged hijackers. U.S. authorities also claim to hold, since 2003, a man by the name of Khalid Sheikh Mohamed (KSM) in Guantánamo who allegedly confessed to have masterminded 9/11 and more than 30 other terrorist operations. He also allegedly confessed to having planned an attack on a bank in Washington State that did not exist until after he was already in Guantánamo. The man, whose identity remains murky and whose connection to 9/11 is limited to what he said in his ludicrous confession, has not been prosecuted, let alone sentenced. No one seriously expects him to be ever brought to trial, let alone a trial fulfilling international norms.
2. When announcing to the United Nations their decision to attack Afghanistan, U.S. authorities failed to provide evidence that the crime of 9/11 was in any way connected to Afghanistan. In fact, such evidence has still not been produced.

See the letter from U.S. Representative John Negroponte to the President of the UN Security Council, October 7, 2001 (mirrored here).

3. The United States government did not authorize an investigation of the events of 9/11 that could have fulfilled minimal international standards: The 9/11 Commission was neither independent nor impartial, and its investigation was neither thorough nor transparent.
Regarding minimal standards of investigation, see Elias Davidsson, “The Events of 11 September 2001 and the Right to the Truth.” (See this or this)
4. Despite vilifying Osama bin Laden as a terrorist leader, judicial authorities in the United States have failed to charge him in connection with 9/11. He was not even wanted in connection with this crime.
The FBI admitted in June 2006 that it possesses no concrete evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11. (See: Ed Haas, “FBI says, it has no ‘hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11,” Information Clearing House, June 18, 2006, mirrored here)
5. Authorities in the United States have failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that the 19 persons named by the FBI as 9/11 hijackers even boarded aircraft that they are alleged to have subsequently hijacked. 
To be precise: U.S. authorities have failed to produce authenticated passenger lists that would include the names of the alleged hijackers; witnesses who saw these alleged hijackers in the airports or boarding the aircraft; authenticated security-camera videos proving their presence in the airports of departure; and DNA identification of these individuals’ bodily remains (see detailed analysis in Elias Davidsson, Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 [Algora Publishers, New York, 2013], Chapter 2).
6. U.S. authorities have failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that passenger airliners crashed at the known landmarks on 9/11.

The FBI admitted in a letter to the Nevada District U.S. Court on March 14, 2008, signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick A. Rose, that records detailing the collection and positive identification of the wreckage of the crashed aircraft do not exist (Letter mirrored here). He thus admitted that the FBI failed to formally identify the wreckage found at the various crash sites as belonging to the allegedly hijacked aircraft. It is, therefore, not established that the allegedly hijacked aircraft crashed at these locations.
7. U.S. authorities have failed to explain why more than 1,100 persons, who were present at the World Trade Center on 9/11, vanished into thin air.
Vast parts of the Twin Towers were literally pulverized as can be seen from video recordings, photos, and testimonies. Of more than 1,100 missing persons, not a single tooth, nail, or bone has been found as of 2011 (See, inter alia, Anemona Hartocollis, “Connecting with lost loved ones, if only by the tips of fingers,” The New York Times, September 11, 2011 [mirrored here]). U.S. authorities have never explained what could have caused more than 1,100 persons to vanish without leaving a trace. They bear the obligation, under human rights law, to determine the reason for such disappearances.
8. U.S. authorities compensated families of 9/11 victims that agreed to waive their right to further court action. The compensation exceeded by at least seven times what was paid to the families of firefighters who died in rescue operations on 9/11.
The families of 9/11 victims received from the U.S. Compensation Fund, established in October 2001, an average of $2.1 million if they agreed to waive their right to engage in civil proceedings (see, inter alia, Brian Bernbaum, “9/11 Fund Chief Faults Payments,” CBS News, 4.9.2003 [mirrored here]). As of 2013, spouses of firefighters who die in line of duty can obtain $333,605 under the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB) Act (42 U.S.C. 3796). The figure for 2001 was undoubtedly lower. The 95 families, who did not apply to the Compensation Fund and preferred to let courts determine their rights, obtained an average of $5.5 million in out-of-court settlements (see, Ashby Jones, “The 9/11 Victim Settlements: A Chat with Skadden’s Sheila Birnbaum,” The Wall Street Journal, 13.3.2009 [mirrored here]).
9. U.S. authorities have failed to explain the effect of numerous military drills conducted on the morning of 9/11 – including the simulation of aircraft hijackings – on the commission of the mass murder.
Military drills caused confusion and surprised military and civilian personnel responsible for air traffic, as reported in U.S. media. For example, NORAD Major General Larry Arnold said that, “By the end of the day, we had twenty-one aircraft identified as possible hijackings.” (See, Eric Hehs, “Conversation with Major General Larry Arnold,” One Magazine, January 2002 [mirrored here]). Colonel Robert Marr, NEADS battle commander, said he had been told that across the nation there were “29 different reports of hijackings.” (See, Robert A. Baker, “Commander of 9/11 Air Defenses Retires,” Newhouse News Service, March 31, 2005 [mirrored here]). U.S. authorities failed to explain how these drills affected the commission of the crime, including the apparent failure to intercept hijacked aircraft.
10. U.S. authorities promoted numerous officials who, according to the official account on 9/11, had failed to carry out their duties with regard to 9/11. Not a single person has been held accountable anywhere in government for what went wrong on or prior to 9/11.
Here are few examples: Richard Myers, in charge of the Pentagon on 9/11, was promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 1, 2001; Ralph Eberhart, in charge of NORAD on 9/11, was promoted to head the new “Northern Command” a year after 9/11; Captain Charles J. Leidig, acting NMCC Director on 9/11, was promoted in 2004 to the rank of admiral; Brigadier General Montague Winfield, who on 9/11 was in charge of the National Military Command Center (NMCC), was promoted in May 2003 to the two-star rank of major general; Marion (Spike) Bowman, who blocked FBI investigations into the alleged hijackers before 9/11, was given an award for “exceptional performance” after a 9/11 Congressional Inquiry report claimed that his unit gave Minneapolis FBI agents “inexcusably confused and inaccurate information” that was “patently false.”
The above facts are sufficient to reject the official account of 9/11 and consider the administration of President George W. Bush as the main suspect for this crime against humanity. While the facts are not sufficient for leveling criminal charges against specific individuals, they permit general conclusions to be drawn regarding the dangerous nature of the U.S. regime and the complicity of the political class, mainstream media, academia, and the justice system of NATO member states in covering-up the crime of 9/11 and shielding those responsible for that crime.
This article was originally published on Truth and Shadows.

TODAY’S EDGYKAYSHUN RANT, BUT THIS TIME IT’S NOT THE ... ~hehe "today's" KIDS are 2 stupid ta read a ... "we" are ... producing invincibly ignorant and helpless peopleImage result for pic of clockThis isn't what built the empire, or the commonwealth. What it is is nothing more than a sign of impending cultural collapse, unless it's turned around, and soon.

It's been a long time since I've ranted about the state of edgykayshun in Amairikuh, and today I wish I could, but the trouble is, today's rant concerns a commonwealth comedy that Ms. K.F. was kind enough to send along.  And it will occasion a little anecdote from one of my most hated activities: Grocery Shopping (for the millennials, that means when you go to one of those stores that has lots of food in it, and shop for and buy food).  So why are my knickers in a twist?
Because in Great Britain, it seems, young people cannot tell time by reading an analogue clock! But wait, there's more!
And just in case you didn't click on the link, here's the basics:
Schools are removing analogue clocks from examination halls because teenagers are unable to tell the time, a head teachers’ union has said.
Teachers are now installing digital devices after pupils sitting their GCSE and A-level exams complained that they were struggling to read the correct time on an analogue clock.
Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary at the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said youngsters have become accustomed to using digital devices.
“The current generation aren’t as good at reading the traditional clock face as older generations,” he told The Telegraph.
“They are used to seeing a digital representation of time on their phone, on their computer. Nearly everything they’ve got is digital so youngsters are just exposed to time being given digitally everywhere.”
Mr Trobe, a former headmaster, said that teachers want their students to feel as relaxed as possible during exams. Having a traditional clock in the room could be a cause of unnecessary stress, he added.
He said that schools are trying to make everything as “as easy and straightforward as possible” for pupils during their exams.
Well, the poor butt-hurt stressed-out dears! Note, the solution is not to teach younger people how to access that bizarre, strange, intimidating and occult world of the analogue clock, but simply to remove the offending artifacts altogether, which strikes me as a very un-British solution to things(speaking objectively here, as a colonial observer from across the pond).
And it brings up a social and cultural problem which, I suspect, could - if we're not careful - end up causing everyone harm if the world is eventually going to be run by people who don't know how to read analogue clocks. If this trend keeps up, one can imagine a couple of future Britons, standing in Trafalgar Square and looking up at Nelson's statue and opining that they "don't know who it is" or "why it's there", but "it sure is impressive" (that is, only if Lord Nelson's statue has not been torn down because it's an example of white male privilege and intolerance of Bonapartist self-expression and oppression of French culture and aspirations; he was, after all, simply protesting BREXIT. They'll have to rename Trafalgar Square too, something more "affirming" and "uplifting", like Franco-British Amity Square, or Unity Square, or something. Perhaps even build a memorial to Admiral Villeneuve in order to maintain balance and perspective).
Which brings me to my anecdote. About a month and a half ago, I went out grocery shopping late at night (I usually do this to avoid the inevitable lines, where I always find myself behind someone with a bag full of coupons, and who wants to cash a fourth-party check in order to put it on their debit card to buy the groceries... sigh... ). Just as all of my items had been scanned, and I handed the clerk the cash for the goods, a momentary power outage or surge (or something) happened, and everything including the computerized cash register, flickered on and off and back on again. Of course, this wiped out my transaction, and the manager had to be called to bring the transaction back up again. In the meantime, I explained to the clerk that I was in a bit of a hurry, and could I please have the change (the cash drawer was still open). My purchase was some forty-odd dollars, and I had handed the clerk two twenty dollar bills and one ten dollar bill.
The look of utter mystification - shock, horror, perplexion, confusion, embarrassment - that passed over his face approached panic. He explained that he'd have to wait for the manager to come and pull up my transaction, because that would tell him how much change to give me. I said, well, my purchase was for (let's say) $46.92, right? The clerk nodded. So, I said, you can just count the change back to me.
Blank expression on clerk's face.
By this time the manager had arrived, keys were inserted, and my transaction recalled, along with the ever-so-comforting Change Due screen, which told the clerk to give me $3.08 in change. This was quickly grabbed out of the drawer, and plopped into my hand in one mass of coins and bills with the statement "Your change is three-o-eight."
Being a curmudgeon, I took the opportunity to show the clerk how to count change back, and said "See, you can do this any time the computer goes down, and it works flawlessly, no mistakes." The clerk was genuinely happy I showed him. The manager was apologetic, and she told me they just don't have the time to show clerks how to do it. One wonders how we ever survived without the computer.
And that's my problem with modern edgykayshun: its assumption that technology will always be around; its assumption that everything is on computers. Its assumption that testing should consist of multiple guess standardized questions graded by computers, where students are not taught to write out answers, and whose penmanship - if one can call it that - increasingly is an illegible scrawl. We have an entire generation that cannot read clocks, make change, write clearly, or for that matter (and much more seriously) knows how to use a card catalogue in that most analogue of archives, the library.
This isn't what built the empire, or the commonwealth. What it is is nothing more than a sign of impending cultural collapse, unless it's turned around, and soon. But don't look for the educrats to do so. They, in their stupidity, think all this technology is just wonderful. And they're producing invincibly ignorant and helpless people and removing those offending analogue technologies lest the poor dears be "stressed".