
Sunday, February 25, 2018

False Flags: Using Crisis Actors Instead of Really Killing People

If you’re anything like me…as soon as you hear the news about a big shooting or a terrorist attack in Europe or America, you roll your eyes and yawn. Then you go pop some popcorn and kick back in your recliner to watch the amusing theatrics that ALWAYS follow.

Then you’ll go post something on social media along the lines of “Here we go again….”…….and within minutes people are jumping in and leaving comments like “Not everything is fake! Sometimes these are real events.”

And in response to that I say “Nope… today in 2018… anything that makes simultaneous nationwide headlines and is covered non stop for a week or even a couple days… is ALWAYS a faked hoaxed event. I can almost say this with 100% certainty. Ok maybe 99.9% certainty… but I’m pretty confident.

I know it’s hard to swallow…that they would prefer to use a hoax model over just really killing ppl. But they’ve been using the “hoax false flag” now since about 2008. And here is why they fake all of these events instead of just sending a patsy in and really killing victims.

The model that they like to use involves no real  victims. And no it’s not because they value human life…They view us as cattle. Killing people is what they do before breakfast every day…

The reason they like to use the hoax model is simply because its not nearly as messy as the alternative (and no I’m not speaking in terms of blood and guts messy).

When people don’t truly own their grief they can be controlled MUCH more easily.

The deep state learned their lesson after really killing ppl in the false flag of 9-11. The victims families could not be controlled or managed to say the things they wanted them to say or push the agenda they wanted pushed.

The agenda 9-11 was meant to push was often overshadowed by the victim’s families demanding answers. Some of the very first “truthers” were the friends & family members of 9-11 victims.

Real people and real events “go off the tracks.” Real victims don’t follow scripts, can’t be controlled and get to be problems for the crime syndicate.

It gets WAY too messy and complicated when they really kill people and there is real grief and anger from loved ones… and they like these false flags to be real tidy. They are control freaks.

When your grief is not real and you are “in on it” you follow all orders… and you stick to the agenda and the talking points. You say whatever you’re told.

You don’t become a pesky nag in their side demanding answers, or become an amateur sleuth who angrily starts revealing the holes you find in the story… on a quest to find out what really happened to your loved one.

No one will be sued (just like at Sandy Hook where not one of the parents sued the school or sued anyone for preventing the first responders from entering the building, etc.). Having ZERO lawsuits filed after that kind of “tragedy” is unheard of.

Robbie Parker - his daughter, Emilie, was allegedly shot dead at Sandy Hook just hours before

Real victims would mean that real lawsuits would be filed by their loved ones which means that real evidence would be poured over and scrutinized  in court with a magnifying glass and of course we can’t have that.

The McDonnell family - their daughter, Grace, was allegedly shot dead at Sandy Hook

Fake victims/no real deaths = crisis actors playing loved ones. Crisis actors instead of real heartbroken angry loved ones = no lawsuits and NO QUESTIONS.

Sandy Hook medical examiner live during the press conference

And THIS is why they almost always use the hoax model for all their false flags. And they’ve conditioned the public to shame anyone who questions the official narrative. As though asking questions is disrespectful to the “deceased”.

Christine Leinonen — son allegedly killed in Orlando shooting just hours before

I say save your self righteous anger for someone else. Anytime there is a mass shooting being covered by our sold out govt controlled media for days on end you better believe I’m gonna take a good long look at it.

They are proven liars who stage psyop after psyop on us. The default position must now be disbelief until proven otherwise.

Do Americans Live in a False Reality Created by Orchestrated Events?

We know that the New World Order is almost here and that no huge news story is randomly being told by coincidence. There is an argument to be made that if the government and media did that now that might be considered wasted resources. All big news stories now have a specific purpose.

Do NOT underestimate the PRICS (psychopaths really in charge). When you have unlimited money, resources, technology and power, and you are HELL BENT on conditioning the population you can and will do just about anything. They can and they do… Don’t be deceived.

Author: 50 Shades Of Pissed Off

Food is Actually INFORMATION — Here's Why                   ~ hehe maybe "what" WE r b~ing ..."taught"  isn't the truth !?!         humm

Despite being the condition for the possibility of all life itself, food is rarely appreciated for its true power.  by Sayer Ji

Far beyond its conventionally defined role as a source of energy and as building blocks for the body-machine, fascinating new discoveries on the frontiers of science reveal that food is also a powerful source of information.

We are all hardwired to be deeply concerned with food when hungry, an interest which rapidly extinguishes the moment we are satiated.

But as an object of everyday interest and scientific inquiry, food often makes for a bland topic.

Nonetheless, food is one of the most fascinating and existentially important topics there is, and in many ways, until we understand the true nature of food, and how it is still the largely invisible ground for our very consciousness, we will not be able to understand our own nature, or our own destiny.

How We Got Here

Modern Western concepts of food are a byproduct of a centuries old process of intense secularization. Food is now largely conceived in terms of its economic value as a commodity and its nutritional value as a source of physical sustenance.

In the latter regard, its value is quantified through the presence and molecular weight of macro- and micronutrients or its “fat-inducing” calories. In the process of reducing food’s value to these strictly quantitative dimensions, it has lost its soul.

Food is no longer believed to possess a vital life force, much less a sacred one. But the etymology of sacred, namely, to make holy, and the etymology of holy, which connects to heal, whole, health, implies correctly that food has the ability to “make us whole.”

Food as Nourishment On All Levels

If talk of food as “sacred” and “whole-making” sounds pseudo-scientific, consider how Nature designed our very first experience of nourishment (if we were fortunate enough to not have been given a bottle full of formula): breastmilk taken from the mother’s breast was simultaneously a nutritional, physical, thermic, emotional, genetic, and spiritual form of nourishment.

Food, therefore, can and should never truly be reduced to an object of biochemistry.

And so, as we dig deeper, we discover that the topic of food is a highly cerebral one. And this begins with any simple act of eating, albeit in a slightly different way.

It’s called the cephalic phase of nutrition, “in your head,” which reflects how you are actually experiencing the food: is it delicious?

Are you feeling pleasure? These “subjective” aspects profoundly affect the physiology of digestion and assimilation. My colleague Marc David has dedicated many years to waking people up to this amazing process.

Food, therefore, begins in a context that transcends merely physiochemical conditions and concerns. The nocebo and placebo effects, which are powerful forces in the setting of clinical medicine, also apply to the field and experience of nutrition.

And therefore, it is hard to ignore how this important layer of nutrition: the first-hand experience, and even our intention and level of gratitude, has been lost in the fixation on the chemistry and reductionism of food science.

But the inquiring mind wants more specific scientific answers to the question: how does food makes us whole? How does its arrangement of atoms possess such extraordinary power to sustain our species?

Why can’t we answer the most rudimentary questions that go back to ancient times, such as the still timeless mystery and miracle of how the bread is transmuted into blood and flesh?

Perhaps, it is the information (and intelligence) within food that will help explain some of this mystery. After all, information literally means “to put form into.”

This understanding will add much needed depth and nuance to conventional nutritional concepts where food is still conceived as a bunch of essentially dead and uninteresting atoms and molecules.

The Old Story of Food as a Thing:

Our concept of food is still generally constrained to the Newtonian view that all things are comprised of atoms, externally related to one another, and built up from there into molecules, cells, etc.

The story goes that when we eat things, digestion breaks them down into their constituent parts and our bodies then take these parts and build them back up.

This very mechanical, simplistic view, while valid in limited ways, no longer holds true in light of the new biology and science.

Along with this view of food as matter, is the correlate perspective, that food can be “burned” for energy and that like a furnace or a car food provides “fuel” measured by calories to drive its engines along.

Of course, this is reinforced by nutrition facts labels which make it appear that not much is going on beyond caloric content and the presence or absence of a relatively small set of essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, defined by their molecular weight.

This reductionistic view of food I will call, in recognition of Charles Eisenstein’s thinking, “the old story of food,” and this narrative focuses on two primary dimensions.

Food as Matter:

If we are looking at the “material” aspects of food, we are looking at the physically quantifiable or measurable elements. You could not, for instance, objectively “measure” taste, as it differs qualitatively from person to person (so-called “subjective experience).

And so, nutritional science focuses on what is presumably “out there” objectively, namely, quantities like the molecular weight of a given substance, e.g. 50 mg of ascorbic acid, 10 grams of carbohydrate, or 200 mg of magnesium.

In reality, these objective quantities are influenced by the type of measuring device we use — and so, there really are no ontologically pure (i.e. “really real”) material aspects out there in and of themselves.

But for the purposes of clarity, let us assume these material aspects are real, independent of the measuring device or person measuring. These material aspects, while providing information, are not considered to be “informational” in the sense of giving off distinct messages to the DNA in our body, altering expression.

They are considered part of the physical world, and therefore while providing building blocks for our body, including its DNA, they are not understood to alter or control the expression of the DNA in a meaningful way.

Food, therefore, is considered “dead,” and not biologically meaningful beyond its brick and mortar functions in building up the body-machine.

The other primary dimension in this old view is…

Food as Energy:

Energy is commonly defined as the power derived from the utilization of physical resources, especially to drive machines. In this view, food provides the fuel to power the body-machine.

Food energy is conventionally defined in chemical terms. The basic concept is that animals like humans extract energy from their food and molecular oxygen through cellular respiration.

That is, the body joins oxygen from the air with molecules of food (aerobic respiration), or without oxygen, through reorganization the molecules (anaerobic respiration). The system used to quantify the energy content of food is based on the “food calorie,” “large calorie,” or kilocalorie, equal to 4.184 kilojoules.

1 food calorie is the amount of heat required at a pressure of one atmosphere to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

The traditional way to ascertain the caloric content of a sample of food is using a calorimeter, which literally burns the food sample to a crisp, measuring the amount of heat given off (its caloric content).

In order to account for the varying densities of material within a sample, e.g. fiber, fat, water, a more complex algorithm is used today. (alt definition: an amount of food having an energy-producing value of one large calorie)

Again, in this view, food while providing information (caloric content), is not an informational substance in the biological sense (e.g. DNA), but simply a source of energy which can fuel the body-machine.

The New Story — Food as Information:

The new view of food as replete with biologically important information, is based on a number of relatively new discoveries in various fields of scientific research.

For instance, the discovery that food contains methyl groups (a carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms (CH3)) capable of methylating (silencing) genes, brought into focus the capability of food to profoundly affect disease risk as well phenotypal expression.

If folate, B12, or Betaine — 3 common food components — can literally “shut off” gene expression with high specificity, food becomes a powerful informational vector.

One which may actually supervene over the DNA within our body by determining which sequences find expression.

This discovery of nutrition’s prime role in epigenetics opened up an entirely new realm of research, including the disciplines of nutrigenomics, which looks at nutrient-gene interactions, and nutritional genomics, which looks at gene-based risks that provide individualization of nutritional recommendations.

Suddenly, almost overnight, food became infinitely more interesting to geneticists, biologists, and medical professionals, in that it as an information vector it could affect, and in some cases control the expression of the DNA, biomedicine’s “holy grail.”

Food’s role as a source of methyl group donors capable of epigenetic modulation of DNA expression is a powerful demonstration of its informational properties, but this is not the whole story…

Food also contains classical genetic information vectors, such as non-coding RNAs, which like methyl donors, have the ability to profoundly alter the expression of our DNA.

In fact, there are estimated to be ~100,000 different sites in the human genome capable of producing non-coding RNAs, far eclipsing our 20-25,000 protein-coding genes.

These RNAs, together, orchestrate the expression of most of the genes in the body. They are, therefore, supervening forces largely responsible for maintaining our genetic and epigenetic integrity.

These RNAs are carried by virus-sized microvessicles called exosomes found in all the food we eat (they are secreted by all plant, animal, and fungal cells), and survive ingestion to significantly alter our gene expression.

In 2012, a groundbreaking study titled, "Exogenous plant MIR168a specifically targets mammalian LDLRAP1: evidence of cross-kingdom regulation by microRNA," found that exosomal miRNA’s from rice altered LDL receptors in the livers of Chinese subjects, effectively proving cross-kingdom regulation by microRNA exists, and is occurring on an ongoing basis through the food we eat.

Another study, this time in animals, found that exosomes in commonly consumed foods, e.g. grapefruit, orange, affect importnt physiological pathways in the animal’s bodies.

Essentially, these food components ‘talk’ to animal cells by regulating gene expression and conferring significant therapeutic effects.

The ability of exosomes to mediate the transfer miRNAs across kingdoms redefines our notion of the human species as genetically hermetically sealed off from others within the animal, plant, and fungi kingdoms.

In this sense, food borne exosomes are the mechanism through which all living things in the biosphere are intimately interconnected, perhaps even adding a new explanatory layer to how the Gaia hypothesis could be true.

Another important though overlooked mechanism through which food components may carry and transfer energy and information is through so-called prionic conformational states (protein folding patterns).

Prions have been primarily looked upon as pathological in configuration and effect. A classical example is the beta sheet formation of brain proteins in Alzheimer’s. These secondary protein conformations act as a template through which certain deleterious folding states are transferred laterally between proteins.

But prions are not always pathological. For instance, naturally forming prions are essential for the health of the myelin sheath in the brain, and likely perform many other important though still largely unknown functions.

So, when we look at the phenomena neutrally, the fact that the conformational state (folding state) of a protein can hold and transfer laterally information essential to the structure and function of neighboring proteins without needing nucleic acids indicates just how important the morphology of food may be.

It is possible, therefore, that food, depending on how it is grown and prepared, will have vastly different protein folding patterns which will carry radically different types of biologically vital information.

This is another example where one can not exhaustively assess the value of food strictly through quantitative methods, e.g. measuring how much protein there is by weight, but need also to account for qualitative dimensions, e.g. the vast amounts of information contained within secondary, tertially and quaternary conformational states of these protens.

The “Microbiome of Food” is Full of Information.

Acknowledging the role the microbiome plays in the food we eat further deepens the our understanding of food as information. In fact, the microbiome could be considered food’s most profound informational contribution.

When we consider the genetic contribution of all the bacteria, fungi, and viruses, naturally found in food (especially raw and cultured varieties), this represents a vast store of biologically meaningful information.

Some of this microbial information can even “jump” laterally from these micro-organisms into our body’s microbiome, conferring to us significant extra-chromosomal “powers,” essentially extending our genetic capabilities by proxy.

For instance, a recent study identified a marine bacteria enzyme in the guts of Japanese, presumably a byproduct of having consumed seaweed naturally colonized by it.

This marine bacteria enzyme is capable of digesting sulfated polysaccharides — a type of carbohydrate humans are not equippped to digest because it is marine specific.

This indicates that the genes provided by these microbes represent a genetic library of sorts, whose contributions may vastly extend the genetic capabilities of our species.

Indeed, the human genome only contains genetic templates for 17 enzymes, whereas the gut bacteria contains genetic information capable of producing hundreds of different enzymes.

And these are capable of degrading thousands of different carbohydrates! There are actually many other capabilities provided by these “germs,” including the ability to produce vitamins (including vitamin C!) and other essential biocompounds.

The microbiome of our food could therefore be considered an information storehouse. To learn more about how this ancient information (even millions of years old) is preserved in raw foods like honey, read my article: Could Eating Honey Be A Form of Microbial Time Travel?

Water as an Information Carrier in Food:

Another extremely important element is the role of water in food. Not only has water been found to carry energy and information, but water has also been identified an instrument of biosemiosis.

The water component of food, therefore, could contribute biologically important information — even genetic and epigenetically meaningfully information — without needing nucleic acids to do so.

To learn more about how water has “memory,” and can store and transmit genetic information, read about the DNA teleportation experiment performed by Nobel laurette Luic Montagnier.

As discussed above, conventional food science starts on a completely dehydrated basis, focusing almost exclusively on the ‘dry’ measurable material aspects of the food, or the amount of energy it contains (which ironically requires burning off the water to obtain measurements).

All readily edible food is hydrated. Were it not, it would be “dehydrated food,” which is generally not considered ready to eat. As such, we can not talk about biomolecules without considering their hydration shells as integrally and inseparably bound to the “dry” components, e.g. amino acids, fatty acids, sugars.

Water has the capacity to carry information and to determine the structuration and therefore functions of the biochemicals and biopolymers it surrounds.

Water, which is capable of taking in free energy from the environment (Pollack’s infrared heat), has its own information and energy.

This means, therefore, that food qua water content, has the potential to carry relatively vast amounts of information beyond what is found in its material composition itself.

As science progresses, both the quantitative and qualitative elements of water will increasingly be revealed to be vitally important in understanding food as information.

Powerful Implications for the Future of Food and Medicine:

When food is looked upon as a vital source of biologically important information which can inform the expression of our genome, it is much easier to understand how our ancestors considered its creation, production, harvesting, cooking, and consumption sacred.

We can also understand how the seeming poetical relationships between foods and organs they nourish may have emerged, via informational bridges described above (RNAs, Prions, water), making possible their “soul connection.”

Today, with a wide range of industrial farming technologies changing the quality (and informational component) of our food, it is no longer sufficient to look at only the material aspects of these changes.

Irradiation, genetic modification, pesticides, soil quality, processing and a wide range of other factors (intention), may greatly alter the informational state and quality of a good without being reflected in overt changes in grosser qualities like caloric and materially defined dimensions.

No longer can we look at the difference, say, between infant formula and breast milk strictly through the material/energetic lens of conventional nutritional analysis.

On an informational level, they are qualitati`vely light years apart, even if they have so many similarities in crude nutritional metrics, e.g. similar carbohydrate and caloric content.

This will be true for all areas of food production, and nutrition, where formerly an essentially dead ontology governed the way we understand and interacted with the things we eat.

Once we understand the true implications of food as information, our entire worldview will change.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Will a person be silenced for sharing too much sensitive information? The answer to that question is a big yes, all you really have to do is take a look at what’s happened to well-known whistleblowers in recent years, like former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who leaked even more details about their mass global surveillance program than those prior to him. Just look at what he had to go through to leak that information, and is currently going through now. Thomas Drake and William Binney are some more great examples. It’s definitely a risky task to blow the whistle on sensitive information.
Surely there are far greater, more sensitive truths being withheld from the American public that are even more threatening to the control and power that these global elite have come to enjoy so much. We’re told that secrecy is for ‘national security’ purposes, but that seems to be far from the truth… These people can have their lives taken away, that’s how serious it is. I can’t imagine what a ‘whistleblower’ from the recent Pentagon UFO program the world recently learned about would have experienced if they were to speak publicly just a few years ago.
“The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger than an announced need for an increased need for security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand it’s meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment. That I do not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control” – JFK
So, we know that sharing the truth isn’t always easy, and it’s usually countered with a lot of disinformation. Then we have ordinary citizens and researchers who also stumble across some very sensitive information. Sure, they may not be as big a threat as those who actually come from ‘within’ these various programs, but they are threats. Sometimes, in years prior, those who’ve held high-ranking positions who spoke of topics like UFOs, were allowed, in some cases, to do so freely, because this subject was ridiculed big time and it only made one look even more ridiculous.
Perhaps this was a strategy that was part of the disinformation campaign, referenced in 1960 by the head of the CIA (Roscoe Hillenkoetter) that was purposefully used to ridicule the subject while simultaneously keeping the reality of it a complete secret. (source)
Then we have individuals like Gary Mckinnon, and everyday citizen who performed the largest military computer hack of all time. Many of us saw the process he went through.
Max Spiers, however, is a different story. Considered by many to be a “conspiracy theorist,” Max touched upon topics that are definately outside the box, but also have evidence of truth to them for those who are willing to investigate. Topics such as UFOs, mass elite level pedophile rings, the continuance of the MK ultra program, super soldiers, and much more.
 Like many researchers in this field, he began to seem worried that his line of work was making him a target to those that do not want specific information known.
In a chilling text to his Mother, Vanessa Bates, days before his death, Spiers wrote:
“Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.”
Pretty weird, isn’t it? Now, if you look up Spiers and his work, and you’re already into the topics listed above, the information he was sharing should not come as a surprise. If you’re new to spears, and new to our site, you might think it’s completely ridiculous.
The fact remains, his death is a mystery and his loved ones have been searching for answers ever since.  Late last year, Vanessa Bates (his mother) made this post on her Facebook page,
“Whatever happened July 16th, we will get the bare facts, huge amount of work has made certain of that, especially by The Law Clinic, but what really happened, will remain forever with those who were present and what they choose to share. Bless you my darling Max.”

Computer And SIM Card Wiped Clean After Death

According to Max’s mother, when she received his computer along with his belongings after her son’s passing, every single file and folder on his computer had been deleted. We’re talking about an immense amount of work and research into the various fields mentioned above, gone forever. His mobile phone also had the SIM card removed from in.
His death was so strange and mysterious, and it was clear that something didn’t quite add up, so much so that the BBC covered it as well. In a documentary they put out, titled Fractured, Vanesssa shared her belief that there was information on those devices that “someone doesn’t want anybody to see.”
What does this mean? Who knows, but it is definitely strange to say the least.

He Vomited A Strange, Dark Black Liquid Right Before His Death

According to the doctor who attempted to revive spears on the scene, he had vomited a “dark brown liquid.”  This was also mentioned multiple times by his mother in several interviews, stating that Monika Duval, who was the girlfriend of Spiers at the time of his death, as well as another researcher/speaker in the same field, told her the same. Vanessa has also mentioned that he was suffering from an intense fever in the final 24 hours of his life.
The more you look into this death, the weirder it gets, and Max’s mother has been going through the same thing trying to investigate since he passed. A great place to start is with an interview of his mom, they’re all over youtube.

Alleged Investigations Into High-Ranking Child Abuse Ring

High ranking child abuse pedophilia rings may sound like something hard to believe, but unfortunately, it’s a reality. It was only last year when an NBC news report surfaced accusing Hillary Clinton and the state department for covering up an elite pedophile ring.
Here is a great little video of Ted Gunderson, former FBI special agent and head of their L.A. office, worked to uncover and expose these horrors before he died. A simple YouTube search of his name will show you what exactly he spent his last years researching (source). Here’s one of his last lectures.
Prior to his death, Spears was doing a lot of research in this area and claimed to have information that would expose some well-known names.
This area is full of credible evidence, to dismiss it without examining it for yourself would be very ignorant.

Red Mark On Forehead

Spier’s mother obtained a picture that was taken of him in the Morgue. This was also brought up by the BBC documentary, and although it was not shown in the documentary, it was described.
A red mark was present on his forehead, like a burn mark, approximately the size of a fingerprint. The documentary also brought light to the fact that there was no mention of this in the medical reports, and his various facts were omitted.
Perhaps the mark appeared after his death? Who knows?

Concluding Comments

There is A LOT more to this story, and a lot more to Spiers than what’s presented in this article. Many considered him to be very credible, and an actual authentic whistle-blower, although some of what he spoke of and his experiences in certain mind control programs could not be verified, they did make sense.
As the US Supreme Court brought to light in 1985, MK ultra consisted of 162 different secret projects that were indirectly financed by the CIA, and contracted out to several universities, research foundations and similar institutions.” The majority of the MK Ultra records were actually destroyed, and have never been seen. Perhaps he was telling the truth?
The mysterious death still doesn’t make sense. Whether or not his death makes his claims more authentic or not, who really knows? That being said, a lot of subjects he chose to tackle, once you go through it all, do some independent research and use your critical thinking skills, are, in my opinion, very real realities.
We are living in a time where this information is coming to light, especially with the humongous rise in awareness that’s been created by alternative media outlets. The amount of credible sources that have been dished out into the public domain is quite encouraging, who would have thought that elite level pedophilia would be a topic of discussion within the mainstream? Who would have thought that we would finally have official “UFO disclosure” like we did at the end of 2017?
Brushing people like Spiers off and paying no attention to this type of thing, has been happening for years, when they do indeed deserve more attention.
The only concerning thing is, these alternative media outlets are and have been bringing a tremendous amount of awareness on topics that the global elite doesn’t approve of. Sites like Collective Evolution have garnered over 1-billion views, but this has all changed when Donald Trump won the election, and virtually everything that didn’t come from mainstream media was deemed as “fake news.”
These new media outlets, that are not controlled by the “1 percent,” and as a result of social media algorithm changes, have experienced an extreme dramatic decline in views and site hits, all because content is now being hidden and suppressed.
People have had their choice as to what they wish to see taken away from them, and we now have authority figures making those decisions for us.
It’s all very interesting, and we are definitely living through exciting times, where revelations are being made that have the power to help further move along the current mass shift in consciousness the planet is currently experiencing.
Max wanted all of us to investigate his death if anything strange happened, and it did. His death, no doubt, has definitely served the ‘truth’ community with regards to bringing information to light that many people still ridicule. But Max wasn’t stupid, he dedicated his life to this work, as many of us here at Collective Evolution do, and he did it from the heart. I do not believe there was any deception or misinformation coming from Max, do you? But who really knows.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Massive Civil Disobedience Against the New York State S.A.F.E. Act, Again! Government is Powerless Without the Consent of the Governed    ~ finally the cit's r growing some nad's & of ALL places ...New York State ;)      finally !!!

The New York State S.A.F.E. Act ,which stands for Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, has been a monumental failure because the people of New York State simply have not gone along with the most oppressive act of gun control in the nation. Now a new deadline is looming for hand gun permit holders in N.Y. State to recertify every 5 years and with the fifth anniversary of the S.A.F.E. Act coming up it’s time for pistol permit holders to comply with the law. Only there is a problem, less than 20% of permit holders are complying with the deadline on January 31st 2018, which is less than two weeks away. There is talk of pushing the deadline back, because there is no practical way to enforcing it, when the citizens do not go along with the program.
As of  January 31, 2018 any citizen in possession of a hand gun permit obtained before January 15, 2013 must recertify their hand gun license under the provisions of the S.A.F.E Act or possibly face criminal charges. Anyone who obtained their permit after this date must recertify every 5 years or face the same legal jeopardy. Even in the face of such draconian measures, across the entire state, less than 20% of N.Y. State citizens have even bothered to comply with the hand gun recertification program.
This demonstrates when laws are passed without the consent of the governed, and are very unpopular, the citizens have the last say by simply ignoring the law. As was done four years ago with less than 4% participation in the attempt to register assault weapons in N.Y. State. As President Andrew Jackson once said “You have your law, now let’s see you enforce it”.
The New York State Police as well as a growing number of sheriffs throughout the Empire State say they will not enforce this provision of the S.A.F.E. Act after the January 31st deadline with criminal charges or fines just yet. The police know what a huge task this would be and most in law enforcement don’t agree with the S.A.F.E. Act anyway. It will not be enforced in mass because it cannot be enforced with hundreds of thousands refusing to comply. Representing a massive act of civil disobedience by the law abiding citizens of New York State.
This should come as no surprise because the deadline to register so called assault weapons under the N.Y. S.A.F.E. Act came and went on March 13, 2014 with less than a 4% of gun owners complying. Only about 50,000 semi automatic long rifles(so called assault weapons) out of an estimated one million were registered. Effectively making felons out of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who are otherwise hard working law abiding citizens. Very few prosecutions have been pursued since the assault weapons deadline has passed. N.Y. State Police will not even enforce the seven round magazine limit and have yet to get a database and backround check system for ammunition buyers up and running due to the fact that it is such a monumental task.
As deadlines come and go under the S.A.F.E. Act they are almost completely ignored by the gun owners of the New York State. All this adds up to one of the biggest acts of civil disobedience in modern American history.
New York State under Governor Andrew Cuomo is powerless to enforce such an over reaching mandate passed almost immediately following the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14th 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. Even though this event happened in another state, the gun control law was signed by Governor Cuomo on January 15, 2013, only a month later. The S.A.F.E. Act was sponsored by New York Assembly Speaker (D) Sheldon Silver and supported by Senate majority leader (R) Dean Skelos both of which are now in prison on federal corruption charges. The whole law was put together so hastily that it had to be amended days later to allow law enforcement to carry proper firearms and to let Hollywood still film in New York City with realistic looking guns. The government and Hollywood can have guns but the citizens must jump through a myriad of regulatory loops.
Every single mandate coming out of this over reaching law has fallen flat on it’s face such as the backround check database of ammunition buyers that N.Y. State was supposed to have set up a year after the act was passed or the seven bullet magazine limit State Police will not enforce. Deadlines for registering assault weapons as well as for pistol recertification come and go with little participation as the laws mean nothing when they are viewed as unjust or unconstitutional by the governed. Everything Governor Cuomo has done with gun control in the Empire State has been a total non starter with no way to really enforce it when the people finally say “NO!”.
Posted on NaturalNews Blogs  written By raptorman

An ‘Insider’ Take on the Florida School ‘Shooting’         ~ hehe over & Over & Over & OVER the "same" thing plays Out  & fucking STILL good ole   zannnnnning     kooky             mad ~hatter  A ~merry~cans   fall 4 the same fucking .... "playbook"   it just boooooooooooogles the mind .... now PUT thum fucking Helmets & Mittens  ...back the fuck ...on  ,k

An ‘Insider’ Take on the Florida School ‘Shooting’

My name is John Bouchell and I am not a bot. I was in school administration after spending a stint in the military. Let me explain: As usual, I was a teacher, a coach and later became an administrator.


I worked at all three levels of public school in administration.
Like most athletic males I was assigned as a part of a school security team- at all three levels. Eventually, I was trained by the Department of Homeland Security, Several sheriff’s departments, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, GBI. Prior, I was trained the military.
I was a Combat Crew member and a certified marksman with both rifles and pistols (M-16, and .40 Cal Colt) with an Oak Leaf Cluster (Multiple awards). I was a likely person to help with school security and had an extensive background in technology and video surveillance as well.
I held an SCI security clearance which is the very highest we have in America. I say these things to help you to understand my background to weigh my opinion as to the events in Parkview Florida, (30 minutes from my home where I live, now retired from School administration).
As an administrator in charge of a large High School of 1,800 students and 140 employees, I held tabletop exercises and wrote publications & power points presentation, & helped with both multiple school & mult-jurisdiction school systems training as developer and presenter.
Never did I hear from, receive information from, or was contacted by, read any publications, or gathered statistics from the United States Secret Service. Not once- EVER. Yet, 3 weeks prior to the shooting in Florida, the USSS was not only at the school, they held training.
I have also, despite actually thwarting a school shooting by an armed predator at my school, causing both Code Red, total lockdown, 911calls and arrests and conviction of the potential shooter, saw, spoke with, or was interviewed or contacted by the FBI, or the USSS.
Its worthy to note the 911 response time was in excess of 20 minutes. In fact, I was only contacted by a few reporters. The incident was basically ignored and squashed in fear of damaging the political establishment, school board, school superintendent,
NO REPORTERS EVER CONTACTED MY STUDENTS for interviews or opinions. I never spoke to a national law enforcement agent much less the USSS. So, to hear the FBI were the first responders only beating CNN by minutes in a wealthy Florida area saturated with Law Enforcement shocked me.
Seeing the amazing amount of CNN coverage so well organized and all espousing one message and only one message is equally troubling. Seeing a student saying she actually walked with the shooter while evacuating and HEARD shots shocked me.
Seeing video of a student telling us she was told they would have a drill that day with actors deeply troubles me. Seeing the same young man over and over who visited CNN that day and whose father is an FBI agent troubles me.
Seeing and hearing the same narratives over and over that conflict with every aspect of training and experience I have is extremely unsettling. I saw video interviews of students claiming multiple shooters. This is troubling as well.
I realize that the shooter apparently pulled the fire alarm to create chaos and provide a richer target environment (that alarm would have sent a signal to its precise time and location by the way) and tossing smoke bombs in a stairwell to drive the victims to the shooter’s local
BUT: At least one interview I watched was a student saying her doorknob was rattled and she heard a voice say “Go try another door”. This needs exploration. I can sit here and tell you who I think failed miserably but it is fruitless. I’ll save that opinion for future reference.
In my utterly qualified, expert opinion, there are several troubling “Facts” being dispensed that I refuse to accept prima facia. Some of them are: Why was the shooter visited 39 times by local LE but never placed on a watch list and their right to a firearm flagged and denied.
Why was his extensive school discipline not compiled and presented to the school board for total expulsion from the schools? What was the FBI the first response when the school is so close to the PD and an officer with a radio was supposedly on campus?
How did CNN have so many “Kids” in place to echo their exact verbiage and focus on the actual weapon and not the shooter? Why isn’t the alleged USSS involvement in a public school being examined? Who is this reoccurring “Student” that has family in the FBI?
Why are the interviews that do NOT agree with the one shooter or the narrative that CNN is pushing being heard? Why aren’t the multiple videos available (With the floor plan I have seen I would have had approx 22 cameras in that building and had over 140 in my school) being seen?
I realize that some of the videos will be used for the trail of the shooter; however, it is in the interest of the public to see some of the unused footage that is available. Why was the USSS at a this school providing training 3 weeks prior?
And how was the weakest, sloppiest, and most often NOT on REAL location news company all over this son of the FBI agent with an amazing and uncanny ability to find a news camera in multiple sates in the last six months?
Did this infamous teenager actually graduate already? Has the USSS ever been to any other schools to supervise and provide training for an active shooter situation? How could the USSS possibly visit all 22,000 High Schools in the US? And how would they be chosen?
Who identified this shooter and how did L.E. track him to the retail store he was arrested at? Why has the entire CNN narrative to attack the second amendment when at least THREE government institutions (possibly FIVE if you count DFACS) failed miserably to help the mentally ill
Why has the school district decided to demolish this building (like they did Sandy Hook) if their narrative is true and correct? Why not allow the forensics to be published and explored completely? Make it the offices of school safety as a monument even- But I digress.
All in all my PROFESSIONAL opinion is this stinks to high heavens. Either we are surrounded by the most incompetent news people in the world, who don’t ask questions or give a damn about these murders, or they have NO concept of why this happened will happen again soon.
I for one am SICK TO DEATH of fake news outlets pretending this is about a rifle- its not. Its about a mentally ill person, totally abandoned and discarded and politically expediently ignored, by multiple agencies allowed to commit inhumane acts of terror due to incompetence. END

11/2017 – Parkland to consider its first charter school

Parkand, a city whose A-rated public schools lure families to move there, may be getting its first charter school.
Somerset Academy, which operates more than 60 schools in Florida, Texas, Nevada and Washington, D.C., is proposing a two-story school of nearly 98,000 square feet for grades kindergarten through eighth.
The school, possibly called Somerset Parkland Academy, would open at the northwest corner of University Drive and Hillsboro Boulevard. Plans call for a gymnasium with views of a lake and landscaping that is “lush in nature.”
Peak enrollment is expected at 1,280.

A high school portion isn’t planned, at least for now. “Plans for expansion to provide a high school component would be fueled by parental demand,” said a Somerset spokeswoman in an email.

The current plan is scheduled to go before the city’s Planning & Zoning Board on Thursday night. If the board recommends approval, it will go before the City Commission for the final say. Construction is expected to start next year.
SOTN: Operation Gladio C part 1
SOTN: Operation Gladio C part 2

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on February 19, 2018



Something is afoot at the Clark County Coroner’s office, autopsy of “Stephen Paddock” reveals body was not Paddock and rather someone else.

LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — It is unknown why the Clark County Coroner has released the autopsy report of a random 6′-1″ tall individual with bad teeth after cremating the body, violating court a court order, and then claiming the body is that of the alleged shooter Stephen Paddock when Paddock is clearly 6′-4″ tall and has rather good teeth.

No this is not a joke. This is real and should scare any American who entrusts their government, to tell the truth.

The bogus autopsy records were released by the coroner on Friday and contradict everything we know about Paddock physically.

Fox News reports:

The autopsy showed Paddock, who was just more than six feet tall, was considered to be slightly overweight at 224 pounds, had high blood pressure and bad teeth. But he appeared to be healthy and nothing out of the ordinary was uncovered in his physical condition, even after experts at Stanford University conducted a microscopic brain examination, according to the documents.

As Intellihub reported on 20 Jan., in the article titled Body autopsied by doctor likely not Steven Paddock’s, official LVMPD report reveals:

Information listed in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s preliminary report on the 1 Oct. massacre, reveals that the body autopsied by Dr. Lisa Gavin may not be Steven Paddock at all.

According to Section VIII of the report titled Suspect Autopsy: “On 10-06-17, at approximately 1625 hours, under CCOCME case 17-10064 and FBI incident number 4-LV-2215061 an autopsy was performed on the body of Paddock at the CCOCME

by Doctor Lisa Gavin.”

However, the report lists the decedent Stephen Paddock as being only “73 inches” tall (6′-1″;) despite the fact that it is well known that Paddock was 6′-4″ in height and had a much larger frame than the dead guy pictured in the leaked crime scene photographs.

In 2010, Paddock’s height was listed as 6′-4″ on a Sport Fishing, Trapping, Hunting License registered with the State of Alaska. The information was verified with Paddock’s California driver’s license by a duly authorized fish and game vendor in the State of Alaska.

Additionally, the eye color listed on the official state document says Paddock’s eyes were “BL” (blue), while the autopsy report says the decedent’s eyes are “brown.” Again, the document is based on Paddock’s California driver’s license.

As you can see in the following photograph, Paddock is 6′-4″ tall, not 6′-1″, as the autopsy claims.

Moreover, the time of death listed in the autopsy report was 12:00 noon on Oct. 2, 2017, which conflicts with what authorities initially reported.

Originally, it was reported that Paddock had committed suicide at 11:20 p.m. on the night of Oct. 1, 2017, which is even more alarming after two single shots were heard at 10:16 p.m. following the fully-automatic gunfire.

AmericanEveryman does an awesome job at pointing out how the projectile never exited the skull of he man autopsied, despite the fact that the alleged self-inflicted gunshot wound was reportedly done with a rather powerful weapon.

We need to see the postmortem report and ballistics! Send this to all news agencies and demand that they cover this!

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Is that important?

Broward County Sheriff Pals Around With Hillary Clinton

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on February 19, 2018 

By Patrick Howley

Feb 17, 2018

Investigative journalist Laura Loomer revealed Saturday that the sheriff in Broward County, Florida pals around with prominent Democrats including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders.

The sheriff, Scott Israel, is throwing objectivity to the wind and making a full-throated plea for gun control, which is earning him plaudits from national media including The Washington Post.

Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer

Have you noticed how the Broward Sheriff’s Office has been spewing Democrat gun control talking points?

Well, turns out the Sheriff has some interesting friends.

How convenient for them that he’s getting so much media attention... #FloridaSchoolShooting #Parkland

7:37 PM - Feb 17, 2018


4,643 people are talking about this

A senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School claimed that she saw and spoke with alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz at the scene of the crime while her school was being evacuated.

Alexa Miednik spoke with Cruz but “did not see a gun,” according to one local reporter. During her conversation with Cruz, shots were still ringing out, but they were coming from a different part of the school.

“No, definitely not…Because when shots were fired, I saw him after the fact. And the shots were coming from the other part of the building. So there definitely had to be two shooters involved, I believe,” Miednik said.

“As we were walking, the whole class together, I actually was speaking to the suspect, Nikolas Cruz. And as I was speaking to him, he seemed very…he was troubled in middle school, so I kind of joked to him and said ‘I’m surprised you weren’t the one who did it,’ and he just gave me a ‘Huh?’,” Miednik said.

Matt Musil ✔@KHOUSportsMatt

#KHOU11 After shifting over from #ASTROS Camp to coverage of school shooting in Parkland, Forida, I talked with Alexa Miednik , a Senior at Douglas HS. She never saw a gun but she says she knows the alleged shooter…

10:05 PM – Feb 14, 2018


5,036 people are talking about this

Nikolas Cruz was arrested and stands accused of killing at least 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where he used to be a student.

Cruz was expelled from the school. Law enforcement reportedly arrested him right outside a house near the high school campus, and sources say Cruz might have escaped the school after the shooting by blending in with fellow students.

Cruz’s mother is reportedly dead and he was living with a friend’s family.

The media has largely relied on three unnamed former schoolmates of Cruz, who have detailed in mainstream news articles his alleged fondness for guns and past disciplinary issues, which involve kicking a window in middle school.

Three unnamed former schoolmates also told ABC News that Cruz was part of a white supremacist group called Republic of Florida, which the group’s purported leader also claimed, according to the Anti-Defamation League. But a mainstream Forbes reporter and others have cast doubt on that claim.

The first unnamed former classmate of Cruz to speak to the media — who said that he went to alternative school with Cruz after Cruz was kicked out of high school — claimed that Cruz was fond of guns and that he knew the layout of the high school and what to do in a “fire drill” situation. A fire drill occurred at the school earlier in the day, and students and parents also said that they expected another drill — possibly an active shooter drill — at the school that same day. CBS 4 in Miami, which broadcast the former classmate’s claims, did not provide the former classmate’s name.

Rob Dew@DewsNewz


Father reports student told him they had a fire drill and were supposed to have an active shooter drill.

6:35 PM – Feb 14, 2018


425 people are talking about this

CBS News ✔@CBSNews

NEW: “We thought it was a drill,” student evacuated from Parkland, Florida, high school tells CBS News. “We already had one earlier this morning…and then we heard gunshots; some students thought it was not that serious.”

The Broward County Sherriff’s Office stated that it cannot confirm a second shooter “at this time,” and has been mum regarding online speculation on the case.