
Friday, March 31, 2017

Psychoactive Drugs and Bizarre Journeys to Alternate Dimensions


Since time unremembered cultures around the world have strived to reach some other plane of existence, to transcend reality as they know it and travel to other mystical or spiritual realms, to push into realms unknown. One of the ways various peoples have attempted to force their way through the veil that separates our reality from others is the use of various concoctions of potent psychoactive and psychedelic drugs. Yet in some cases is there more going on than just a profound hallucinatory effect on the brain? Can a powerful drug of such a type actually help us transcend our bodies and even the reality we know of itself? For years there has been sporadic research done one such drug, a potent psychedelic compound with amazing effects that users, and even some researchers, believe is having a highly unusual effect on the mind, perhaps even putting them into contact with alternate realities or dimensions beyond our own.
The compound Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT for short, is a naturally occurring drug of the tryptamine family, and is found in a wide array of plants and animals. Although it was only first scientifically synthesized in 1931 and only discovered to be present in plants and certain animals in 1960, the powerful effects of DMT have long been known by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, who used it as an active ingredient in their traditional psychoactive divinatory brews, called ayahuasca.

Able to be inhaled, injected, or orally ingested, DMT is notable for its incredibly powerful and intense psychoactive, psychedelic and euphoric effects, which begin almost immediately and fade within 5 to 30 minutes. It is for this reason the drug was once known among users in the 1960s and 70s as the “businessman’s trip,” because you could take it before lunch, experience its mind-melting effects, and be ready to go back to work after lunch. Although never particularly popular among the mainstream, DMT has in recent years become notorious for its rather odd and mysterious effects on the human mind, with some claiming that it even allows communication with or peeks into other realms of existence.
Users of DMT are particularly known for finding themselves in extremely realistic alien landscapes, where they uniquely and consistently claim to encounter and communicate with decidedly non-human entities, which are often described as being mostly seemingly benevolent guides or helpers that communicate through gestures, telepathy, or visual imagery including holding up actual signs upon which words are written. These strange beings have been reported as taking on a variety of bizarre forms including aliens, stick figures, clowns, fairies, “self-transforming machine elves,” and indistinct humanoid figures, as well as various plants and animal forms such as reptiles, spiders, bees, mantises, and cacti, among many others.
These bizarre entities appear in otherworldly landscapes saturated with intense, bright colors much more vivid than real-life or even dreams, and which are adorned with kaleidoscopic geometric patterns that can be seen with eyes open or closed, and DMT users say the beings often seem to be waiting for them. In some cases, the entities are reported as probing the user’s mind, or even physically examining them when they arrive. What makes it all even more unusual is that after an initial bout of disorientation, the users claim that within the short span of these visions they retain a completely clear and unimpaired mental state, and what’s more they remain absolutely convinced that what they had seen was completely real, not a dream, and that these beings in some way actually exist as something other than mere hallucinations. Users of DMT typically refuse to believe that what they experienced was all in their minds, and remain adamant that it was all totally real.

This phenomenon of encountering non-human intelligences and so thoroughly convincing users of their actual existence is unique to DMT among psychedelic drugs, and it was the focus of scientific research carried out in the 1990s by psychiatrist Rick Strassman. During his experiments, Strassman noted that for the first 2 minutes the subject experiencing intense psychedelic effects and confusion, after which they entered a more relaxed state where they were able to calmly and lucidly describe what they were seeing as they experienced it, with the whole experience lasting around 30 minutes. It was also found that around half of the subjects consistently entered mysterious realms populated by non-human intelligences; a state Strassman described as “freestanding, independent levels of existence.”
These experiences were compelling because they were wholly unique to DMT, in particular the frequency with which subjects had meetings with these entities, and they were so incredibly life-like and realistic to those who underwent them. This phenomenon was so strange that Strassman theorized that something similar could be behind stories of alien abduction, and he even mused that it could be indicative of actual contact with some parallel universe or alternate reality, as well as stating that DMT could possibly be a tool for reaching an understanding of the deeper nature of reality and existence beyond the mundane world we know of. He would eventually write of these experiments and theories in his books DMT: The Spirit Molecule and Inner Paths to Outer Space. Is there any way at all that DMT could be altering users’ brains in such a way as to allow them to glimpse and interact with an alternate reality that normally remains unseen?

For some, the answer to this is a definite “no,” and that while it is not known why these effects are so unique to DMT, this is all nevertheless just the psychedelic nature of the drug interacting with preconceived notions, subconscious data, lost memories, distorted personal perceptions, and impaired judgment, all filtered through the cracked lens of an over-excited, stimulated visual system and unreliable recollection of the experiences combined with false confidence of what they saw, a willingness to believe, imagination, and “magical thinking.” The skeptical view is that, although DMT is certainly strange and unique, there is no reason to jump to metaphysical explanations such as parallel universes and alternate realities, and that there is no empirical evidence to support such a far-out notion. In an article on the DMT phenomenon on the site Psychology Today, psychologist Scott McGreal called such belief in the drug’s purported metaphysical properties “psychedelic mysticism,” and wrote:
From a hard-nosed scientific perspective, such claims are hard to believe, to say the least. The idea that there are invisible realities inhabited by intelligent entities that cannot be detected by any empirical means but can be perceived only by people who are in altered states of brain chemistry is difficult to reconcile with a modern scientific worldview. Strassman expresses a more general belief in what I would call psychedelic mysticism. This is the belief that psychedelic drugs including LSD and psilocybin, as well as DMT, can provide true insights into the deeper nature of reality. For example, after using these drugs, people may become convinced that there are realities beyond the everyday one, that there is life after death, and that there is an objective spiritual presence in the universe.
For others, the phenomenon indeed does hint at things beyond the boundaries of our normal perceived world, and that it is worth further investigation. There are a variety of theories floating around as to what these entities could be, such as that they are embodiments of some aspect of the person’s mind or personality, as well as that they are non-material, spiritual components of the self, projections of the universal subconscious, supernatural inhabitants of the realm between life and the afterlife, or actual real independent beings from another dimension or parallel reality, but there is no real evidence for any of these.

There are perhaps some ways to scientifically obtain evidence of the entities being objectively independently existing beings in a real separate place. For instance, an experiment could be devised to somehow glean from these strange beings some sort of new information that the DMT user could not have possibly known, or to have them perform a skill or demonstrate a task such as an advanced mathematical equation that the user would not normally be able to complete on their own. Another way would be to have disparate DMT users take detailed, long term journals of what they see, and these accumulated experiences could be compared in order to detect any commonalities, similarities, or consistencies between them, as one would expect if these are indeed actual independent realities existing on their own somewhere beyond our normal senses.
It is no surprise that psychoactive and psychedelic drugs can provide powerful hallucinatory experiences, and indeed this is why they have long been used by various cultures throughout the world for the mystical purpose of divination, out of body travel, healing powers, and connecting with the spiritual realm, ranging from the “vision quests” of the Native Americans to the mystical brews of the Amazon Indians. However, is there something more going on in some cases? Does the phenomenon of DMT experiences point at something beyond our understanding and even our reality? In the end, something definitely strange is going on with the persistent reports from DMT users of these very realistic entities and their worlds, but just what that is will likely remain open to debate for some time to come. While the debate will go on and further research might provide some answers, in the meantime it is interesting to think that we might already have that key to other realities that our kind has long sought.

DOT creating a nationwide spying database of everyone's cell phones, Bluetooth devices and license plates

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on March 30, 2017 

A recent article in the Marin Independent Journal, reveals how Transportation Authorities (DOT's) across the country, are secretly spying on everyone's cellphones, GPS devices and Bluetooth devices. They claim spying is cheaper than other alternatives..

A new study using data collected from mobile devices, details the increasing flow of vehicles into Marin from the East Bay and San Francisco. The DOT claims that "only mobile signals are tracked, not the user’s identity."

Don't believe it.

Spying on motorists electronic devices is cheaper

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) also claims that spying on everyone's cell phones, Bluetooth connected devices and license plates is cheaper than mail surveys.

"TAM’s model development Consultant, Fehr and Peers, have piloted the use of extremely large data sources, referred to as “Big Data” collected from mobile phones, GPS devices and automobiles to provide a cost effective approach to once burdensome system of mail surveys, traffic counting and license plate reader technology."

The Feds are no longer content, using anonymous traffic counting and mail surveys. They want to spy on every electronic device we have, which includes connected vehicles.

Feds have been spying on connected cars for 15 years

A connected car knows where you are and constantly tracks your driving habits. Vehicles equipped with OnStar or Hyundai Blue Link have two-way links that relay GPS data to service providers and the DOT.

A recent article in warned the Feds have been spying on connected cars for 15 years.

"It was little surprise to find General Motors (GM) had repeatedly worked with cops to hand over not just location but also audio, where conversations were recorded when the in-car cellular connection was switched on..." (Click here to read a 2015 privacy report on how today's vehicles spy on everyone.)

Last year, I warned everyone that state DOT's are using Bluetooth detectors to identify motorists, passengers and pedestrians.

Blogger Michael Robertson said, "sensors that re-identify vehicles specifically. Some examples given are"electronic toll tag transponders, cell-phone tracking, license plate reading, Bluetooth sniffing, magnetic signatures, (and) video tracking."

By combining a license plate or a phone number with a Bluetooth serial number, it’s possible to track citizens via their phone, Robertson said.

USDOT creates program to spy on everyone

The USDOT's, Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) or Travel Demand Modeling (TDM) programs were created, so the Feds could spy on everyone's electronic devices.

At approximately 2:00 minutes into the video the Feds claim that spying on people's electronic devices is about safety. And at approx., 3:00 minutes the Feds say that if you've ever complained about traffic signal coordination, speed limit signs that don't reflect conditions or parking lots that don't let motorists know if they're full, you're campaigning for ATDM or Federal surveillance.

DocSlide's PowerPoint presentation about TDM reveals intimate details of DOT spying, like vehicle occupancy, time of day travel, where they're going and whether people work from home or are being home schooled etc. (Click here to find out about PA's spying Intelligent Transportation System)

USDOT's national plan to spy on electronic devices in real-time

"The goal of this project is to enable Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) tools to be validated and calibrated based on detailed vehicle trajectory level data, which will improve the accuracy of AMS tools. Because AMS tools are often used in transportation planning decision-making, and increasingly in a real-time ATDM operational environment..."

Below, is a partial list of states using TDM to spy on motorists:


New York







The USDOT National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine (NASEM), received a $700.000 grant to create a real-time TDM system. Fyi, the NASEM is part of the Transportation Research Board.

Last year, I warned everyone that DHS, the TSA and the USDOT are working together to create a national commuter surveillance system.

"TSA, on behalf of DHS, is a co-Sector Specific Agency alongside DOT and USCG for the transportation sector. DOT and TSA work together to integrate safety and security priorities."

The USDOT, DHS and the DEA use things like highway cameras, license plate readers, Smart Cities, etc., to spy on everyone.

33 ways the DOT spies on everyone:

Facial recognition cameras

Facial biometric licenses ID's (Real-ID)

Smart Cities

Smart biometric streetlights

Stingray surveillance

Spying Bluetooth Billboards

UAV drones

DOT surveillance blimps

DOT/DEA vehicle spying

GPS devices

Connected cars

Auto insurance surveillance

EZ Pass

Vehicle2Vehicle communications

Event Data Recorders

Iris scanning vehicles

Vehicle alcohol sensors


Bluetooth Detectors

Social media spying

ShotSpotter streetlights

Array of Things streetlights

Z-Backscatter vehicles

CCTV surveillance

Spying Wi-Fi Kiosks

Illegal microphones spying on commuters

Commuter surveillance

Red light cameras

License plate readers

Intelligent Transportation System surveillance

Travel Demand Monitoring

Vehicle registration/inspection stickers

Motorist dashcam spying

The USDOT has become a surveillance monster, no one is safe from their prying eyes. If a nationwide cell phone, Bluetooth and license plate surveillance system, doesn't get American's to act, what will?.

To learn more about the USDOT's 'Active Transportation and Demand Management' program click here, here & here.

And they ridicule Trump because he's spied on. We're all spied on 24/7

IS BABYLON FIVE’S ANTI-AGAPIC HERE?Image result for old ways scientific

Most people know I am a fan of the 1990s classic sci-fi television series, Babylon Five. In the first season of that series, a war criminal named Warmaster Jha-dur (a leader of an extinct race named named the Dilgar which was wiped out in a war) missing for years and presumed dead, suddenly turns up on the space station to the horrified shock of the various races she oppressed and murdered. She was a kind of alien Doctor Mengele, performing horrible experiments on the sentient species that her own species had conquered, until the Earth Alliance intervened and, apparently, wiped out the Dilgar. With the exception of Jha-dur.Her sudden appearance on the space station brings the predictable demands for justice and a war crimes trial from the various races that were victims of her experiments. Unfortunately, Jha-dur brings with her a serum, a universal anti-agapic or anti-aging drug with which she hopes to barter for her freedom. She offers it to Earth, which, of course, promptly tosses morality and justice aside, and makes a deal with her for the drug. Indeed, the drug appears to work, since Jha-dur has not aged one day since the last known picture of her from years previously. All DNA tests confirm: its her. Unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately, depending on ones lights), the ship carrying Jha-dur is blown up by another advanced alien race (the Vorlons), who tell the humans that youre not ready for immortality. So why the lengthy introduction? Well, Mr. V.T. shared this article about a similar drug that is now being tested by NASA; indeed, I blogged about this drug some time ago, which was then in development. Now, it appears there has been enough success with it in mice that it is now moving to human trials: Would YOU choose to live forever? Age-reversing pill that Nasa wants to give to astronauts on Mars will begin human trials within six months. Now this is extremely interesting, for note what is claimed for the drug:
Scientists have made a discovery that could lead to a revolutionary drug that actually reverses ageing.
The drug could help damaged DNA to miraculously repair and even protect Nasa astronauts on Mars by protecting them from solar radiation.
A team of researchers developed the drug after discovering a key signalling process in DNA repair and cell ageing.
The work has drawn the attention of Nasa, which is considering the challenge of keeping its astronauts healthy during a four-year mission to Mars.
Even on short missions, astronauts experience accelerated ageing from cosmic radiation, suffering from muscle weakness, memory loss and other symptoms when they return.
On a trip to Mars, the situation would be far worse: Five per cent of the astronauts cells would die and their chances of cancer would approach 100 per cent.
(Emphasis added)
Let that cluster of claims sink in: a drug that can accelerate radiation-damaged cell repair, and hence, conceivably ward off radiation-induced cancers. A few years ago, there was a story about an Israeli developed drug which had similar restorative properties for radiation-attacked cells. The bottom line here is that up to a point, one might have a cure for radiation sickness and damaged cells, with the possible high octane speculative potential of perhaps being able to undo severe radiation exposure, such as the type caused by thermal neutrons to individual cells. One would, of course, have to administer such a drug very quickly after such exposure, before the damage had set in past the point of no return. But it is just barely conceivable as a possibility.
The benefits for extended space voyages, as the article points out, are quite high, for one would be able to repair radiation exposure as-it-happened so to speak, effectively neutralizing one persistent problem with long space voyages.
Which brings me to my high octane speculation of the day: just how long might this technology have existed? In the Daily Mails presentation, not very long at all; its relatively recent and just now being set for human trials. But consider: we've often remarked on this site about the weird longevity of the elite, and in part, this has been explained by the process of taking blood transfusions of the very young. The thinking is that some sort of genetic mechanism exists that repairs cells. And this drug would certainly seem to fill the bill. And if one had taken blood transfusions and noticed a marked improvement and restoration of youth and vigor, one would want to know why, and perhaps then privately and very secretly funded studies into what made it work, and found the mechanism being claimed for this drug. Far-fetched? Certainly, but it would not be the first time that public technologies and disclosures of such followed a long period of private and hidden development. And its incredibly interesting that it occurs in connection with space travel (Apollo, anyone?).
Oh, and to complete the Babylon Five version of the story, Jha-dur, in a final moment of supreme triumph, discloses that her drug was made possible by the millions of lives she sacrificed in her experiments, and that the drug only works because it contains the dna of all those species... think of it as the Babylon Five version of the blood transfusion story.
It makes you wonder...

Thursday, March 30, 2017

What Would Patrick Henry Say Today?

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on March 29, 2017    ~ hehe the ONLY Person wit any NADES ta stand UP ta the  im·mo·ral·i·ty   go~in ON in the WEST(USA) is Putin  ...fuck ask the "average" A~merry~kooky~Cans who is Patrick Herny & you'll geet ..i think he is on my "fan~tasy" football or um maybe my baseball or what "boy~band" was He ...In ? 

March 23, 2017

On this day in 1775, Patrick Henry delivered the most famous speech ever given on American soil. It was his immortal “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” speech. He gave the speech to the Virginia House of Burgess in Richmond. The question before the delegation was whether the Colony of Virginia would join the fight for independence from Great Britain.

Toward the beginning of his powerful presentation, Patrick Henry said,

“Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

“For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth–to know the worst and to provide for it.”

Indeed, awakening people to “the whole truth” is in large part what must take place before any people can be sufficiently motivated to fight for liberty. And that is not nearly as easy as it sounds. Truth can often be as Henry describes it: “painful.”

It is very painful to wake up and realize that the vast majority of what our government tells us is false. It is very painful to wake up and realize that the vast majority of what our national news media tells us is false. It is very painful to wake up and realize that what the vast majority of our pastors and preachers tell us is false.

It is very painful to wake up and realize that the United States has not fought a constitutional war since World War II. It is very painful to wake up and realize that the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are the aggressor states in the Middle East, NOT Russia, Iran, and Syria. It is very painful to wake up and realize that much, if not most, of our country’s military endeavors have almost nothing to do with protecting the lives, security, and property of the people of the United States, but have almost everything to do with protecting and expanding the financial interests of the global/corporate/banking elite.

And it is very painful to wake up and realize that most of the so-called crises in both domestic and international affairs are completely manufactured and concocted by the very same government that comes charging in on a white horse to ostensibly solve the crises. Let me say it plainly: our federal government spends trillions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of American lives fighting wars, conflicts, terrorism, and crises OF ITS OWN MAKING.

Once in awhile, a local newspaper or television newscast will do a bit of independent, objective journalism and shed a little light of truth amidst the gargantuan darkness of a controlled press. It doesn’t happen very often, and usually when it does, the poor little publisher, editor, or manager will find themselves quickly out of a job. But whether it’s a complete accident (you know, some naïve journalist or editor thinks he or she is supposed to be an objective, honest investigator and proclaimer of truth) or whether it’s a sudden act of raw courage, sometimes a story leaks out that shows the “painful truth” that Patrick Henry talked about. Such a story came out of Kansas City recently.

According to The Kansas City Star, the vast majority of so-called foiled terrorist plots in the U.S. were actually contrivances of the FBI. The plots invoking the name ISIS or Al Qaeda were actually the invention of FBI agents carrying out elaborate sting operations.

Reportedly, in recent terrorism investigations in Wichita and Kansas City, the alleged terrorists were unknowingly following the directions of undercover FBI agents who supplied fake bombs and came up with the key elements of the plan.

And listen to this: of 126 ISIS-related cases prosecuted by federal authorities across the country, almost two-thirds involved undercover agents or informants.

See the report here:

FBI Undercover Stings Foil Terrorist Plots — But Often Plots Of The Agency’s Own Making

And did I mention that the FBI actually took over a child pornography website for several weeks using the photos and videos of real children? Well, it did. In fact, while the FBI was distributing the child pornography, they actually upgraded the site by making it faster and more accessible. The FBI distributed at least 48,000 photos and 200 videos of child pornography. Imagine if one of those images was a photo or video of YOUR child. Imagine! A federal law enforcement agency that ostensibly is dedicated to protecting American lives–especially children’s lives–sexually exploited thousands of little boys and girls–all under the rubric of catching pedophiles, of course. But by sexually exploiting these little children, I contend those FBI agents did in fact become pedophiles themselves. But they carry badges, so that makes it okay. And if you don’t believe what I’m telling you, look it up for yourself.

And did I mention that FBI and ATF agents sold arms to Mexican drug cartels that wound up using those arms to kill innocent civilians on both sides of the border as well as U.S. Border Patrol agents? Well, they did. And, oh yes, the money used for these illegal and immoral weapons transfers came out of the FBI’s annual taxpayer budget. Of course, not a single agent from the ATF or FBI was ever held to account. Again, look it up for yourself.

And did I mention that FBI agents gunned down innocent Branch Davidians, including elderly men, women, and children as they fled the burning buildings (fires that the FBI started) near Waco, Texas? As horrific as it sounds (and is), that is exactly what they did. And again, not a single agent was brought to justice.

And did I mention that an FBI sniper shot Vicki Weaver in the head while she held her little baby in her arms as she stood in the doorway of her own kitchen? (This happened near Ruby Ridge, Idaho.) Well, he did. And the dog who lined this young mother up in his high-powered scope, and as cold as a Great White Shark squeezed the trigger, was never held accountable. He was initially charged with involuntary manslaughter in State court, but a federal prosecutor successfully had the case moved to federal court where the charge was summarily dismissed.

This follows the pattern that the CIA uses globally. The CIA–along with covert agents from Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain–uses fake Muslims to create terror groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. Some of the terrorists are paid mercenaries with absolutely no religious persuasion one way or the other; others are Arabs and Muslims who are sick and tired of seeing their loved ones killed and maimed in relentless bombing raids and drone attacks by the U.S. and Israel and are, therefore, easy targets for CIA and Mossad agitators to recruit into terrorism; and others are mentally unstable CIA stooges.

Regardless, the arms, equipment, intelligence, plans, etc., being fed to Middle Eastern terror groups come straight out of Langley, Virginia, and Tel Aviv, Israel. Washington, D.C., needs the war on terror as justification for building its military/industrial/surveillance complex (aka the domestic Police State and global “New World Order”;), and Tel Aviv needs the war on terror to defeat those pesky Arabs in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Iran who stubbornly resist its plans for a “Greater Israel.”

Plus, Zionists are expert at pitting their two most hated peoples (Christians and Muslims) against each other. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia knows that the Zionists’ love of money is even greater than its hatred for Muslims and that they are therefore willing to look past Saudi Arabia’s Sunni Muslim religion in order to help King Salman try and rid the Middle East of his most hated enemy: the Shia Muslim epicenter, Iran. And who knows: Saudi Arabia might have even struck a deal with Israel to cede its northern territory to the “Greater Israel” in exchange for Israel’s help in destroying Iran and Syria. Of course, at some point everyone must deal with Egypt; but I am seriously digressing now.

Back on point: I also suspect that the vast majority of the mass shootings in the U.S. are likewise concocted and carried out by stooges of the CIA and FBI.

One of the best things that could happen for the future peace and happiness of the people of the United States (and world) would be for the CIA and FBI to be completely disbanded. These are totally unconstitutional agencies to begin with. If one wants to “drain the swamp,” that would be a good place to start. But why stop there?

If we truly want to “Make America Great Again,” we would also shut down the BLM, ATF, DEA, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, OSHA, EPA, HUD, the Commerce Department, HHS, the Department of Labor, EEOC, FEMA, FHA, FDA, GSA, and, of course, the IRS and Federal Reserve.

And while we are at it, we should close the vast majority of the 800 U.S. military bases in at least 160 countries all over the world (source: military scholar David Vine; by contrast Britain, France, and Russia have about 30 foreign bases combined, according to Vine), and bring our troops HOME–which would mean we wouldn’t need to spend HALF of the entire federal budget on entangling alliances, Deep State assassinations, regime changes, goading nations into wars-for-profit, nation-building, and fighting wars of aggression for the Zionist-apartheid State of Israel.

The painful truth discussed in this column is just the tip of a very large iceberg. I wonder what Patrick Henry would say today.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

SHOCK: Millennial generation overwhelmingly unable to do basic household tasks

Image: SHOCK: Millennial generation overwhelmingly unable to do basic household tasks
Although most of them believe that they are God’s gift to the world, millennials are far from perfect. Defined as anyone born between 1982 and 2004, millennials are generally proficient when it comes to using technology, and many of them are actually very book smart. But as for street smarts and just plain commonsense? Not so much.
According to researchers in Britain, 20% of young people under the age of 35 still turn to their parents for help with common household tasks. For example, the study found that more than half of millennials today are unable to put up wallpaper by themselves, and one in eight admitted to not knowing how to change a light bulb. Additionally, a study by British maintenance company Corgi HomePlan found that 80% of young women rely on their partners to fix things and keep up with basic home maintenance.
The problem, according to Dr. Sandi Mann, a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Central Lancashire, is that young people are no longer seeing the importance of being hands on. “Millennials are being brought up to be tech-savvy and their skill is in electronic manipulation,” Dr. Mann explained. “Whilst their parents might be better at changing light bulbs, it is the older generation who often turn to the younger ones for help when their computer or phone crashes.”
Indeed, more statistics revealed by this study and others prove Dr. Mann’s explanation to be one hundred percent accurate. In October of last year, for example, a survey found that one in four people between the ages of 25 and 34 weren’t capable of boiling an egg on their own. Nineteen percent of these young people admitted to thinking that an egg can be hard-boiled in less than two minutes. Sadly, the survey showed that young people are losing the skills that their parents and grandparents possessed years before their time – 77% said they can’t fix a bike puncture and 68% can’t wire a plug. (RELATED: Here are 40 shockingly simple skills that millennials don’t know how to do.)
Indeed, technology is a wonderful thing. It generally makes our lives much easier and convenient, and young people will be the first to tell you that. The Robotwist Hands Free Jar Opener, for instance, is a product that has recently been advertised online and on television. The device is able to clamp down on a jar lid and then automatically twist it off, thus saving people the trouble of using their own hands and strength. But like most other things in life, there is a downside.
With all of this technology, and less of an emphasis being put on hard work and hands on activities, upcoming generations are increasingly losing their ability to take care of themselves. Worse, what happens should society collapse one day and suddenly smartphones and other forms of technology are rendered useless? What happens if the world instantaneously requires physical strength, commonsense, intuition, and just plain street smarts? Would millennials have the ability to survive day-to-day life in an environment such as this?
In a survival situation where there is no more government, no more power and no more Internet, young people wouldn’t be able to simply pull out their smartphones and look up how to boil an egg that they found the day before perched up in a tree. (RELATED: These are the best foods to grow and store for survival.) Similarly, they wouldn’t be able to do a Google search for how to change a light bulb, assuming of course that they were first able to power up a generator for power.
While technology is convenient and makes our lives easier in thousands of different ways, it should never be a replacement for street smarts and commonsense. After all, there is no app for that.

GPS navigation found to switch off the brains of Millennials, explaining why they always get lost unless a computer tells them where to go                                                                              ~   hehe when/IF the shit hits the "fan"  which gen do ya think will b UP the crick ...wit out a ...paddle ? Image result for up shits creek without a paddle songOops 

Image: GPS navigation found to switch off the brains of Millennials, explaining why they always get lost unless a computer tells them where to go
Millennials are unable to navigate without an electronic device, says a recent study. Researchers at the University College London concluded that using GPS navigation systems dampens the brain’s region responsible for simulating different possible routes during travels. The study’s results coincide with poll results from the NetVoucherCodes. The budget website surveyed 2,000 volunteers and noted that four out of five participants aged 18 to 30 years rely on their GPS.  In contrast more than half of participants older than 65 years old appeared to be comfortable in using conventional maps.
Data from NetVoucherCodes also showed that 59 percent of men said they would struggle travelling without a GPS, while the same was true for 69 percent of women. The poll also revealed that while 83 percent of respondents owned a road map, only a third of them carried maps on a regular basis. Nearly two of three respondents said they preferred using GPS, the results showed.
“Our over reliance on satnavs is worrying as they are not always correct 100 per cent of the time. Map reading is a valuable skill and one which should not be lost especially amongst our younger generations. We have to remember that technology cannot be counted on all of the time,” said Steve Barnes from

Navigation study may lead to dementia-friendly buildings

In the latest study, 24 participants aged between 20 to 35 were studied.  The participants were asked to navigate a simulation of Soho in central London while undergoing brain scans.
The researchers examined activity in the hippocampus, a brain region associated with navigation and the consolidation of both short and long term memory. The experts also assessed activity in the prefrontal cortex, which was tied to planning and decision-making. The researchers have also mapped London’s streets to check how the two brain regions react to navigation routes. The participants showed increased activity in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortext when they navigated manually. Greater brain activity was noted when the participants had a number of routes to choose from. However, the researchers did not observe the same level of brain activities when the participants used a GPS navigation system.
The results suggests that humans navigate by creating an internal map of the environment, which enables people to calculate the shortest route to take during a journey. The findings were published in the journal Nature Communication.
Researchers at the University College London  previously conducted a similar study on navigation. An analysis of London taxi drivers showed that the hippocampi of these drivers expand when they have memorized certain landmarks and street turns in central London. The results of the recent study suggest that London taxi drivers using a GPS navigation system had lower activities in the hippocampus, which in turn limited them from knowing the city’s particulars.
Another analysis has assessed the street networks of major city’s around the world and found that London’s complex street system was particularly taxing to the hippocampus. On the other hand, Manhattan’s grid layout proved that it was a bit easier on the brain to navigate.
“The next step for our lab will be working with smart tech companies, developers, and architects to help design spaces that are easier to navigate and increase well being. Our new findings allow us to look at the layout of a city or building and consider how the memory systems of the brain may likely react. For example, we could look at the layouts of care homes and hospitals to identify areas that might be particularly challenging for people with dementia and help to make them easier to navigate. Similarly, we could design new buildings that are dementia-friendly from the outset,” Dr. Spiers stated.

Massive, strange anomaly discovered under the frozen ice of Antarctica

Image: Massive, strange anomaly discovered under the frozen ice of Antarctica
A “gravitational anomaly” buried beneath the ice of Antarctica recently sent the Internet into a buzz of speculation, with suggested explanations including everything from UFOs to a gateway to the hollow center of the planet.
But the explanation suggested by scientists is perhaps more remarkable still: that the anomaly, known as the Wilkes Land mass crater, is a type of fingerprint indicating the impact of an asteroid four to five times larger than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs.
The scientists who discovered the anomaly have suggested that this asteroid could be responsible for the worst mass extinction in our planet’s history, and may also have initiated the breakup of the supercontinent, Gondwana.

Signs of asteroid impact

In 2006, researchers from Ohio State University were studying gravity fluctuations measured by NASA’s GRACE satellites, and discovered a 200-mile wide section of land that appeared to be made of high-density material from earth’s mantle, rather than the typical crust material that makes up most of the planet’s surface. These mass concentrations (“mascons”) occur when large amounts of matter rise up from beneath the crust, and often indicate an impact from a large object.
“If I saw this same mascon signal on the moon, I’d expect to see a crater around it,” researcher Ralph von Frese said. “When we looked at the ice-probing airborne radar, there it was.”
The researchers discovered that the mascon was sitting in the exact center of a circular ridge about 300 miles across. And while many factors could produce such geological formations, the combination of the ridge and the mascon is highly suggestive of an impact crater.
“There are at least 20 impact craters this size or larger on the moon, so it is not surprising to find one here,” he said. “The active geology of the Earth likely scrubbed its surface clean of many more.”
Because the earth is geologically active, mascons eventually get cleared away, even before the craters that house them disappear. This property of the earth’s geology allowed the researchers to estimate the time of the impact at about 250 million years ago. In another 500 million years, they said, the mascon will have disappeared entirely.
The researchers became excited when they realized that 250 million years ago is the time at which the Permian-Triassic (P-T) mass extinction event occurred, wiping out 96 percent of ocean life and 70 percent of land vertebrates.

Dwarfs asteroid that killed the dinosaurs

Scientists believe that the Cretacious-Tertiary (K-T) extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid, dubbed Chicxulub, that struck the earth at what is now Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Based on analyses of craters size, Chicxulub was probably about six miles wide — compared to a 30-mile wide asteroid that likely creates the Wilkes Land mass crater.
“This Wilkes Land impact is much bigger than the impact that killed the dinosaurs, and probably would have caused catastrophic damage at the time,” von Frese said.
“All the environmental changes that would have resulted from the impact would have created a highly caustic environment that was really hard to endure. So it makes sense that a lot of life went extinct at that time.”
The scientists also noticed that the crater is bisected by a rift valley that extends into the Indian Ocean. It was the expansion of this rift that, 100 million years ago, caused Antarctica to separate from the Gondwana supercontinent. This led the researchers to suggest that perhaps the asteroid that produced the Wilkes Land mass crater actually created this rift in the first place, thus beginning the eventual breakup of Gondwana.
The researchers’ theory is not universally accepted. Other potential craters have been suggested for a P-T asteroid, such as Bedout off the northwest coast of Australia. Other scientists believe that the P-T extinction was caused not by an asteroid, but by volcanic activity.

The Jack the Ripper Mystery Will Likely Remain Unsolved

One of the most enduring modern mysteries is determining who exactly might have been behind a series of 1888 serial killings in London’s Whitechapel district. The murders have been attributed to an unknown figure who has colloquially come to be known as “Jack the Ripper” due to his preferred method of horribly mutilating his victims. Numerous attempts to identify the killer have been made in the nearly 130 years since the killings took place, but none have been successful due to a lack of concrete forensic evidence. However, many of the known clues lead to one young woman, Mary Jane Kelly, believed to have been the last known victim of Jack the Ripper.
An unknown serial killer murdered at least five prostitutes in East London, removing their abdominal organs after death.
An unknown serial killer murdered at least five prostitutes in East London, removing their abdominal organs after death, suggesting the killer had some degree of medical knowledge.
Little is known about the young woman known as Mary Jane Kelly and by various psuedonyms, but enough evidence exists to suggest she had turned to prostitution out of desperation after the death of her husband in 1879. Nine years later, she was found murdered and gruesomely disfigured in London on November 9, 1888. Because the Jack the Ripper murders ended after her death, much research has focused on definitvely identifying Mary Jane Kelly in order to find a motive in those who were close to her. To that end, historians from the University of Leicester launched The Mary Jane Project to try and determine her identity once and for all.
The identity of the serial killer remains unknown to this day.
The identity of the serial killer remains unknown to this day.
Their efforts lead them to St. Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery in Leytonstone in East London where Mary Jane Kelly was buried ten days after her death. The researchers intended to exhume her remains in order to collect DNA evidence, but found that it would be impossibleafter surveying the cemetery. In their published report, the team concludes that locating and exhuming Mary Jane Kelly’s remains would be a “herculean effort” that would require hundreds of other graves to be exhumed in the process – that is, if legal permission for each grave could be granted by next of kin. Furthermore, the gravestones in the cemetery are relatively new and have been moved several times over the last hundred years, meaning the exact location of Mary Jane Kelly’s remains is unknown.
Mary Jane Kellys grave at St. Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery in Leytonstone.
Mary Jane Kelly’s gravestone at St. Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery in East London.
According to a University of Leicester press release, this means that the true identity of whoever is in Mary Jane Kelly’s grave will likely remain a mystery:
All said, the number of unknown variables mean that there is still no guarantee that Mary Jane Kelly is buried within the hypothetical search area, and unfortunately, even if she is, it is very likely that her grave has been disturbed or destroyed by more recent grave digging.
Due to the daunting prospect and probable impossibility of such a feat, researchers have given up chasing the trail of clues extending from Mary Jane Kelly – for now, at least. As this was one of the most promising leads in the still unsolved Jack the Ripper case, it looks like this mystery might be one for the history books.
BBC History magazine named Jack the Ripper as the worst Briton in history.
Jack the Ripper’s legend endures thanks to countless depictions in literature and fiction around the world.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Congressional Interference

Posted by Conspiracy Cafe on March 25, 2017   ~ after the father of our country's been ALL down hill since ? Image result for pic of george washington just think what can be accomplished wit an set of ...nades

To make matters worse, politics were allowed to play a prominent part in the selection of officers, and Washington complained that "the different States [were], without regard to the qualifications of an officer, quarrelling about the appointments, and nominating such as are not fit to be shoeblacks, from the attachments of this or that member of Assembly." As a result, so he wrote of New England, "their officers are generally of the lowest class of the people; and, instead of setting a good example to their men, are leading them into every kind of mischief, one species of which is plundering the inhabitants, under the pretence of their being Tories." To this political motive he himself would not yield, and a sample of his appointments was given when a man was named "because he stands unconnected with either of these Governments; or with this, or that or tother man; for between you and me there is more in this than you can easily imagine," and he asserted that "I will not have any Gentn. introduced from family connexion, or local attachments, to the prejudice of the Service."

To misbehaving soldiers Washington showed little mercy. In his first service he had deserters and plunderers "flogged," and threatened that if he could "lay hands" on one particular culprit, "I would try the effect of 1000 lashes." At another time he had "a Gallows near 40 feet high erected (which has terrified the rest exceedingly) and I am determined if I can be justified in the proceeding, to hang two or three on it, as an example to others." When he took command of the Continental army he "made a pretty good slam among such kind of officers as the Massachusetts Government abound in since I came to this Camp, having broke one Colo, and two Captains for cowardly behavior in the action on Bunker's Hill,—two Captains for drawing more provisions and pay than they had men in their Company—and one for being absent from his Post when the Enemy appeared there and burnt a House just by it Besides these, I have at this time—one Colo., one Major, one Captn., & two subalterns under arrest for tryal—In short I spare none yet fear it will not at all do as these People seem to be too inattentive to every thing but their Interest" "I am sorry," he wrote, "to be under a Necessity of making frequent Examples among the Officers," but "as nothing can be more fatal to an Army, than Crimes of this kind, I am determined by every Motive of Reward and Punishment to prevent them in future." Even when plundering was avoided there were short commons for those who clung to the General. The commander-in-chief wrote Congress that "they have often, very often, been reduced to the necessity of Eating Salt Porke, or Beef not for a day, or a week but months together without Vegetables, or money to buy them;" and again, he complained that "the Soldiers [were forced to] eat every kind of horse food but Hay. Buckwheat, common wheat, Rye and Indn. Corn was the composition of the Meal which made their bread. As an Army they bore it, [but] accompanied by the want of Cloaths, Blankets, &c., will produce frequent desertions in all armies and so it happens with us, tho' it did not excite a mutiny." Even the horses suffered, and Washington wrote to the quartermaster-general, "Sir, my horses I am told have not had a mouthful of long or short forage for three days. They have eaten up their mangers and are now, (though wanted for immediate use,) scarcely able to stand."

Two results were sickness and discontent. At times one-fourth of the soldiers were on the sick-list. Three times portions of the army mutinied, and nothing but Washington's influence prevented the disorder from spreading. At the end of the war, when, according to Hamilton, "the army had secretly determined not to lay down their arms until due provision and a satisfactory prospect should be offered on the subject of their pay," the commander-in-chief urged Congress to do them justice, writing, "the fortitude—the long, & great suffering of this army is unexampled in history; but there is an end to all things & I fear we are very near to this. Which, more than probably will oblige me to stick very close to my flock this winter, & try like a careful physician, to prevent, if possible, the disorders getting to an incurable height." In this he judged rightly, for by his influence alone was the army prevented from adopting other than peaceful measures to secure itself justice.

A chief part of these difficulties the Continental Congress is directly responsible for, and the reason for their conduct is to be found largely in the circumstances of Washington's appointment to the command.

When the Second Congress met, in May, 1775, the battle of Lexington had been fought, and twenty thousand minute-men were assembled about Boston. To pay and feed such a horde was wholly beyond the ability of New England, and her delegates came to the Congress bent upon getting that body to assume the expense, or, as the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts naively put it, "we have the greatest Confidence in the Wisdom and Ability of the Continent to support us."

The other colonies saw this in a different light. Massachusetts, without our advice, has begun a war and embodied an army; let Massachusetts pay her own bills, was their point of view. "I have found this Congress like the last," wrote John Adams. "When we first came together, I found a strong jealousy of us from New England, and the Massachusettes in particular, suspicions entertained of designs of independency, an American republic, Presbyterian principles, and twenty other things. Our sentiments were heard in Congress with great caution, and seemed to make but little impression." Yet "every post brought me letters from my friends ... urging in pathetic terms the impossibility of keeping their men together without the assistance of Congress." "I was daily urging all these things, but we were embarrassed with more than one difficulty, not only with the party in favor of the petition to the King, and the party who were zealous of independence, but a third party, which was a southern party against a Northern, and a jealousy against a New England army under the command of a New England General."

Under these circumstances a political deal was resorted to, and Virginia was offered by John and Samuel Adams, as the price of an adoption and support of the New England army, the appointment of commander-in-chief, though the offer was not made with over-good grace, and only because "we could carry nothing without conceding it." There was some dissension among the Virginia delegates as to who should receive the appointment, Washington himself recommending an old companion in arms, General Andrew Lewis, and "more than one," Adams says of the Virginia delegates, were "very cool about the appointment of Washington, and particularly Mr. Pendleton was very clear and full against it" Washington himself said the appointment was due to "partiality of the Congress, joined to a political motive;" and, hard as it is to realize, it was only the grinding political necessity of the New England colonies which secured to Washington the place for which in the light of to-day he seems to have been created.

As a matter of course, there was not the strongest liking felt for the General thus chosen by the New England delegates, and this was steadily lessened by Washington's frank criticism of the New England soldiers and officers already noticed. Equally bitter to the New England delegates and their allies were certain army measures that Washington pressed upon the attention of Congress. He urged and urged that the troops should be enlisted for the war, that promotions should be made from the army as a whole, and not from the colony- or State-line alone, and most unpopular of all, that since Continental soldiers could not otherwise be obtained, a bounty should be given to secure them, and that as compensation for their inadequate pay half-pay should be given them after the war. He eventually carried these points, but at the price of an entire alienation of the democratic party in the Congress, who wished to have the war fought with militia, to have all the officers elected annually, and to whom the very suggestion of pensions was like a red rag to a bull.

A part of their motive in this was unquestionably to prevent the danger of a standing army, and of allowing the commander-in-chief to become popular with the soldiers. Very early in the war Washington noted "the jealousy which Congress unhappily entertain of the army, and which, if reports are right, some members labor to establish." And he complained that "I see a distrust and jealousy of military power, that the commander-in-chief has not an opportunity, even by recommendation, to give the least assurance of reward for the most essential services." The French minister told his government that when a committee was appointed to institute certain army reforms, delegates in Congress "insisted on the danger of associating the Commander-in-chief with it, whose influence, it was stated, was already too great," and when France sent money to aid the American cause, with the provision that it should be subject to the order of the General, it aroused, a writer states, "the jealousy of Congress, the members of which were not satisfied that the head of the army should possess such an agency in addition to his military power."

His enemies in the Congress took various means to lessen his influence and mortify him. Burke states that in the discussion of one question "Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and South Carolina voted for expunging it; the four Eastern States, Virginia and Georgia for retaining it. There appeared through this whole debate a great desire, in some of the delegates from the Eastern States, and in one from New Jersey, to insult the General," and a little later the Congress passed a "resolve which," according to James Lovell, "was meant to rap a Demi G—over the knuckles." Nor was it by commission, but as well by omission, that they showed their ill feeling. John Laurens told his father that

"there is a conduct observed towards" the General "by certain great men, which as it is humiliating, must abate his happiness.... The Commander in Chief of this army is not sufficiently informed of all that is known by Congress of European affairs. Is it not a galling circumstance, for him to collect the most important intelligence piecemeal, and as they choose to give it, from gentlemen who come from York? Apart from the chagrin which he must necessarily feel at such an appearance of slight, it should be considered that in order to settle his plan of operations for the ensuing campaign, he should take into view the present state of European affairs, and Congress should not leave him in the dark."

Furthermore, as already noted, Washington was criticised for his Fabian policy, and in his indignation he wrote to Congress, "I am informed that it is a matter of amazement, and that reflections have been thrown out against this army, for not being more active and enterprising than, in the opinion of some, they ought to have been. If the charge is just, the best way to account for it will be to refer you to the returns of our strength, and those which I can produce of the enemy, and to the enclosed abstract of the clothing now actually wanting for the army." "I can assure those gentlemen," he said, in reply to political criticism, "that it is a much easier and less distressing thing to draw remonstrances in a comfortable room by a good fireside, than to occupy a cold, bleak hill, and sleep under frost and snow, without clothes or blankets."

The ill feeling did not end with insults. With the defeats of the years 1776 and 1777 it gathered force, and towards the end of the latter year it crystallized in what has been known in history as the Conway Cabal. The story of this conspiracy is so involved in shadow that little is known concerning its adherents or its endeavors. But in a general way it has been discovered that the New England delegates again sought the aid of the Lee faction in Virginia, and that this coalition, with the aid of such votes as they could obtain, schemed several methods which should lessen the influence of Washington, if they did not force him to resign. Separate and detached commands were created, which were made independent of the commander-in-chief, and for this purpose even a scheme which the General called "a child of folly" was undertaken. Officers notoriously inimical to Washington, yet upon whom he would be forced to rely, were promoted. A board of war made up of his enemies, with powers "in effect paramount," Hamilton says, "to those of the commander-in-chief," was created It is even asserted that it was moved in Congress that a committee should be appointed to arrest Washington, which was defeated only by the timely arrival of a new delegate, by which the balance of power was lost to the Cabal.

Even with the collapse of the army Cabal the opposition in Congress was maintained. "I am very confident," wrote General Greene, "that there is party business going on again, and, as Mifflin is connected with it, I doubt not its being a revival of the old scheme;" again writing, "General Schuyler and others consider it a plan of Mifflin's to injure your Excellency's operations. I am now fully convinced of the reality of what I suggested to you before I came away." In 1779 John Sullivan, then a member of Congress, wrote,—

"Permit me to inform your Excellency, that the faction raised against you in 1777, is not yet destroyed. The members are waiting to collect strength, and seize some favorable moment to appear in force. I speak not from conjecture, but from certain knowledge. Their plan is to take every method of proving the danger arising from a commander, who enjoys the full and unlimited confidence of his army, and alarm the people with the prospects of imaginary evils; nay, they will endeavor to convert your virtue into arrows, with which, they will seek to wound you."

But Washington could not be forced into a resignation, ill-treat and slight him as they would, and at no time were they strong enough to vote him out of office. For once a Congressional "deal" between New England and Virginia did not succeed, and as Washington himself wrote, "I have a good deal of reason to believe that the machination of this junto will recoil on their own heads, and be a means of bringing some matters to light which by getting me out of the way, some of them thought to conceal," In this he was right, for the re-elections of both Samuel Adams and Richard Henry Lee were put in danger, and for some time they were discredited even in their own colonies. "I have happily had," Washington said to a correspondent, "but few differences with those with whom I have had the honor of being connected in the service. With whom, and of what nature these have been, you know. I bore much for the sake of peace and the public good"

As is well known, Washington served without pay during his eight years of command, and, as he said, "fifty thousand pounds would not induce me again to undergo what I have done." No wonder he declared "that the God of armies may incline the hearts of my American brethren to support the present contest, and bestow sufficient abilities on me to bring it to a speedy and happy conclusion, thereby enabling me to sink into sweet retirement, and the full enjoyment of that peace and happiness, which will accompany a domestic life, is the first wish and most fervent prayer of my soul."

The day finally came when his work was finished, and he could be, as he phrased it, "translated into a private citizen." Marshall describes the scene as follows: "At noon, the principal officers of the army assembled at Frances' tavern; soon after which, their beloved commander entered the room. His emotions were too strong to be concealed. Filling a glass, he turned to them and said, 'With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you; I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy, as your former ones have been glorious and honorable.' Having drunk, he added, 'I cannot come to each of you to take my leave; but shall be obliged to you, if each of you will come and take me by the hand.' General Knox, being nearest, turned to him. Incapable of utterance, Washington grasped his hand, and embraced him. In the same affectionate manner he took leave of each succeeding officer. In every eye was the tear of dignified sensibility, and not a word was articulated to interrupt the majestic silence, and the tenderness of the scene. Leaving the room, he passed through the corps of light infantry, and walked to Whitehall, where a barge waited to convey him to Powles-hook. The whole company followed in mute and solemn procession, with dejected countenance ... Having entered the barge, he turned to the company, and, waving his hat, bade them a silent adieu."