
Monday, May 30, 2016

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11  ドゥームズデイ・プロジェクト(ペンタゴン)と深層の事件:ケネディ暗殺、ウオーターゲイト、イラン・コントラ、9.11 *Japanese translation available

November 26, 2011
Volume 9 | Issue 47 | Number 2

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11  Japanese translation is available  [With Akira Doujimaru's introduction for Japanese readers to Scott's doomsday conception]; Chinese translation is available; French translation is available; German translation is available; Italian translation is available; Spanish translation is available; Portuguese translation is available.

Peter Dale Scott
I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return."
       -- Senator Frank Church (1975)
I would like to discuss four major and badly understood events – the John F. Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11. I will analyze these deep events as part of a deeper political process linking them, a process that has helped build up repressive power in America at the expense of democracy. 
In recent years I have been talking about a dark force behind these events -- a force which, for want of a better term, I have clumsily called a “deep state,” operating both within and outside the public state. Today for the first time I want to identify part of that dark force, a part which has operated for five decades or more at the edge of the public state. This part of the dark force has a name not invented by me: the Doomsday Project, the Pentagon’s name for the emergency planning “to keep the White House and Pentagon running during and after a nuclear war or some other major crisis.”1
My point is a simple and important one: to show that the Doomsday Project of the 1980s, and the earlier emergency planning that developed into it, have played a role in the background of all the deep events I shall discuss.
More significantly, it has been a factor behind all three of the disturbing events that now threaten American democracy. The first of these three is what has been called the conversion of our economy into a plutonomy – with the increasing separation of America into two classes, into the haves and the have-nots, the one percent and the 99 percent. The second is America’s increasing militarization, and above all its inclination, which has become more and more routine and predictable, to wage or provoke wars in remote regions of the globe. It is clear that the operations of this American war machine have served the one percent.2
The third – my subject today -- is the important and increasingly deleterious impact on American history of structural deep events: mysterious events, like the JFK assassination, the Watergate break-in, or 9/11, which violate the American social structure, have a major impact on American society, repeatedly involve law-breaking or violence, and in many cases proceed from an unknown dark force.
There are any number of analyses of America’s current breakdown in terms of income and wealth disparity, also in terms of America’s increasing militarization and belligerency. What I shall do today is I think new: to argue that both the income disparity – or what has been called our plutonomy -- and the belligerency have been fostered significantly by deep events.
We must understand that the income disparity of America’s current economy was not the result of market forces working independently of political intervention. In large part it was generated by a systematic and deliberate ongoing political process dating from the anxieties of the very wealthy in the 1960s and 1970s that control of the country was slipping away from them.
This was the time when future Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, in a 1971 memorandum, warned that survival of the free enterprise system depended on “careful long-range planning and implementation” of a well-financed response to threats from the left.3 This warning was answered by a sustained right-wing offensive, coordinated by think tanks and funded lavishly by a small group of family foundations.4 We should recall that all this was in response to serious riots in Newark, Detroit, and elsewhere, and that increasing calls for a revolution were coming from the left (in Europe as well as America). I will focus today on the right’s response to that challenge, and on the role of deep events in enhancing their response.
What was important about the Powell memorandum was less the document itself than the fact that it was commissioned by the United States Chamber of Commerce, one of the most influential and least discussed lobbying groups in America. And the memorandum was only one of many signs of that developing class war in the 1970s, a larger process working both inside and outside government (including what Irving Kristol called an “intellectual counterrevolution”), which led directly to the so-called “Reagan Revolution.”5
It is clear that this larger process has been carried on for almost five decades, pumping billions of right-wing dollars into the American political process. What I wish to show today is that deep events have also been integral to this right-wing effort, from the John F. Kennedy assassination in 1963 to 9/11. 9/11 resulted in the implementation of “Continuity of Government” (COG) plans (which in the Oliver North Iran Contra Hearings of 1987 were called plans for “the suspension of the U.S. constitution”). These COG plans, building on earlier COG planning, had been carefully developed since 1982 in the so-called Doomsday Project, by a secret group appointed by Reagan. The group was composed of both public and private figures, including Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.

Oliver North testifying in the Iran Contra Hearings
I shall try to show today that in this respect 9/11 was only the culmination of a sequence of deep events reaching back to the Kennedy assassination if not earlier, and that the germs of the Doomsday Project can be detected behind all of them.
More specifically, I shall try to demonstrate about these deep events that
1) prior bureaucratic misbehavior by the CIA and similar agencies helped to make both the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 happen;
2) the consequences of each deep event included an increase in top-down repressive power for these same agencies, at the expense of persuasive democratic power;6
3) there are symptomatic overlaps in personnel between the perpetrators of each of these deep events and the next;
4) one sees in each event the involvement of elements of the international drug traffic – suggesting that our current plutonomy is also to some degree a narconomy;
5) in the background of each event (and playing an increasingly important role) one sees the Doomsday Project -- the alternative emergency planning structure with its own communications network, operating as a shadow network outside of regular government channels.
Bureaucratic Misbehavior as a Factor Contributing to both the JFK Assassination and 9/11
Both the JFK assassination and 9/11 were facilitated by the way the CIA and FBI manipulated their files about alleged perpetrators of each event (Lee Harvey Oswald in the case of what I shall call JFK, and the alleged hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi in the case of 9/11). Part of this facilitation was the decision on October 9, 1963 of an FBI agent, Marvin Gheesling, to remove Oswald from the FBI watch list for surveillance. This was shortly after Oswald’s arrest in New Orleans in August and his reported travel to Mexico in September. Obviously these developments should normally have made Oswald a candidate for increased surveillance.7
This misbehavior is paradigmatic of the behavior of other agencies, especially the CIA, in both JFK and 9/11. Indeed Gheesling’s behavior fits very neatly with the CIA’s culpable withholding from the FBI, in the same month of October, information that Oswald had allegedly met in Mexico City with a suspected KGB agent, Valeriy Kostikov.8 This also helped ensure that Oswald would not be placed under surveillance. Indeed, former FBI Director Clarence Kelley in his memoir later complained that the CIA’s withholding of information was the major reason why Oswald was not put under surveillance on November 22, 1963.9
A more ominous provocation in 1963 was that of Army Intelligence, one unit of which in Dallas did not simply withhold information about Lee Harvey Oswald, but manufactured false intelligence that seemed designed to provoke retaliation against Cuba. I call such provocations phase-one stories, efforts to portray Oswald as a Communist conspirator (as opposed to the later phase-two stories, also false, portraying him as a disgruntled loner). A conspicuous example of such phase-one stories is a cable from the Fourth Army Command in Texas, reporting a tip from a Dallas policeman who was also in an Army Intelligence Reserve unit:
Assistant Chief Don Stringfellow, Intelligence Section, Dallas Police Department, notified 112th INTC [Intelligence] Group, this Headquarters, that information obtained from Oswald revealed he had defected to Cuba in 1959 and is a card-carrying member of Communist Party.”10
This cable was sent on November 22 directly to the U.S. Strike Command at Fort MacDill in Florida, the base poised for a possible retaliatory attack against Cuba.11
The cable was not an isolated aberration. It was supported by other false phase-one stories from Dallas about Oswald’s alleged rifle, and specifically by concatenated false translations of Marina Oswald’s testimony, to suggest that Oswald’s rifle in Dallas was one he had owned in Russia.12
These last false reports, apparently unrelated, can also be traced to officer Don Stringfellow’s 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit.13 The interpreter who first supplied the false translation of Marina’s words, Ilya Mamantov, was selected by a Dallas oilman, Jack Crichton, and Deputy Dallas Police Chief George Lumpkin.14 Crichton and Lumpkin were also the Chief and the Deputy Chief of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit.15 Crichton was also an extreme right-winger in the community of Dallas oilmen: he was a trustee of the H.L. Hunt Foundation, and a member of the American Friends of the Katanga Freedom Fighters, a group organized to oppose Kennedy’s policies in the Congo.
We have to keep in mind that some of the Joint Chiefs were furious that the 1962 Missile Crisis had not led to an invasion of Cuba, and that, under new JCS Chairman Maxwell Taylor, the Joint Chiefs, in May 1963, still believed “that US military intervention in Cuba is necessary.”16 This was six months after Kennedy, to resolve the Missile Crisis in October 1962, had given explicit (albeit highly qualified) assurances to Khrushchev, that the United States would not invade Cuba.17 This did not stop the J-5 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the JCS Directorate of Plans and Policy) from producing a menu of “fabricated provocations to justify military intervention.”18 (One proposed example of “fabricated provocations” envisioned “using MIG type aircraft flown by US pilots to … attack surface shipping or to attack US military.”)19
The deceptions about Oswald coming from Dallas were immediately post-assassination; thus they do not by themselves establish that the assassination itself was a provocation-deception plot. They do however reveal enough about the anti-Castro mindset of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit in Dallas to confirm that it was remarkably similar to that of the J-5 the preceding May – the mindset that produced a menu of “fabricated provocations” to attack Cuba. (According to Crichton there were “about a hundred men in [the 488th Reserve unit] and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department.”)20 
It can hardly be accidental that we see this bureaucratic misbehavior from the FBI, CIA, and military, the three agencies with which Kennedy had had serious disagreements in his truncated presidency.21 Later in this paper I shall link Dallas oilman Jack Crichton to the 1963 emergency planning that became the Doomsday Project.
Analogous Bureaucratic Misbehavior in the Case of 9/11
Before 9/11 the CIA, in 2000-2001, again flagrantly withheld crucial evidence from the FBI: evidence that, if shared, would have led the FBI to surveil two of the alleged hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaz al-Hazmi. This sustained withholding of evidence provoked an FBI agent to predict accurately in August, 2001, that “someday someone will die.”22 After 9/11 another FBI agent said of the CIA: “They [CIA] didn’t want the bureau meddling in their business—that’s why they didn’t tell the FBI....  And that’s why September 11 happened. That is why it happened. . . . They have blood on their hands. They have three thousand deaths on their hands”23 The CIA’s withholding of relevant evidence before 9/11 (which it was required by its own rules to supply) was matched in this case by the NSA.24
Without these withholdings, in other words, neither the Kennedy assassination nor 9/11 could have developed in the manner in which they did. As I wrote in American War Machine, it would appear that
Oswald (and later al-Mihdhar) had at some prior point been selected as
designated subjects for an operation. This would not initially have been for the commission of a crime against the American polity: on the contrary, steps were probably taken to prepare Oswald in connection with an operation against Cuba and al-Mihdhar [I suspect] for an operation against al-Qaeda. But as [exploitable] legends began to accumulate about both figures, it became possible for some witting people to subvert the sanctioned operation into a plan for murder that would later be covered up. At this point Oswald (and by analogy al-Mihdhar) was no longer just a designated subject but also now a designated culprit.25
Kevin Fenton, in his exhaustive book Disconnecting the Dots, has since reached the same conclusion with respect to 9/11: “that, by the summer of 2001, the purpose of withholding the information had become to allow the attacks to go forward.”26 He has also identified the person chiefly responsible for the misbehavior: CIA officer Richard Blee, Chief of the CIA’s Bin Laden Unit. Blee, while Clinton was still president, had been one of a faction inside CIA pressing for a more belligerent CIA involvement in Afghanistan, in conjunction with the Afghan Northern Alliance.27 This then happened immediately after 9/11, and Blee himself was promoted, to become the new Chief of Station in Kabul.28
How CIA and NSA Withholding of Evidence in the Second Tonkin Gulf Incident, Contributed to War with North Vietnam
I will spare you the details of this withholding, which can be found in my American War Machine, pp. 200-02. But Tonkin Gulf is similar to the Kennedy assassination and 9/11, in that manipulation of evidence helped lead America – in this case very swiftly – into war.
Historians such as Fredrik Logevall have agreed with the assessment of former undersecretary of state George Ball that the US destroyer mission in the Tonkin Gulf, which resulted in the Tonkin Gulf incidents, “was primarily for provocation.”29 The planning for this provocative mission came from the J-5 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the same unit that in 1963 had reported concerning Cuba that, “the engineering of a series of provocations to justify military intervention is feasible.”30
The NSA and CIA suppression of the truth on August 4 was in the context of an existing high-level (but controversial) determination to attack North Vietnam. In this respect the Tonkin Gulf incident is remarkably similar to the suppression of the truth by CIA and NSA leading up to 9/11, when there was again a high-level (but controversial) determination to go to war.
Increases in Repressive Power After Deep Events
All of the deep events discussed above have contributed to the cumulative increase of Washington’s repressive powers. It is clear for example that the Warren Commission used the JFK assassination to increase CIA surveillance of Americans. As I wrote in Deep Politics, this was the result of
the Warren Commission’s controversial recommendations that the Secret Service’s domestic surveillance responsibilities be increased (WR 25-26). Somewhat illogically, the Warren Report concluded both that Oswald acted alone (WR 22), . . . and also that the Secret Service, FBI, CIA, should coordinate more closely the surveillance of organized groups (WR 463). In particular, it recommended that the Secret Service acquire a computerized data bank compatible with that already developed by the CIA.31
This pattern would repeat itself four years later with the assassination of
Robert Kennedy. In the twenty-four hours between Bobby’s shooting and his
death, Congress hurriedly passed a statute— drafted well in advance (like the Tonkin Gulf Resolution of 1964 and the Patriot Act of 2001) — that still further augmented the secret powers given to the Secret Service in the name of protecting presidential candidates.32
This was not a trivial or benign change: from this swiftly considered act, passed under Johnson, flowed some of the worst excesses of the Nixon presidency.33
The change also contributed to the chaos and violence at the Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968. Army intelligence surveillance agents, seconded to the Secret Service, were present both inside and outside the convention hall. Some of them equipped the so-called “Legion of Justice thugs whom the Chicago Red Squad turned loose on local anti-war groups.”34
In this way the extra secret powers conferred after the RFK assassination contributed to the disastrous turmoil in Chicago that effectively destroyed the old Democratic Party representing the labor unions: The three Democratic presidents elected since then have all been significantly more conservative.
Turning to Watergate and Iran-Contra, both of these events were on one level setbacks to the repressive powers exercised by Richard Nixon and the Reagan White House, not expansions of them. On the surface level this is true: both events resulted in legislative reforms that would appear to contradict my thesis of expanding repression.
We need to distinguish here, however, between the two years of the Watergate crisis, and the initial Watergate break-in. The Watergate crisis saw a president forced into resignation by a number of forces, involving both liberals and conservatives. But the key figures in the initial Watergate break-in itself – Hunt, McCord, G. Gordon Liddy, and their Cuban allies -- were all far to the right of Nixon and Kissinger. And the end result of their machinations was not finalized until the so-called Halloween Massacre in 1975, when Kissinger was ousted as National Security Adviser and Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller was notified he would be dropped from the 1976 Republican ticket. This major shake-up was engineered by two other right-wingers: Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in the Gerald Ford White House.35
That day in 1975 saw the permanent defeat of the so-called Rockefeller or liberal faction within the Republican Party. It was replaced by the conservative Goldwater-Casey faction that would soon capture the nomination and the presidency for Ronald Reagan.36 This little-noticed palace coup, along with other related intrigues in the mid-1970s, helped achieve the conversion of America from a welfare capitalist economy, with gradual reductions in income and wealth disparity, into a financialized plutonomy where these trends were reversed.37
Again in Iran-Contra we see a deeper accumulation of repressive power under the surface of liberal reforms. At the time not only the press but even academics like myself celebrated the termination of aid to the Nicaraguan Contras, and the victory there of the Contadora peace process. Not generally noticed at the time was the fact that, while Oliver North was removed from his role in the Doomsday Project, that project’s plans for surveillance, detention, and the militarization of the United States continued to grow after his departure.38
Also not noticed was the fact that the US Congress, while curtailing aid to one small drug-financed CIA proxy army, was simultaneously increasing US support to a much larger coalition of drug-financed proxy armies in Afghanistan.39 While Iran-Contra exposed the $32 million which Saudi Arabia, at the urging of CIA Director William Casey, had supplied to the Contras, not a word was whispered about the $500 million or more that the Saudis, again at the urging of Casey, had supplied in the same period to the Afghan mujahedin.40 In this sense the drama of Iran-Contra in Congress can be thought of as a misdirection play, directing public attention away from America’s much more intensive engagement in Afghanistan – a covert policy that has since evolved into America’s longest war.
We should expand our consciousness of Iran-Contra to think of it as Iran-Afghan-Contra. And if we do, we must acknowledge that in this complex and misunderstood deep event the CIA in Afghanistan exercised again the paramilitary capacity that Stansfield Turner had tried to terminate when he was CIA Director under Jimmy Carter. This was a victory in short for the faction of men like Richard Blee, the protector of al-Mihdhar as well as the advocate in 2000 for enhanced CIA paramilitary activity in Afghanistan.41
Personnel Overlaps Between the Successive Deep Events
I will never forget the New York Times front-page story on June 18, 1972, the day after the Watergate break-in. There were photographs of the Watergate burglars, including one of Frank Sturgis alias Fiorini, whom I had already written about two years earlier in my unpublished book manuscript, “The Dallas Conspiracy” about the JFK assassination.

Frank Sturgis
Sturgis was no nonentity: a former contract employee of the CIA, he was also well connected to the mob-linked former casino owners in Havana.42 My early writings on the Kennedy case focused on the connections between Frank Sturgis and an anti-Castro Cuban training camp near New Orleans in which Oswald had shown an interest; also in Sturgis’ involvement in false “phase-one” stories portraying Oswald as part of a Communist Cuban conspiracy.43
In spreading these “phase-one” stories in 1963, Sturgis was joined by a number of Cubans who were part of the CIA-supported army in Central America of Manuel Artime. Artime’s base in Costa Rica was closed down in 1965, allegedly because of its involvement in drug trafficking.44 In the 1980s some of these Cuban exiles later became involved in drug-financed support activities for the Contras.45
The political mentor of Artime’s MRR movement was future Watergate plotter Howard Hunt; and Artime in 1972 would pay for the bail of the Cuban Watergate burglars. The drug money-launderer Ramón Milián Rodríguez has claimed to have delivered $200,000 in cash from Artime to pay off some of the Cuban Watergate burglars; later, in support of the Contras, he managed two Costa Rican seafood companies, Frigorificos and Ocean Hunter, that laundered drug money.46
It is alleged that Hunt and McCord had both been involved with Artime’s invasion plans in 1963.47 It was I believe no accident that the organization of Hunt’s protégé Artime became enmired in drug trafficking. Hunt, I have argued elsewhere, had been handling a U.S. drug connection since his 1950 post in Mexico City as OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) chief.48 
But McCord not only had a past in the anti-Castro activities of 1963, he was also part of the nation’s emergency planning network that would later figure so prominently in the background of Iran-Contra and 9/11. McCord was a member of a small Air Force Reserve unit in Washington attached to the Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP); assigned “to draw up lists of radicals and to develop contingency plans for censorship of the news media and U.S. mail in time of war.”49 His unit was part of the Wartime Information Security Program (WISP), which had responsibility for activating “contingency plans for imposing censorship on the press, the mails and all telecommunications (including government communications) [and] preventive detention of civilian ‘security risks,’ who would be placed in military ‘camps.’”50 In other words, these were the plans that became known in the 1980s as the Doomsday Project, the Continuity of Government planning on which Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld worked together for twenty years before 9/11.
A Common Denominator for Structural Deep Events: Project Doomsday and COG
McCord’s participation in an emergency planning system dealing with telecommunications suggests a common denominator in the backgrounds of almost all the deep events we are considering. Oliver North, the Reagan-Bush OEP point man on Iran-Contra planning, was also involved in such planning; and he had access to the nation’s top secret Doomsday communications network. North’s network, known as Flashboard,  "excluded other bureaucrats with opposing viewpoints…[and] had its own special worldwide antiterrorist computer network, … by which members could communicate exclusively with each other and their collaborators abroad."51
Flashboard was used by North and his superiors for extremely sensitive operations which had to be concealed from other dubious or hostile parts of the Washington bureaucracy. These operations included the illegal shipments of arms to Iran, but also other activities, some still not known, perhaps even against Olof Palme’s Sweden.52 Flashboard, America’s emergency network in the 1980s, was the name in 1984-86 of the full-fledged Continuity of Government (COG) emergency network which was secretly planned for twenty years, at a cost of billions, by a team including Cheney and Rumsfeld. On 9/11 the same network was activated anew by the two men who had planned it for so many years.53
But this Doomsday planning can be traced back to 1963, when Jack Crichton, head of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit of Dallas, was part of it in his capacity as chief of intelligence for Dallas Civil Defense, which worked out of an underground Emergency Operating Center. As Russ Baker reports, “Because it was intended for ‘continuity of government’ operations during an attack, [the Center] was fully equipped with communications equipment.”54 A speech given at the dedication of the Center in 1961 supplies further details:
This Emergency Operating Center [in Dallas] is part of the National Plan to link Federal, State and local government agencies in a communications network from which rescue operations can be directed in time of local or National emergency. It is a vital part of the National, State, and local Operational Survival Plan.55
Crichton, in other words, was also part of what became known in the 1980s as the Doomsday Project, like James McCord, Oliver North, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney after him. But in 1988 its aim was significantly enlarged: no longer to prepare for an atomic attack, but now to plan for the effective suspension of the American constitution in the face of any emergency.56 This change in 1988 allowed COG to be implemented in 2001. By this time the Doomsday Project had developed into what the Washington Post called “a shadow government that evolved based on long-standing ‘continuity of operations plans.’”57
It is clear that the Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP, known from 1961-1968 as the Office of Emergency Planning) supplies a common denominator for key personnel in virtually all of the structural events discussed here. This is a long way from establishing that the OEP itself (in addition to the individuals discussed here) was involved in generating any of these events. But I believe that the alternative communications network housed first in the OEP (later part of Project 908) played a significant role in at least three of them: the JFK assassination, Iran-Contra, and 9/11.
This is easiest to show in the case of 9/11, where it is conceded that the Continuity of Government (COG) plans of the Doomsday Project were implemented by Cheney on 9/11, apparently before the last of the four hijacked planes had crashed.58 The 9/11 Commission could not locate records of the key decisions taken by Cheney on that day, suggesting that they may have taken place on the “secure phone “ in the tunnel leading to the presidential bunker – with such a high classification that the 9/11 Commission was never supplied the phone records.59 Presumably this was a COG phone.
It is not clear whether the “secure phone” in the White House tunnel belonged to the Secret Service or (as one might expect) was part of the secure network of the White House Communications Agency (WHCA). If the latter, we’d have a striking link between 9/11 and the JFK assassination. The WHCA boasts on its Web site that the agency was “a key player in documenting the assassination of President Kennedy.”60  However it is not clear for whom this documentation was conducted, for the WHCA logs and transcripts were in fact withheld from the Warren Commission.61
The Secret Service had installed a WHCA portable radio in the lead car of the presidential motorcade.62 This in turn was in contact by police radio with the pilot car ahead of it, carrying DPD Deputy Chief Lumpkin of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit.63 Records of the WHCA communications from the motorcade never reached the Warren Commission, the House Committee on Assassinations, or the Assassination Records Review Board.64 Thus we cannot tell if they would explain some of the anomalies on the two channels of the Dallas Police Department. They might for example have thrown light upon the unsourced call on the Dallas Police
tapes for a suspect who had exactly the false height and weight recorded for Oswald in his FBI and CIA files.65
Today in 2011 we are still living under the State of Emergency proclaimed after 9/11 by President Bush. At least some COG provisions are still in effect, and were even augmented by Bush through Presidential Directive 51 of May 2007. Commenting on PD-51, the Washington Post reported at that time,
After the 2001 attacks, Bush assigned about 100 senior civilian managers [including Cheney] to rotate secretly to [COG] locations outside of Washington for weeks or months at a time to ensure the nation’s survival, a shadow government that evolved based on long-standing “continuity of operations plans.”66
Presumably this “shadow government” finalized such long-standing COG projects as warrantless surveillance, in part through the Patriot Act, whose controversial provisions were already being implemented by Cheney and others well before the Bill reached Congress on October 12.67 Other COG projects implemented included the militarization of domestic surveillance under NORTHCOM, and the Department of Homeland Security’s Project Endgame—a ten-year plan to expand detention camps at a cost of $400 million in fiscal year 2007 alone.68
I have, therefore, a recommendation for the Occupy movement, rightfully incensed as it is with the plutonomic excesses of Wall Street over the last three decades. It is to call for an end to the state of emergency, which has been in force since 2001, under which since 2008 a U.S. Army Brigade Combat Team has been stationed permanently in the United States, in part to be ready “to help with civil unrest and crowd control.”69
Democracy-lovers must work to prevent the political crisis now developing in America from being resolved by military intervention.
Let me say in conclusion that for a half century American politics have been constrained and deformed by the unresolved matter of the Kennedy assassination. According to a memo of November 25 1963, from Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, it was important then to persuade the public that “Oswald was the assassin,” and that “he did not have confederates.”70 Obviously this priority became even more important after these questionable propositions were endorsed by the Warren Report, the U.S. establishment, and the mainstream press. It has remained an embarrassing priority ever since for all succeeding administrations, including the present one. There is for example an official in Obama’s State Department (Todd Leventhal), whose official job, until recently, included defense of the lone nut theory against so-called “conspiracy theorists”71
If Oswald was not a lone assassin, then it should not surprise us that there is continuity between those who falsified reports about Oswald in 1963, and those who distorted American politics in subsequent deep events beginning with Watergate. Since the deep event of 1963 the legitimacy of America’s political system has become vested in a lie -- a lie which subsequent deep events have helped to protect.72

Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is the author of Drugs Oil and War, The Road to 9/11, and The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War. His most recent book is American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection and the Road to Afghanistan. His website, which contains a wealth of his writings, is here  
Recommended citation: Peter Dale Scott, 'The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11,' The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 47 No 2, November 21, 2011.   
Recommended citation: Peter Dale Scott, 'The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11,' The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 47 No 2, November 21, 2011.

1 Tim Weiner, “The Pentagon’s Secret Stash,” Mother Jones Magazine Mar-Apr 1992, 26.
2 J.A. Myerson “War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy,” Truthout, November 14, 2001, link. Cf. Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), 6, etc.
3 Scott, Road to 9/11, 22, 29, 98.
4 Scott, Road to 9/11, 22, 97.
5 Scott, Road to 9/11, 21, 51-52; Kristol as quoted in Lewis H. Lapham, “Tentacles of Rage: The Republican Propaganda Mill, a Brief History,” Harper’s Magazine, September 2004, 36.
6 E.g. Peter Dale Scott, American War Machine, 204-05.
7 Peter Dale Scott, The War Conspiracy, 354.
8 Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics II, 30-33; Scott, The War Conspiracy, 387; Scott, American War Machine, 152.
9 Clarence M. Kelley, Kelley: The Story of an FBI Director (Kansas City, MO:
Andrews, McMeel, and Parker, 1987), 268, quoted in Scott, The War Conspiracy (2008), 389.
10 Scott, Deep Politics, 275; Scott, Deep Politics II, 80, 129n; HSCA Critics Conference of 17 September 1977, 181, link. Stringfellow worked under Jack Revill in the Vice Squad of the DPD Special Services Bureau. As such he reported regularly to the FBI on such close Jack Ruby associates as James Herbert Dolan, a “known hoodlum and strong-arm man” on the FBI’s Top Criminal list for Dallas (Robert M. Barrett, FBI Report of February 2, 1963, NARA#124-90038-10026, 12 [Stringfellow]; cf. NARA#124-10212-10012, 4 [hoodlum], NARA#124-10195-10305, 9 [Top Criminal]). Cf. 14 WH 601-02 Ruby and Dolan]. Robert Barrett, who received Stringfellow’s reports to the FBI, had Ruby’s friend Dolan under close surveillance; he also took part in Oswald’s arrest at the Texas Theater, and claimed to have seen DPD Officer Westbrook with Oswald’s wallet at the site of the Tippit killing [Dale K. Myers, With Malice: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Murder of Officer J.D. Tippit (Milford, MI: Oak Cliff Press, 1998), 287-90]).
11 It was sent for information to Washington, which received it three days later (Scott, Deep Politics, 275; Scott, Deep Politics II, 80, 129n; Scott, War Conspiracy, 382).
12 Warren Commission Exhibit 1778, 23 WH 383. (Marina’s actual words, before mistranslation, were quite innocuous: “I cannot describe it [the gun] because a rifle to me like all rifles” (Warren Commission Exhibit 1778, 23 WH 383; discussion in Scott, Deep Politics, 168-72).
13 Stringfellow himself was the source of one other piece of false intelligence on November 22: that Oswald had confessed to the murders of both the president and Officer Tippit (Dallas FBI File DL 89-43-2381C; Paul L. Hoch, “The Final Investigation? The HSCA and Army Intelligence,” The Third Decade, 1, 5 [July 1985], 3),
14 9 WH 106; Scott, Deep Politics, 275-76; Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, 119-22.
15 Rodney P. Carlisle and Dominic J. Monetta, Brandy: Our Man in Acapulco (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press, 1999), 128.
16 Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Courses of Action Related to Cuba (Case II),” Report of the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1 May 1963, NARA #202-10002-10018, 12. Cf. pp. 15-16: “The United States should intervene militarily in Cuba and could (a) engineer provocative incidents ostensibly perpetrated by the Castro regime to serve as the cause of invasion…”
17 Robert Dallek, An Unfinished Life, 568; James A. Nathan, The Cuban missile crisis revisited, 283; Waldron and Hartmann, Legacy of Secrecy, 9.
[18 Joint Chiefs of Staff, “Courses of Action Related to Cuba (Case II),” Report of the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1 May 1963, NARA #202-10002-10018, 12.
19 “Courses of Action Related to Cuba (Case II),” NARA #202-10002-10018, 20. I see nothing in this document indicating that the President should be notified that these “fabricated provocations” were false. On the contrary, the document called for “compartmentation of participants” to insure that the true facts were not leaked (“Courses of Action Related to Cuba (Case II),” NARA #202-10002-10018, 19).
20 Quoted in Baker, Family of Secrets, 122. One of these, DPD Detective John Adamcik, was a member of the party which retrieved a blanket said to have contained Oswald’s rifle; and which the Warren Commission used to link Oswald to the famous Mannlicher Carcano. Adamcik was later present at Mamantov’s interview of Marina about the rifle, and corroborated Mamantov’s account of it to the Warren Commission. There is reason to believe that Mamantov’s translation of Marina’s testimony was inaccurate (Scott, Deep Politics, 268-70, 276).
21 See James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2008).
22 9/11 Commission Report, 259, 271; Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower:
Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (New York: Knopf, 2006), 352–54 (FBI agent).
23 James Bamford, A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies (New York: Doubleday, 2004, 224. For a fuller account of the CIA’s withholding before 9/11, see Kevin Fenton, Disconnecting the Dots; Rory O’Connor and Ray Nowosielski, “Insiders Voice Doubts about CIA’s 9/11 Story,” Salon, October 14, 2011, link.
24 Fenton, Disconnecting the Dots, 7-12, 142-47, etc.
25 Scott, American War Machine, 203.
26 Fenton, Disconnecting the Dots, 371, cf. 95. Quite independently, Richard Clarke, the former White House Counterterrorism Chief on 9/11, has charged that "There was a high-level decision in the CIA ordering people not to share information" (Rory O’Connor and Ray Nowosielski, “Insiders Voice Doubts about CIA’s 9/11 Story,” Salon, October 14, 2011).
27 Coll, 467-69.
28 Fenton, Disconnecting the Dots, 107-08.
29 James Bamford, Body of Secrets, 201. Cf. Fredrik Logevall, Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999), 200, citing John Prados, The Hidden History of the Vietnam War (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1995), 51.
30 “Courses of Action Related to Cuba (Case II),” Report of the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, May 1, 1963, JCS 2304/189, NARA #202-10002-10018, link.
31 Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, 280.
32 Public Law 90-331 (18 U.S.C. 3056); discussion in Peter Dale Scott, Paul L.
Hoch, and Russell Stetler, The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond (New York: Random
House, 1976), 443–46.
33 Army intelligence agents were seconded to the Secret Service, and at this time there was a great increase in their number. The Washington Star later explained that “the big build-up in [Army] information gathering…did not come until after the shooting of the Rev. Martin Luther King” (Washington Star, December 6, 1970; reprinted in Federal Data Banks Hearings, p. 1728).
34 George O’Toole, The Private Sector (New York: Norton, 1978), 145, quoted in
Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, 278–79.
35 Scott, Road to 9/11, 52-53.
36 Scott, Road to 9/11, 53-54.
37 Scott, Road to 9/11, 50-64.
38 Peter Dale Scott, “Northwards without North,” Social Justice (Summer 1989). Revised as "North, Iran-Contra, and the Doomsday Project: The Original Congressional Cover Up of Continuity-of-Government Planning," Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, February 21, 2011.
39 Scott, Road to 9/11, 132.
40 Jonathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott, and Jane Hunter, The Iran-Contra Connection, 13 (Contras); Richard Coll, Ghost Wars, 93-102 (mujahedin).
41 Richard Coll, Ghost Wars, 457-59, 534-36,
42 According to testimony from CIA Deputy Director Vernon Walters, only “Hunt and McCord had ever been CIA full-time employees. The others [including Sturgis] were contract employees for a short duration or a longer duration” (Watergate Hearings, 3427). Cf. Marshall, Scott, and  Hunter, The Iran-Contra Connection, 45 (casino owners).
43 Peter Dale Scott, “From Dallas to Watergate,” Ramparts, December 1973; reprinted in Peter Dale Scott, Paul L. Hoch, and Russell Stetler, The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond, 356, 363.
44 Peter Dale Scott, Crime and Cover-Up, 20.
45 Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics, 25-32, etc.
46 Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press  (London: Verso, 1998), 308-09; Martha Honey, Hostile Acts: U.S. Policy in Costa Rica in the 1980s (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1994), 368 (Frigorificos).
47 Tad Szulc, Compulsive Spy: The Strange Career of E. Howard Hunt (New York: Viking, 1974), 96-97.
48 Scott, American War Machine, 51-54. Hunt helped put together what became the drug-linked World Anti-Communist League. Artime’s Costa Rica base was on land whose owners were part of the local WACL chapter (Scott and Marshall, Cocaine Politics, 87, 220).
49 Woodward and Bernstein, All the President’s Men (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974), 23
50 Jim Hougan, Secret Agenda (New York: Random House, 1984), 16, citing Department of Defense Directive 5230.7, June 25, 1965, amended May 21, 1971.
51 Peter Dale Scott, "North, Iran-Contra, and the Doomsday Project: The Original Congressional Cover Up of Continuity-of-Government Planning," Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, February 21, 2011. Cf. Peter Dale Scott, "Northwards Without North: Bush, Counterterrorism, and the Continuation of Secret Power." Social Justice (San Francisco), XVI, 2 (Summer 1989), 1-30; Peter Dale Scott, "The Terrorism Task Force." Covert Action Information Bulletin, 33 (Winter 1990), 12-15.
52 Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), 140-41, 242 (Iran, etc.); Ola Tunander, The secret war against Sweden: US and British submarine deception in the 1980s, 309 (Sweden).
53 Scott, Road to 9/11, 183-87.
54 Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, 121.
55 “Statement by Col. John W. Mayo, Chairman of City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Commission at the Dedication of the Emergency Operating Center at Fair Park,” May 24, 1961, link.
Six linear inches of Civil Defense Administrative Files are preserved in the Dallas Municipal Archives; a Finding Guide is viewable online here.  I hope an interested researcher may wish to consult them.
56 Scott, Road to 9/11, 183-87.
57 Washington Post, May 10, 2007.
58 9/11 Report, 38, 326, 555n9; Peter Dale Scott, The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America, 224.
59 Scott, Road to 9/11, 226-30. A footnote in the 9/11 Report (555n9) says:
“The 9/11 crisis tested the U.S. government’s plans and capabilities to ensure the continuity of constitutional government and the continuity of government operations. We did not investigate this topic, except as needed to understand the activities and communications of key officials on 9/11. The Chair, Vice Chair, and senior staff were briefed on the general nature and implementation of these continuity plans.”
The other footnotes confirm that no information from COG files was used to document the 9/11 report. At a minimum these files might resolve the mystery of the missing phone call which simultaneously authorized COG, and (in consequence) determined that Bush should continue to stay out of Washington. I suspect that they might tell us a great deal more.
60 “White House Communications Agency,” Signal Corps Regimental History, link.
61 The Warren Commission staff knew of the WHCA presence in Dallas from the Secret Service (17 WH 598, 619, 630, etc.).
62 Statement of Secret Service official Winston Lawson, 17 WH 630 (WHCA radio).
63 Pamela McElwain-Brown, “The Presidential Lincoln Continental SS-100-X,” Dealey Plaza Echo, Volume 3, Issue 2, 23, link (police radio); Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, 272-75 (Lumpkin).
64 In the 1990s the WHCA supplied statements to the ARRB concerning communications between Dallas and Washington on November 22 (NARA #172-10001-10002 to NARA #172-10000-10008).  The Assassination Records Review Board also attempted to obtain from the WHCA the unedited original tapes of conversations from Air Force One on the return trip from Dallas, November 22, 1963. (Edited and condensed versions of these tapes had been available since the 1970s from the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, Texas.) The attempt was unsuccessful: “The Review Board’s repeated written and oral inquiries of the White House Communications Agency did not bear fruit. The WHCA could not produce any records that illuminated the provenance of the edited tapes.” See Assassinations Records Review Board: Final Report, chapter 6, Part 1, 116, link. In November 2011 AP reported that Gen. Chester Clifton’s personal copy of the Air Force One recordings was being put up for sale, with an asking price of $500,000 (AP, November 15, 2011, link).
65 See Scott, War Conspiracy (2008), 347-48, 385-87.
66 Washington Post, May 10, 2007.
67 Dick Cheney, In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir (New York: Threshold Editions, 2011), 348: “One of the first efforts we undertook after 9/11 to strengthen the country's defenses was securing passage of the Patriot Act, which the president signed into law on [sic] October 2001.” Cf. “The Patriot Act, which the president signed into law on October 2001,″ link; “Questions and Answers about Beginning of Domestic Spying Program; link.
68 Scott, Road to 9/11, 236-45; Peter Dale Scott, "Is the State of Emergency Superseding our Constitution? Continuity of Government Planning, War and American Society," November 28, 2010, http:/1/
69 “Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1,” Army Times, September 30, 2008, link. As part of the Army’s emergency plan GARDEN PLOT in the 1960s, there were until 1971 two brigades (4,800 troops) on permanent standby to quell unrest.
70 “Memorandum for Mr. Moyers” of November 25, 1963, FBI 62-109060, Section 18, p. 29, link. Cf. Nicholas Katzenbach, Some of It Was Fun (New York: W.W. Norton, 2008), 131-36.
71 Leventhal’s official title is (or was) “Chief of the Counter-Misinformation Team, U.S. Department of State” (link). In 2010 the U.S. State Department “launched an official bid to shoot down conspiracy theories….The "Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation" page… insists that Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F Kennedy alone, and that the Pentagon was not hit by a cruise missile on 9/11” Daily Record [Scotland], August 2, 2010, (link). The site still exists here, (“Conspiracy theories exist in the realm of myth, where imaginations run wild, fears trump facts, and evidence is ignored.”) The site still attacks 9/11 theories, but a page on the Kennedy assassination has been suspended (link). Cf. Robin Ramsay, “Government vs Conspiracy Theorists: The official war on "sick think,” Fortean Times, April 2010, link; “The State Department vs 'Sick Think'
The JFK assassination, 9/11, and the Tory MP spiked with LSD,” Fortean Times, July 2010, link; William Kelly, “Todd Leventhal: The Minister of Diz at Dealey Plaza,” CTKA, 2010, link.
72 For Nixon’s sensitivity concerning the Kennedy assassination, and the way this induced him into some of the intrigues known collectively as Watergate, see e.g. Scott, Hoch, and Stetler, The Assassinations, 374-78; Peter Dale Scott, Crime and Cover-up (Santa Barbara, CA: Open Archive Press, 1993), 33, 64-66.
USA Empire
THEY are the people who fabricated the pretexts to the Vietnam War and the Iraq War.
THEY are the people who spy on us illegally and call the whistleblowers who expose their crimes traitors.
THEY denied they were spying on us for years despite evidence to the contrary and at the same time they were building a vast, illegal technological prison around us.
THEY are the ones who commit war crimes with impunity and jail those who reveal their murders.
THEY are the ones who torture and imprison people outside of any legal or moral framework.
THEY are criminal bankers who are rewarded with bailouts instead of indictments for their crimes.
THEY make billions destroying the economic future of millions with Ponzi schemes and then blame their victims.
THEY are the complicit media who protect the people who are committing crimes against humanity instead of investigating and revealing them.
THEY are the ones who write talking points like the question “Who are They?” in an attempt to portray people who question the motives and morality of global planners as paranoid.
THEY are being exposed by brave whistleblowers and investigative journalists and their days are numbered.
“Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger.
As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger.”  
James L. Jones,  U.S. National Security Advisor,  Feb. 8th, 2009 (quoted by  CFR)

6 Giant Corporations Control The Media, And Americans Consume 10 Hours Of 'Programming' A Day

Posted by George Freund on May 30, 2016

By Michael Snyder, on May 26th, 2016

If you allow someone to pump hours of “programming” into your mind every single day, it is inevitable that it is eventually going to have a major impact on how you view the world. In America today, the average person consumes approximately 10 hours of information, news and entertainment a day, and there are 6 giant media corporations that overwhelmingly dominate that market. In fact, it has been estimated that somewhere around 90 percent of the “programming” that we constantly feed our minds comes from them, and of course they are ultimately controlled by the elite of the world. So is there any hope for our country as long as the vast majority of the population is continually plugging themselves into this enormous “propaganda matrix”?

Just think about your own behavior. Even as you are reading this article the television might be playing in the background or you may have some music on. Many of us have gotten to the point where we are literally addicted to media. In fact, there are people out there that become physically uncomfortable if everything is turned off and they have to deal with complete silence.

It has been said that if you put garbage in, you are going to get garbage out. It is the things that we do consistently that define who we are, and so if you are feeding your mind with hours of “programming” from the big media corporations each day, that is going to have a dramatic affect on who you eventually become.

These monolithic corporations really do set the agenda for what society focuses on. For example, when you engage in conversation with your family, friends or co-workers, what do you talk about? If you are like most people, you might talk about something currently in the news, a television show that you watched last night or some major sporting event that is taking place.

Virtually all of that news and entertainment is controlled by the elite by virtue of their ownership of these giant media corporations.

I want to share some numbers with you that may be hard to believe. They come directly out of Nielsen’s “Total Audience Report“, and they show how much news and entertainment the average American consumes through various methods each day…

Watching live television: 4 hours, 32 minutes

Watching time-shifted television: 30 minutes

Listening to the radio: 2 hours, 44 minutes

Using a smartphone: 1 hour, 33 minutes

Using Internet on a computer: 1 hour, 6 minutes

When you add all of those numbers together, it comes to a grand total of more than 10 hours.

And keep in mind that going to movie theaters, playing video games and reading books are behaviors that are not even on this list.

What in the world are we doing to ourselves?

The combination of watching live television and watching time-shifted television alone comes to a total of more than five hours.

If you feed five hours of something into your mind day after day, it is going to change you. There is no way around that. You may think that you are strong enough to resist the programming, but the truth is that it affects all of us in very subtle ways that we do not even understand.

And as I mentioned above, there are just six giant corporations that account for almost all of the programming that we receive through our televisions. Below is a list of these six corporations along with a sampling of the various media properties that they own…


Universal Pictures
Focus Features
USA Network
The Weather Channel
Golf Channel
Esquire Network
Universal HD
Comcast SportsNet
Universal Parks & Resorts
Universal Studio Home Video

The Walt Disney Company

ABC Television Network
The Disney Channel
Marvel Entertainment
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios
Disney Mobile
Disney Consumer Products
Interactive Media
Disney Theme Parks
Disney Records
Hollywood Records
Miramax Films
Touchstone Pictures

News Corporation

Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox News Channel
Fox Business Network
Fox Sports 1
Fox Sports 2
National Geographic
Nat Geo Wild
FX Movie Channel
Fox Sports Networks
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Post
20th Century Fox
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Blue Sky Studios

Time Warner

The CW
Cartoon Network
Turner Classic Movies
Warner Bros.
Castle Rock
DC Comics
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
New Line Cinema
Sports Illustrated
Marie Claire
People Magazine


Comedy Central
Paramount Pictures
Paramount Home Entertainment
Country Music Television (CMT)
Spike TV
The Movie Channel
TV Land

CBS Corporation

CBS Television Network
The CW (along with Time Warner)
CBS Sports Network
CBS Radio, Inc.
CBS Television Studios
Simon & Schuster
Infinity Broadcasting
Westwood One Radio Network

Fortunately, those enormous media conglomerates do not have quite the same monopoly over the Internet, but we are starting to see a tremendous amount of consolidation in the online world as well. Just check out these numbers…

Overall, the top 10 publishers — together owning around 60 news sites — account for 47% of total online traffic to news content last year, with the next-biggest 140 publishers accounting for most of the other half, SimilarWeb found.

The biggest online news publisher for the U.S. audience was MSN, owner of, with just over 27 billion combined page views across mobile and desktop, followed by Disney Media Networks, owner of ESPN and ABC News, with 25.9 billion.

The battle for the future of this nation is a battle for the hearts and minds of individuals.

And it is hard to see how things will be turned in a dramatically different direction as long as most of us are willingly feeding our hearts and minds with hours of “programming” that is controlled by the elite each day.

The good news is that there are signs of an awakening. More Americans than ever are becoming disenchanted with the mainstream media, and this is showing up in recent survey numbers. Here is one example…

Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans’ skepticism about what they read on social media.

Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions.

As Americans (and people all over the world) have lost confidence in the mainstream media, they have been seeking out other sources of news and entertainment. This has greatly fueled the rise of the alternative media, and the dozens of websites all over the Internet where this article will ultimately be published are examples of this explosion.

You can only enslave people for so long. Ultimately, they will want to break free of the chains that are holding them back and they will want to find the truth.

In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that we all learn to think for ourselves. If you find that you are still addicted to the “programming” that the giant media corporations are feeding you, I would encourage you to start unplugging from the matrix more frequently.

In the end, you will be glad that you did.

You are what they make you think.


The Missing: Why Do Some People Vanish Into Thin Air?

On Thursday January 8, 2015, Johanna Frouw’s husband parked his car outside the liquor store on 32 Street in Vernon, British Columbia, leaving her behind while he went inside to purchase beer. He left the keys in the ignition, and was only gone for a few minutes; when he returned, his car was where he left it, and inside were the keys—still in the ignition—along with Johanna’s phone.
Johanna, however, was nowhere to be found.
RCMP officials learned that Johanna had used drugs in the past, but that she was never prone to just leave like this. Her husband, to whom her partnership is recognized by common law, said there had been nothing wrong, nor any indication as to why she would leave. At present, police are still trying to understand how a woman could seemingly vanish off the face of the earth within a narrow window of only a few minutes.
Frouw’s story isn’t unique, of course. Every year, an unprecedented number of people go missing, and under a variety of different circumstances that have often left police and investigators scratching their heads.
Late in 2014, the Boston Globe reported on the disappearance of Gerry Largay, who vanished while hiking alone on the Appalachian Trail on July 22, 2013. Largay hadn’t been alone the entire time, however; as a reasonably experienced hiker, she had befriended many families and fellow hikers along the way, and had been assisted by her husband, who supplemented her solo-trek along the way by meeting her at various intervals, where he would meet her to assist with supplies, or occasionally to get them a hotel where Gerry could enjoy a warm shower. Largay disappeared during a period of precipitation over a three day stint amidst some of the more rugged terrain in western Maine.
No conclusive leads as to Largay’s whereabouts have ever been uncovered, and while it is presumed that she met her fate while hiking the Appalachian Trail, her disappearance is one of the many mysteries in the realm of people’s strange disappearances.
Entire committees have been formed to address the issue of people who just vanish, such as the, International Commission on Missing Persons, formed specifically to address disappearances of individuals related to natural disasters, armed conflicts, and violations of human rights the likes of slavery and human trafficking. Especially in North America, a number of the more curious disappearances have been opined as being the result of something far less well-orchestrated as human trafficking, though the possibility of kidnappings having taken place may indeed be related.
Another case which I’ve detailed previously here at Mysterious Universe was brought to my attention by researcher David Paulides, author of the Missing 411 book series, which documents strange, and often seemingly inexplicable disappearances, as well as the strange circumstances that occasionally surround them. The story of the disappearance of six-year-old Dennis Martin, a young boy who went missing in 1969 near Cades Cove, Tennessee, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, has remained a hallmark among odd missing person cases for decades. Much like Johannah Frouw’s sudden disappearance earlier this month, Martin had also vanished within a very short period of time, while he and other children were playing near Spence Field while he and his family were camping there in the summer months. Also, much like Gerry Largay’s case, the youngest member of the Martin family had vanished while on the Appalachian Trail; his whereabouts have never been determined.
Dennis Martin shortly before his disappearance in 1969.
Dennis Martin shortly before his disappearance in 1969.
There are countless reasons why an individual–particularly a minor–might become disoriented and disappear in a wilderness area; of Martin, it is important to note that his father had been quoted in a National Park Service document saying that Dennis had apparently suffered a mild learning disability. Still, what is arguably the most disturbing aspect of the investigation has to do with the observations of a man named Harold Key, who along with his family, had been hiking a few miles away near Rhowan’s Creek on the afternoon Dennis went missing. He and his family reported hearing an “enormous, sickening scream” as they hiked along, followed by the unsettling observation of a “rough-looking, dark figured man” who appeared to be trying to conceal himself from view on a ridge above them. This individual was observed moving quickly up the ridge away from them, and Key suggested there may have been something the individual had been carrying at the time.
Strange details such as these have fueled the imaginations of researchers, as well as that of less official, but perhaps equally-curious minds who have studied the case, leading some to suggest that strange “beasts” the likes of Bigfoot might be held accountable for the disappearances. It is obviously difficult to support such a conclusion, at least in the absence of hard data that supports the existence of these proposed “wild men” in the North Americas. And yet, reports that seem to account for the likes of such animals have been produced by numerous individuals, for well over a century.
More likely, perhaps, in the majority of cases is the notion that people who go missing in the wilderness are the victims of disorientation, dehydration, or perhaps even the predation of various wild animals, large and dangerous enough to accost and overcome even a well-built man in his prime. Which, in truth, points to the urban disappearances as being among the more perplexing; with hope, people the likes of Johanna Frouw will not remain among North America’s inexplicably missing.
A final example worthy of review here involves the disappearance of Zebb Quinn, an 18-year-old Walmart employee who vanished on January 2, 2000 near his home in Asheville, North Carolina (the home, incidentally, of this author). Quinn had been looking to purchase a new vehicle, and had been accompanied by a friend at the time he received an alert (a page, to be exact, to further illustrate the passage of time since his disappearance), after which he told his company he had to leave. Quinn was last seen at a gas station on Hendersonville Road, and his disappearance has never been solved.
Of particular interest in the disappearance of Quinn, Jason Owens, the friend who had been with him at the time Quinn received the page, later told police that Quinn had seemed “frantic,” and had purportedly damaged Owen’s vehicle by rear-ending him during his hasty exit. Owens turned up later that evening at the local urgent care facility with a head injury, as well as broken ribs, claiming that a second accident had occurred that evening, for which no police report was ever filed.
Quinn’s vehicle turned up nearly two weeks later in the parking lot of the Little Pigs Barbecue across from Asheville High School, sporting its own bizarre variety of defacement: a large pair of lips had been drawn on the rear window of the car with what appeared to be lipstick, and a labrador puppy, as well as a hotel key, drink bottles, and a jacket, were found within. Possible leads in the case had included the suspicion that Quinn’s friend Owen, as well as a young woman named Misty Taylor and her boyfriend, may have had information in the disappearance, but no evidence has ever surfaced to support this conclusively.
It is indeed strange–and unsetting–when circumstances allow for a person to go missing indefinitely in this way. Whatever the underlying cause in any given circumstance, such cases can appear to defy logic, and of course, remind us of the frailties we maintain as individuals. Amidst the more foreign and exotic mysteries of our universe, none strike home quite like those which can occur in the everyday, and still remain unsolved.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

9/11: An Occult Ritual? I

By M.K. Styllinski
 “… the picture that emerges is that of 9/11 as an ultra-powerful mind-control and propaganda weapon—a psychological warfare tool of enormous proportions—infused with techno-sorcery and deep-level occult programming. 9/11 was a global MegaRitual
– occult investigative researcher, S.K. Bain

If the reader has problems in accepting the certainty that the official narrative of 9/11 is bogus, then I recommend you don’t read any further as it will either make you chuckle with derisive incredulity or make your head explode. Or both.
You might say everything that has gone before in this blog has been a primer in order to ease the mind into accepting the following scenario as at least, a possibility. None of this stuff is easy to digest and I recommend reading the introduction to this blog and as much as you can of the first few series as you can before tackling the following pages.
It hasn’t escaped my notice that if people find it a challenge to process the idea that elements within government would willingly perpetrate a vast hoax and murder almost 3,000 people, then they are not going to embrace the deeper dimension that it was another example of a Grand Mega-Ritual sacrifice for Saturn.

Out there right?
Padded_roomOur collective padded room (Source:
Well, you know what they say: truth be stranger than fiction.  And the more layers you peel away the stranger it gets until you reach a state of “High strangeness”. That may leave you with the realisation that the inmates took over the asylum we call society, a very long time ago. Welcome to the Real World as they also say…

With that little primer dispensed with, let’s move on.
The focus has been placed on occult Zionism due to it being in my view, the most pervasive and influential arm of the 3EM and thus the cause of the majority of our religious and geopolitical conflicts, which impacts all our lives to a greater or lesser degree. We have also traced the extremism of Zio-Conservative foreign and domestic policy; US Zionist spy networks and the presence of a Zionist 5th column within successive US administrations. The dominance of Jewish persons within media, Hollywood, politics and socio-cultural discourse is also extremely powerful. This does not mean that American-Jews are somehow all in cahoots with the Zionist Establishment but it does mean that the normal Jews and Jewish culture is used and exploited by psychopaths in a way that is intrinsically different to other forms of Establishment dynamics, as explored in previous posts. That being so, it means that the occult aspects of 9/11 must be viewed along side the obvious Zionist manipulations throughout history and which form an overall broader perspective.
With such an enormously strong history of macrocosmic inversion across the history of our Empire builders we see the same “chosen people” rising to the surface and used expertly by Zionist handlers who embody the original sin of the Pharisees and Levite Priesthood. Their mind-set reoccurs again and again, flowing through streams of freemasonic lineage and religio-occult groupings. 9/11 may have been one vast ritual sacrifice sanctioned by the highest echelon Establishment occultists, signalling a crucial phase in the progression of pathocratic rulership.
If we have been reading with an open mind, it will have been obvious that governments’ story of the 9/11 attacks is a conspiracy theory so silly as to insult the intelligence of anyone who is able to think critically. As illustrated in 9/11: The Point of No Return? our reaction to the attacks are as much about how we process reality as the veracity of what did or did not happen on that day. Perhaps it offers the opportunity for a vast mirror of self-reflection regarding what we choose to believe about 9/11 and the very nature of our social systems in which we live and have our being. Our choices regarding 9/11 – assuming we give it any attention at all – will determine where we are on the arc of awakening; whether we choose the official theory or stand up for an independent investigation (however unlikely). But letting your own voice be heard is vital. Whether we choose to remain silent or contribute to resisting lies, it is a descriptor of our worldview and thus offers an insight into the kind of person we are. And therein lies the opportunity.

To explain: What if all the gaping holes in the official story were entirely purposeful, merely acting as a smokescreen for the true nature of the tragedy? When are persistent patterns of “coincidence” transformed into realisations that there are hidden layers at work beneath the facade?
For some, that is not something to contemplate as it implies a whole world of change that is deeply uncomfortable. It is preferable to adhere to the official view (even some of the standard views within the 9/11 Movement) in order to maintain aligned beliefs which permit such a fraud to work in the first place. If that becomes broken what else will have to be addressed deep within ourselves? This is the main obstacle to uncovering the truth behind the 9/11 atrocity – our own self-importance and cherished beliefs.

Unexpected change is very hard for most of us. It took me a very long time to embrace uncertainty and change, whatever the situation. I only managed to do it due to several major shocks to the system which shattered the false part of myself so that there was no way for me to carefully piece them together again. A new self could be grown that was a little closer to the authenticity I hoped to embody. In the same way, 9/11 is one big shock to the collective human system that will ultimately force us all to make a choice: to follow the Official Culture of normalised lies and by default support it, or join together with others – whatever their race or creed – in order to draw a line in the sand which might be verbalised:
“I reject propaganda and lies. This is not the kind of world I want to support and I will peacefully defend the human conscience any way I can.
© infrakshun
Before we continue to go deeper let’s review the 9/11 basics with a lengthy extract from journalist James Corbett at With some appropriately wry humour he perfectly summarises the preposterous nature of the official story while providing a nice reminder of 9/11 events as a whole:
“On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with box-cutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.
These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground, hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst officewhere DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.
Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidenceliterally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.
The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish. It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed. It failed to mention the existence of WTC7, Able Danger, Ptech, Sibel Edmonds, OBL and the CIA, and the drills of hijacked aircraft being flown into buildings that were being simulated at the precise same time that those events were actually happening. It was lied to by the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Bush Administration and as for Bush and Cheney…well, no one knows what they told it because they testified in secret, off the record, not under oath and behind closed doors. It didn’t bother to look at who funded the attacks because that question is of “little practical significance“. Still, the 9/11 Commission did brilliantly, answering all of the questions the public had (except most of the victims’ family members’ questions) and pinned blame on all the people responsible (although no one so much as lost their job), determining the attacks were “a failure of imagination” because “I don’t think anyone could envision flying airplanes into buildings” except the Pentagon and FEMA and NORAD and the NRO. The DIA destroyed 2.5 TB of data on Able Danger, but that’s OK because it probably wasn’t important.
The SEC destroyed their records on the investigation into the insider trading before the attacks, but that’s OK because destroying the records of the largest investigation in SEC history is just part of routine record keeping. NIST has classified the data that they used for their model of WTC7′s collapse, but that’s OK because knowing how they made their model of that collapse would “jeopardize public safety“. The FBI has argued that all material related to their investigation of 9/11 should be kept secret from the public, but that’s OK because the FBI probably has nothing to hide. This man never existed, nor is anything he had to say worthy of your attention, and if you say otherwise you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist and deserve to be shunned by all of humanity. […]
Osama Bin Laden lived in a cave fortress in the hills of Afghanistan, but somehow got away. Then he was hiding out in Tora Bora but somehow got away. Then he lived in Abbottabad for years, taunting the most comprehensive intelligence dragnet employing the most sophisticated technology in the history of the world for 10 years, releasing video after video with complete impunity (and getting younger and younger as he did so), before finally being found in a daring SEAL team raid which wasn’t recorded on video, in which he didn’t resist or use his wife as a human shield, and in which these crack special forces operatives panicked and killed this unarmed man, supposedly the best source of intelligence about those dastardly terrorists on the planet. Then they dumped his body in the ocean before telling anyone about it. Then a couple dozen of that team’s members died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
This is the story of 9/11, brought to you by the media which told you the hard truths about JFK and incubator babies and mobile production facilities and the rescue of Jessica Lynch. If you have any questions about this story…you are a batshit, paranoid, tinfoil, dog-abusing baby-hater and will be reviled by everyone. If you love your country and/or freedom, happiness, rainbows, rock and roll, puppy dogs, apple pie and your grandma, you will never ever express doubts about any part of this story to anyone. Ever. [1]
So, what were the effects of this momentous event? Did it change your life in any tangible way?  The fact is, the so-called attack on American soil on September 11th fundamentally altered the way of life for almost everyone on the globe, whether we realise it or not.
In subsequent years we have seen:
  • The elimination of habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights and the Fourth Amendment and the subsequent imposition of draconian laws. Similar clampdowns on the freedom of speech using the pretext of the War on Terror have also been enacted in Europe with humanitarian and civil liberties further eroded.
  • The militarisation of the police and the arrival of the police state and commensurate brutality.
  • The use and justification of torture.
  • The push for global resources under the pretext of humanitarian aid and the use of “coloured revolutions” for regime change. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and invasions of Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Syria with state-sanctioned assassinations and an increase in boarder conflicts are all part of a long term Anglo-American-Israeli doctrine for “perpetual war.”
  • Asymmetric proxy wars fought through private armies or mercenaries.
  • The rise of the surveillance state and technocracy.
  • An exponential rise in state-sponsored terrorism from Al-Qaeda to ISIL.
  • Mass exodus of refugees fleeing the Western-backed terror groups and more pressure on immigration issues.
  • A rise in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
  • A massive increase in high level propaganda via outsourced consultancies, lobbyists, think-tanks and mainstream media.
  • The further domination of transnational corporations in banking, food, oil, agribusiness over government policy.
  • Huge increases in military spending from governments worldwide at the behest of arms manufacturers and banking cartels.
  • The discovery of banking and corporate fraud as a symptom of the mainstreaming of the underworld to “overworld” economy.
  • The highlighting of the core corruption, insider trading and manipulation of the world markets by Wall Street and the global banking cartels as a way of life.
  • A continuous net increase of wealth to the richest on the planet while those in poverty get still poorer. (And this leap in affluence and ownership for the ooooooo.1% of the planet has occurred in particular since the last economic crash of 2008).
  • A serious escalation of the threat of nuclear war by US-NATO as an attempt to globalise conflict into a World War III scenario.
I’m sure you can include many other sub-categories, all of which have been directly and indirectly made possible from the events of 9/11.
The shrouded bodies of Iraqi civilians killed during fighting between insurgents and American Marines in Haditha, on Nov. 12, 2005.
We have explored the roots of the religio-occult and mythological significance of Saturn-moon worship and its core links to the Establishment of today, most notably Hassidic sects within Judaism such as Chabad Lubavitch and elite Zionism – the modern equivalent of the “Saturn’s Children” of old.  Clearly, they are not the only players. The fire-Prometheus-Lucifer-Sun cults upon which the Catholic Church is based is a far cry from Christ’s message. Militant Islam and Western intelligence’s fascist outpost of the Muslim Brotherhood are also represented. The structure and icons of all these religions and their off-shoots show the remnants of a Saturnine past and the consequent cover up of our true spiritual origins. What binds the 3EM together is occult Babylonianism – the root source of materialism, “temporal power” and the ceremonial psychopath’s heritage. That is the whole raison d’etre of the minority ruling elite: in order to maintain the illusion of these ancient  “intermediaries” there must always be a suitable incentive for the masses to place their trust in the structures of authority otherwise there will be chaos and violent “anarchy”. Yet, spiritual nourishment and societal order does not come from the rules set down by ancient totalitarian priesthoods and royal bloodlines of oligarchs and banking cartels. True anarchy shows us that hierarchical leaders are not needed though this does not exclude leadership and structure. Yet this is what they would have us believe – for their own survival. As the character of high chancellor Adam Sutler tell us in the film adaption of Alan Moore’s graphic novel: V for Vendetta:
“I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want everyone to remember why they need us!”
And ritual blood sacrifice drawn from the population is the much needed “energy” to maintain their parasitical and vampiric place within the biosphere of humanity and Earth. Thus, their essential nature – much like their ideologies – has to be camouflaged with masks of sanity which inevitably slip much of the time and if we have cultivated the discernment to see it.  Nowhere do we find this more powerfully expressed than in the slow ponerisation of organised religion and materialist science, both two sides of a lost Truth: Religion as echoes of archetypal myths offering an emotional mystical connection to higher densities of Being and orthodox science as a pale reflection of an ancient techno-science of alchemy. Only by a marriage of both can we begin to remember our past. And remembrance and redemption of a once sacred spiritual science is firmly under lock and key of the Elite.
cloudkey1© infrakshun
Meantime, overt occultism becomes a  commonly accepted part of culture, whether Wiccan or Freemasonry, Jewish Kabbalah or Theosophy, they are the scraps from the global priesthood which serve to keep the mass mind occupied and “in the know.” The psychopath and his worldview is often: “… transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) and yet he is the personification and channel for Non-Being and darkness. Deception is only useful if it successfully substitutes art for artifice, lies for truth, hierarchy and spiritual dogma for a living personal connection with Spirit.  And this is where the use of symbols, emblems, amulets, talismans, motifs and modern iconography comes in. These is the medium by which Brotherhood of Saturn/Satan/Serpent telegraph phases of progression within occult theology and practice.
Our culture is saturated in updated versions of ancient symbolism in much the same way as the supra-ancient six-pointed star as endless variations on that geometrical template has shown. After all, remember that part of the reason our paleolithic and neolithic ancestors  carved symbols into rock was so that they could interpret earth changes and the clash of the celestial Titans. They did so because it was both a creative imperative and a warning for future communities. This time the symbolism is displayed through corporatism, pop culture and ritual motifs. It is plastered all over the events of 9/11 as echoes of those past epochs and as a game of numbers and messages by an elite that is impressed by its own deranged self-importance.

© infrakshun
Why is it that the occult psychopath is so enamoured of symbols and alchemical formulas?
It is rather like the tripartite relationship of the key, the lock and the door. Symbols and their numerology were formulated by observing, attuning and communing with Nature where all knowledge lies (“as above, so below”.) Occult magicians are obsessed with deciphering the keys, finding the locks and opening the doors (portals) between different locations of reality where an array of “Gods” resided and that were naturally attuned through our bodies and minds – through our very DNA – during the Golden Age.
Like all things, symbols can be inverted toward a destination and contact that is somewhat different. And if one is interested in observing the ancient power-sharing practice of Saturnine ritual sacrifice you can imagine what kind of invocations are necessary and by extension, the type of demands which needed to be met with whomever they made “contact.” We might also say that “energy follows thought” and the application of primal energy such as sexual desire, a bio-chemical kundalini and the instinct of fear appear to have a strange power when married to the presence of blood sacrifice, a throw back to the dark magickal rituals which unlocked particular “powers.”
In other words, it may not be simply symbolic but the use of codified information that quite literally allows the correct configuration of keys to access certain demonic archetypes built up over time. Whether or not this is true is a whole new line of research. Suffice to say, that this is a simple description of a more complex belief system which will assist us in understanding why 9/11 was a “key” event in occult ritualism and which unlocked much more than we may realise.
Magical symbolism and sacred geometry represents the belief that certain fundamental laws of the Universe can be unlocked. Perhaps they can…but be careful which door you open….| © infrakshun
So, we might see “sacred geometry” and “words of power” as codified  rotes of information locked into the symbol, rather like the hieroglyphics of old and even modern day algebraic and trigonometric mathematics where one single equation can embody a raft of meanings.  We might even say that much of our quantum technology can bundle information into a smaller and smaller “space” in much the same way as an ancient symbol bundles concepts and laws which then need the right keys to unlock them, though beyond the usual laws of space-time.
What better way to encrypt alchemical secrets and Universal laws of access through a series of interlocking shapes which both conceal and reveal to a suitably primed initiate?
Perhaps the Golden and Silver Ages of humanity saw ancient science and technology far in advance to what we have today. The limitation of the five senses is transcended through the medium of the symbol and may hark back to a time when humanity used symbols much more than vocal language. And this does not mean all alchemical and magical symbolism is inherently evil (unless of course you are a religious evangelist) since benign Custodians of the past also used the language of symbols to protect spiritual knowledge. 21st Century occultism is merely a degenerate form of ancient science in this context, with institutionalised rituals offering a custodial role of knowledge transference to benefit only a psychopathic minority.
And of course, symbols of power have built-in safeguards to lead dilettantes away from danger. In the same way that icons and geometric-mathematical shapes can act as keys to higher levels of awareness they are also believed to transmit or transduce “energies” or frequencies which have been built up over time in the same way that an electrical circuit can be charged and/or earthed by turning on the mains supply. And the quality of that flow depends on our depth of Being – or Non-being. This can be applied both metaphorically and for occultists, most literally. Which is why there is a tradition of inscribing stones, floors and landmarks seen as power points with specific symbols offering a programmed purpose such as locking in ritual “spells” and/or releasing them at certain junctures.
Orthodox science is catching up with esoteric science in the sense that the latter seeks to set down in writing certain psycho-spiritual treatises for the individual and group to attain liberation from matter i.e. by developing a REAL self, the growth of the soul, as opposed to an amalgamation of conditioning and survival instincts which keep us “asleep”. Science uses largely reductive methods to pick Nature apart in order to understand her and thereby improve our own lot (or the profit margins of the overshadowing sponsor).
For most of science man is a machine and consciousness is a by-product of a neurological Skinner box or the transhumanist avatar. Esoteric science and its knowledge is experiential and intuitive, practical and ideally, entirely objective in the correct setting. This can only be proven by applying the knowledge, it seems. Occult brotherhoods predicated on white, black, grey or Satanic magick place ritual invocation as a primary benchmark of control and are thus ultimately inviting the same quality of control back into their lives.
The Grand Magician cannot see past his own self-absorbed choices. 
As occult beliefs play a huge part in the Three Establishment Order and its geo-political aspirations we must entertain the possibility that some form of occult psychological warfare reached its destructive apotheosis on the morning of September 11th 2001 and beyond. There is a certain music of chance which may exist in the events and occurrences in and around 9/11 expressed as a mathematical probability, interwoven with apparent signs and portents which, on their own, are nothing. However, taken together and with much of the information covered in this blog so far, it becomes somewhat more compelling.
© infrakshun
In fact, for experts in the occult and politics – nothing happens by chance. Meaning can be seen in the most random events and symbolism ascribed to the seemingly mundane. Granted, if we are mystically-minded one can see almost anything we wish in the ocean of numbers and formulae which make up the “ethers” of our daily lives. Regardless of whether we are atheist, agnostic or religious, occult belief exists in the world in a way that is largely hidden from ordinary people but nevertheless permeates almost every facet of society.
Now, whether occultism is founded on principles which have an ancient scientific basis is irrelevant. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. What is important is that many of the psychopathic insiders of our world do believe it and use forms of magick as a primary tool in their operations. Accordingly, they affix meaning and power to astrology, cosmology, human psychology, sexuality, death and blood ritual. Symbolism, esoteric cycles and timing is a vital part of that grandiose game. What is beyond doubt is the power of the human mind to affect potent changes imbued by the strength of belief. Only when we discard the evidence of the occult and seek to trivialise its influence as a parlour game with silly costumes and lighted candles (though this exists as well) do we become prey to the same comfortable fantasies and illusions that prove so useful for those who corral and control.
What emerges in the 21st Century is the cool, calculating logic of machine-consciousness and mapped to the esoteric science of ancient wisdom. We are talking about people who have an entirely different take on reality to our own. So much so, that they effectively exist as a breakaway civilisation living apart in both a material and perceptual sense.
What if it were indeed true that the suppression of technology and ancient knowledge had been taking place for centuries? Do you think that such a possibility is rational or is it just a product of our overactive imaginations?
Judging from the way history has clearly shown us that the long-term hoarding and suppression of knowledge not only took place but is actively occurring today, it is a strong probability that the elite manifestation of wealth consolidation is a descriptor pointing to something much deeper. Namely, an esoteric knowledge linked to Earth Changes and celestial catastrophism and the pathological hubris that they can lie safely in their bunkers and ride out the storm. From the ashes they hope to rise phoenix-like from the ashes they have helped to create. Hence the importance of 9/11 as ritual ignition which aligns with the caricatures of religious fundamentalist eschatology and the promise of a New World.

If a collection of psychopathic cabals have technology and power to make fantasy and illusion appear real, at least for a while, and to wreak the destruction that they have, we could also posit the idea that there is the kind of knowledge and technology which would appear as “magical” to us as a computer would have done to Medieval man. In this context, the occult symbolism may align to such a destructive technology /weaponry which blurs the boundary between mind and matter. In the hands of psychopaths we have seen the very gates of hell opened.
And we may wonder indeed what we have allowed in.
Exactly who these people are is immaterial as we will only ever see the barest trace of their footprints by the light the moon, and their Saturnine calling card is played out through Kabbalistic numerology and sacred geometry.
And what fun they have with the masses!
© infrakshun
This, unfortunately is the literal gateway to host of other numerical matches, symbols and metaphors that pile up one after the other until finally, there is a coherent framework of occult meaning. Yet we cannot see the significance because most of us have not been educated to understand symbolism both in terms of the occult and in terms of the more simple motifs which arise from the landscape of our inner life in general. Therefore, as part of our cultural paradigm of Cartesian/Darwinian materialism we are educated to believe that such things cannot possibly play a part in our lives.
When a practical, community-centered living and healthy connection to nature and art was replaced by the “Age of Reason” and the onset of an extreme scientific rationalism, it helped to banish harmful superstitions but to also sever the connection to Universal Creativity and myth. This change in human focus eventually led to a pathological emphasis on materialism as the source of meaning. Over time we have been shaped into a techno-narcissistic culture bereft of the significance of ancient wisdom based on service; the oral tradition and relevance of dreams; the lost knowledge of social and community relationships which without using rose-coloured spectacles, nonetheless provided emotional nourishment and spiritual pragmatism. Carefully managed belief systems by perception management teams since the early part of the 20th Century have determined what we consider worthy for our attention without our even knowing that these thought streams our not our own. Cultural osmosis does the rest.
Whereas Freud embraced the nihilistic dead-end of psychoanalysis and its obsession with death and sex, Swiss psychologist Car Jung based much of his life’s work on the importance of the soul and a re-enchantment of the concept of Self, which he believed worked through the unconscious and a rich dream symbology. The loss of awareness concerning cultural motifs, archetypes and metaphor has left us at the mercy of those who have retained such knowledge having inverted it towards their own twisted visions. The occultists – black and white – had already been accessing these archetypes, elemental motifs and Gods and Goddesses in order to “create reality” according to their wishes for a very long time. Jung’s genius was to formalise some of the mechanisms and processes whilst offering some academic credence along the way.
Occult historian and symbologist Michael Tsarion suggests that we are suffering from “a chronic symbol illiteracy” largely drawn from the use of subliminal persuasion in media and advertising which he terms: “a psychic dictatorship.” He explains how our present culture uses: “… the deliberate and subversive manipulation and public purveyance of words, images, numbers, colors, rhythms, and symbols which are subsequently directed, via ubiquitous media oracles, toward the limbic areas of the human brain.” Tsarion believes that this is in part the cause of many physical and psychological disorders, especially in the young, bombarded as they are by: “elaborate and insidious cryptic language specifically designed to stimulate conflict between fantasy and reality” which over time, eventually undermines healthy drives and normal functioning of the human unit. As we have witnessed, the young are primary targets of exploitation at virtually every level of human endeavour. Hardly surprising then that we have all been led down a singular path toward a very bleak future.
He further explains:
The young are, by definition, closer to the creative force than the average adult. They are also more influenced by the limbic brain and, therefore, respond with greater zeal to the erotic and even perverse symbolic messages which have become increasingly pervasive in their life- and think-space. The invasive, clandestinely directed, content has been adroitly designed to bypass their moral conscience and rational filters. The results of this psychic dictatorship are devastating. […]
Subliminal messages permeate television programs, computer games, magazines, billboards, products, and musical productions. They are, however, not limited to the ambience of the young. They are just one of the weapons in the arsenal of psychopathic corporations whose entire modus operandi concerns profit and dehumanization. All that is truly aesthetic, traditional, cultural or substantial merely stands in the way of their monopolistic stratagems, their aggressive, relentless efforts at reducing the entire human race to a body of narcissistic, sense-infatuated, desensitized, amoral, immoral or actively criminal ‘smiling depressives.’” [2]
The author makes a point of describing the coordinators and designers of certain mass-appeal programmes such as MTV, Big Brother, X-Factor and others as the product of “technological witchdoctors and cyber-space sorcerers” using a variety of techniques: “… such as Tele-hypnosis, Metacontrast, Hemisync, Synaesthenia, and Embedding … with the same deadly effect as any past voodoo, sorcery, or telepathy.” [3]
Let’s also remember the pernicious infection of Nazi ideology that has seeped into ritual symbolism and mind control and contributed to the entrainment of a whole population. The same principles have been in operation, most aggressively, since after the Second World War. It was not that the Anglo-American-Israeli Elite were new to such occult inversions but that they actively encouraged the Germanic revival, precisely because they were historically its designated carriers, and cognizant of the power of symbols.
Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light c. 1937
Nazi rally in the Cathedral of Light, c. 1937: “.I’m beginning to comprehend some of the reasons for Hitler’s success. He is restoring pageantry and color and mysticism to the drab lives of 20th century Germans.” – William L. Shirer| Source: Rare Historical Photos at:
The Tribute in Light on the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center. This commemoration may have occult significance for a minority who saw September 11th as a sacrificial ritual marking and the next phase in the “restoration” of a World State. (The lights also reinforce the numerology of 11, the symbolism of which we will explore later). photo: David Shankbone (cropped) (wikipedia) 

When advertisers, marketers and public relations are under the guiding hand of this oligarchical patronage then it is easy to understand why numbers and symbols play such an important role in societal programming. It is for this reason that signs and symbols which have become part of the collective unconscious and cultural fabric of everyday life can be flipped on their head and manipulated to produce a particular response.
As we have seen, the ubiquitous presence of freemasonic / Illuminist lore is founded on the magickal formulas of the Kabbalah which in turn, is drawn from the influence of Babylonian Talmudism from over two thousand years ago. It has since permeated both Jewish and Catholic traditions,  the entertainment culture forming the basis of occult magick across all Establishment lines. It is the esoteric language of the Elite which author Philip D. Collins believes can be deciphered, provided we have a basic awareness of the language of signs, otherwise known as “semiotics”.
The study of esoteric signs falls into three categories which Collins outlines as:
Iconic: These signs normally resemble something else. They are approximations, facsimiles. Examples: statues, pictures.
Indexical: Like the index in the back of a book, these signs refer the percipient to something else. They are used to establish causal or physical relationships. Examples: Smoke is commonly an indexical sign for fire. A shadow is normally an indexical sign for a physical body in front of some light source.
Symbols: These signs express some convention and hold a shared meaning for those interpolated into the culture. These signs must be learned. Examples: Words, numbers, flags.
Complementing this is also “Intertextual reference” which denotes the creative “… correlation between more than one text, thus augmenting a sign’s meaning.” [4]
Collins provides examples of many narratives within media and entertainment which: “‘… embody the paradigmatic character of the situation and images surrounding 9-11” where such “… synchronicities were consciously engineered by the entertainment industrial complex.” Intrinsic to certain films’ blatant and subtle imaging such as the ‘America under attack’ meme in Pearl Harbour (2001); Independence Day (2001); along with the more esoteric examples such as 2001 A Space Odyssey (1969). Most of the literature and later films of H.G. Wells are all also examples of “paradigmatic templates” which were then promulgated vigorously by Establishment media organs in order to be “… instrumental in creating a cultural milieu that would be hospitable to future media manipulations.” And perhaps most importantly: “By the time of the WTC attacks, the collective subconscious of America was fertile with memes (contagious ideas) planted by [such films].” [5]
In the same vain, Collins includes an example of intertextual referencing care of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s seminal book: The Grand Chessboard where the statesman delineated the geo-strategy by which America would attain global primacy and eventual one world government. He states: “… as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, exception the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.” [6]
In other words, he is saying “listen guys: the next phase is approaching for manufacturing that next “threat”.  Here’s how….
US Department of Justice 1997 Emergency Response to Terrorism self study manual (1997)
“Illuminati” is a stand alone card game made by Steve Jackson Games (SJG) in 1995 and inspired by the 1975 book, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. (wikipedia)
We have looked at the idea of Hollywood engineering in ‘Official Culture: “Lights, Camera, Reaction!” From a variety of cultural sources ranging from films, literature and US Department training manuals there are many examples of what amounts to intentional “psychic entraining” “Predictive programming” or on occasion, perhaps the innocent intuition of future events, which is much more common than we may think.
Filmed in January 2000 and aired on US TV networks in April 3 2001, an episode of The Lone Gunman [7]  – a spin off from the X-files series – told of a plot to hijack planes and crash them into the World Trade Centre.
Here’s a short extract from the transcript: 
What is Scenario 1 2D? We know it’s a war-game scenario that it has to do with airline counterterrorism…. Why is it important enough to kill for?
Because it’s no longer a game.
But if some terrorist group wants to act out this scenario why target you for assassination?
Depends on who your terrorists are.
The men who conceived of it in the first place….. You’re saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic airline —
There you go, indicting the entire government as usual. It’s a faction, a small faction.
For what possible gain?
The cold war’s over John but with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market’s flat. But bring down a fully loaded 727 into the middle of New York City and you’ll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world just clamoring to take responsibility and begging to be smart-bombed.
I can’t believe it.
This is about increasing arms sales.
An astonishingly accurate appraisal of the situation, I think you’ll agree. If the writers of the series dealing with conspiracy plot-lines can predict such a thing, one might ask why the US military-intelligence did not? (Perhaps because they were already involved in making it a reality?)  You can see James Corbett’s analysis of the actors and writers involved and how they handled such a highly accurate rendering of what took place just four and half months later.
Innocent coincidence? Psychic “bleed-through”? Or just another one of those occasions where an insider has a little game with the public?
“Diehard” (1988)
Two years before heralded the Die Hard film franchise which involved a very successful blend of high suspense, evil European terrorists and a very tall building. It was another case of intertextual and symbolic entrainment. There are also literal references to September 11th in the script itself all packaged up with flying, terrorists, towers and 9/11. It has been one of the most popular series of films ever made firmly implanting the idea of terrorists as independent external threats to government and law and order. The terrorist meme has been replayed in countless, films and T.V. shows ever since. There are many more examples too numerous to mention with the shadow of Pentagon help looming large in the background.
The key protagonist and inspiration for this occult-propaganda onslaught was provided by the occultist and British intelligence operative Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) who famously appointed himself as the “Great Beast.” Crowley’s views meshed neatly with much of early Illuminism which rode the resurgence in occult practice in the 19th and twentieth centuries: depopulation, elitism, sex magick, ritual invocation, all tied up with the same Weishauptian principles of Revolution. The masses were viewed by Crowley in much same way as any other members of the puppet Elite from Kissinger to Rockefeller, Prince Philip to Brzezinski. He stated: “We should have no compunction in utilising the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. We do not insist in trying to train sheep to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well-being and enjoy their wool and mutton. In this way, we shall have a contented class of slaves who accept the conditions of their existence as they really are and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of the cattle.” [8]
Aleister Crowley in 1912 and the doyen of Anglo-American occult
Once you have researched every aspect and nuance of the September 11th attacks for many years the feeling one derives from the theories, evidence, science (and endless noise) is that all of it is somehow designed to be suspicious. It is meant to be confusing, silly and almost satirical in its cruelty; placing clues and smokescreens to distract and misinform. Much of the official story is so obviously hackneyed in its planning where non-sequiturs and logical fallacies abound that the researcher is led to a mix of truth and lies in equal measure. It is a masterly exercise in the tradition of an occult trickster, worthy of Hermes himself and implies a keen understanding of crowd psychology and the internet society.
Historian Michael A. Hoffman II characterises the depth of the game to which we are, to a greater or lesser degree all unconscious participants in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (1989) which, although written well before September 11th confirms: “… a physical, technological tyranny as well as a tyranny of the mind,” where: “The issue of controlling humanity with esoteric words and symbols encoded within a play, a media spectacular or a ritual is one of the most difficult for people to comprehend … Even as [we] dance… to the tune of the elite managers of human behavior, [we] scoff… with great derision at the idea of the existence and operation of a technology of mass mind control emanating from the media and government.” [9]
Hoffman is convinced that the power of ritual murder has enormous psychological repercussions upon a clueless populace, wholly unaware that technology is now enmeshed with ritualistic programming via music, media, advertising and false-flag military operations equalling a physical and psychic attack on a mass scale. He asserts that these “mega-rituals” are: “… not solely bound to the achievement of the immediate effects of the attack on the victim, but may in fact be a part of a larger, symbolic ritual magnified by the power of the electronic media, for the purpose of the alchemical processing of the subconscious Group Mind of the masses.” Hoffman tells us that “it is the subconscious that is being addressed in occult ritual, in a process CIA behavioural scientist Dr. Ewan Cameron termed, ‘psychic driving.’” [10]
It is this process that by-passes critical thinking, making discussion on subjects such as the 9/11 attacks almost impossible in Official Culture. It is clear that “The Black Arts adepts” and their involvement in the orchestration of 9/11 along occult lines are not mad in the sense of mindless lunacy. They are in fact responsible for a: “a brilliantly orchestrated ritual whose ceremonial aspects were as precise and detailed as the internal workings of a clock.” [11]
We would do well to be cognizant of this possibility and never underestimate the ritualistic nature of mass mind controls.


Theory’ By James Corbett (video)
[2] ‘Symbolic Literacy’ by Michael Tsarion 2008 |
[3] Ibid.
[4] ‘The Semiotic Deception of September 11th’ by Phillip D. Collins, December 31st, 2004.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] The Lone Gunman (2001) ‘Did you Know?’ |
pp. 199-200; The Law is For All: The Authorized Popular Commentary on Liber Al Vel Legis Sub Figura CCXX, The Book of Law. Phoenix Ariz. 1996; Quoted in ‘False flag Terror – the Occult Connection’ by William Ramsey from his book Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order.
[9] A. Hoffman II, Michael ; Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 1989. July 2001.
[10] Ibid
[11] Ibid.