
Monday, November 30, 2015

Paris Attack Anomalies: News Media Death Tallies Don’t Add Up 

As of November 27, 2015 the BBC, one of the world’s most powerful mass media outlets, still has an incomplete sketch on the details of exactly who perished in the November 13 Paris terror attacks, which French authorities  say resulted 130 deaths and over 350 injuries. With its abundant staff and resources, it is unusual that the news outlet with global reach would abandon such an important story. Yet it has–as have many of its competitors.
On its page, “Paris Attacks: Who Were the Victims?” the government-sponsored broadcasting giant lists hyperlinked photo descriptions of 42 victims, and verbal descriptions of an additional 83, for a grand total of 125. That means there are five fatalities Aunt Beebe–which played a central role in publicizing the attacks throughout the world–has failed to document.
 It asks online readers to provide details on those it has listed, while overlooking the five it apparently cannot account for.
In contrast, on November 27, the day the French government officially commemorated the deceased, Agence France-Presse published this graphic, but it includes the names of only 127 victims.
Other major news outlets have also run articles with incomplete listings of the deceased. For example, on November 17, 2015 CNN ran a piece with profiles of 72 deceased, while Buzzfeed posted a story, “Here are the Victims of the Paris Attacks,” with a total of only 71 profiles. Buzzfeed promised to continually update the article, but it was last revised on November 20.
The venerable Washington Post lists profiles of 123 victims yet admittedly omits the identities and biographical material on “at least seven others” for which the paper claims to have no information. The Post promises to update the page “as more information becomes available.” However, no details have been added since November 23.
In 2013 Memory Hole Blog reported how the Boston Globe failed to accurately document those injured in the Boston Marathon bombing. [“The Boston Marathon Bombing’s Inflated Injury Tallies“] In that event municipal authorities and the Boston Globe claimed there were an incredible 286 injuries. Yet the Globe could only provide information for 55 individuals who sustained injuries.

Life Imitating Art? Strange Cases Where Fiction has Foretold the Futuretype

Between 1949 and 1950, American novelist Norman Mailer was hard at work crafting the follow up to his breakthrough novel, The Naked and the Dead. His home and base of operations at the time had been a boarding house in New York, and the subject of this new work that would eventually become 1951’s Barbary Shore was, rather transparently, reflective of Mailer’s current state of affairs: the story was that of a World War II veteran, holed up in a New York boarding house, trying to write a novel.
To his credit, Mailer had added amnesia to his character’s plight, but this alone hadn’t helped make the post-war novel anything more spectacular than what it was destined already to be: a shortcoming in the wake of his breakthrough masterpiece, and one so bad it would launch a decade-long hiatus from work as a novelist, during which Mailer would turn his attention to societal themes, writing of (and occasionally berating) hipsters, politicians, and American life in general.
The otherwise innocuous and disappointing Barbary Shore might have been forgotten altogether, had it not been for one other unique facet it possessed. As much as the story had intentionally mirrored the happenings of Mailer’s life, there were other things occurring beneath the surface which the author included, though seemingly despite having no way of gaining knowledge of them at the time.
Norman Mailer
Norman Mailer
To be specific, another of the book’s themes dealt with a Soviet spy, who is found to be living undercover in the same New York Boarding House. Strangely, after the publication of Barbary Shore, it was revealed that an actual spy, similarly working with the USSR, had been living within an apartment just above Mailer’s. Despite the odd foretelling of events that the novel contained, not even this would help it become memorable in the minds of Mailer’s critics; once, the occasionally obstreperous writer even went so far as to take out advertisements quoting the negative critiques his literary adversaries launched against him.
The theme of “predictions” made by novelists is indeed one that we’ve covered before here at Mysterious Universe. In a 2010 post on the subject, I noted one of the most peculiar of them all, which dealt with Edgar Allan Poe’s one and only novel-length manuscript, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Here, a similarly striking — if not more unsettling prediction — had been made, involving a storm that destroys a sailing vessel, leaving the stranded seamen faced with a damning decision about who would ultimately survive:
“Among them was a lowly cabin boy named Richard Parker, who later was cannibalized in what was then known as the grim “custom of the sea.” Though this series of events was conjured from Poe’s mind, decades later the [sailing ship] Mignonette was destroyed under almost identical circumstances, where a sudden 40-foot wave capsized the ship. Among the survivors–and first to be killed and cannibalized–was the cabin boy, whose name was none other than Richard Parker! Captain Tom Dudley, along with those who had helped devour young Parker, were later discovered alive, and were tried for murder.”
While the similarities here might be chalked up to coincidence alone, it is worth noting that the turn of events described above came about resulting from political writer Arthur Koestler’s interest in psychic phenomena and coincidences later in life. His fascination was great enough that he proposed a contest in which an award would be offered for the best example of a bizarre prediction or coincidence. That award was later given to none other than Nigel Parker, a relative of the deceased Richard Parker, who shared the family’s strange story.
Another notable example of a novelist whose work seemingly predicted the future had been Jules Verne, who discussed the future of space flight in his book From the Earth to the Moon. Here, Verne’s fictional meanderings ended up being uncannily similar to what would later become the very real American space program’s Apollo Program. In the book, Verne even wrote that three astronauts were launched from the Florida peninsula, and recovered through a splash landing of their spacecraft upon reentry; also in the book, the spacecraft is launched from “Tampa Town”, whereas Tampa, Florida is approximately 130 miles from what would later become NASA’s launch site at Cape Canaveral.
Perhaps among the most famous instances of alleged predictions set forth in novels involved Morgan Robertson’s 1898 novella Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan. In this book, Robertson wrote of a large sailing vessel which went down tragically in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg on its starboard side. The events of the novel transpire in the month of April, and adding to the tragedy of Robertson’s tale, the fictional Titan would lack enough lifeboats needed to save all its passengers.
The obvious similarities here to the sinking of the RMS Titanic were indeed noteworthy to many of Robertson’s readers, right down to the accident’s distance from Newfoundland, and the number of casualties that would ensue. While Robertson’s readers proclaimed that he possessed the gift (or perhaps curse) of clairvoyance, the author would maintain that he had merely deduced such a remarkably similar turn of events based on his extensive knowledge of seafaring. 
The examples cited here are among the best, though countless other cases of tales spun by fiction writers which bore similarity to later happenings do exist. Whether or not it is indeed evidence of psychic abilities or premonitions, it would certainly seem that on occasion the notion of “life imitating art” does take on a whole new, and far more literal meaning.

French Government Using State Of Emergency As An Excuse To Round Up Climate Change Activists      ~ gee that will work ?... the bad~guys 

from the mission-creep dept

In response to the attacks in Paris earlier this month, the French government has enacted a state of emergency. Like the War on Terror itself, this "state of emergency" has no discernible end in sight. The government has given itself an incredible amount of power for an indefinite period of time. When this power shift happens, abuse follows.

The Guardian is reporting that the nation's law enforcement agencies are straying far from their original targets: those responsible for the attacks, along with anyone who appears to be sympathetic to the cause. The government now appears to be authorizing the arrest of anyone it can brand a troublemaker.

At least 24 climate activists have been put under house arrest by French police, accused of flouting a ban on organising protests during next week’s Paris climate summit, the Guardian has learned.
One legal adviser to the activists said many officers raided his Paris apartment and occupied three floors and a staircase in his block.
French authorities did not respond to requests for comment but lawyers said that the warrants were issued under state of emergency laws, imposed after the terror attacks that killed 130 people earlier this month.
The French now understand what it's like to be Spanish. Of course, it must be pointed out that very few countries, even a country once at the forefront of personal freedoms, would handle this situation any differently.
The Garland (TX) attack ushered in several months of stepped-up use of 24/7 monitoring on suspected ISIS supporters. FBI Director James Comey has described the period between May and July as one that stretched the FBI's resources, and that isn't sustainable. Dozens of arrests were made, in many cases not for terrorism-related charges if the FBI couldn't gather enough evidence of a plot.

"In some cases we just needed to get people off the streets," one senior law enforcement official said.
A few of the targeted activists have been placed under house arrest. Others have been handed restraining orders by local judges. Police have also been confiscating computers and personal documents during these raids.

Some might argue that until everything calms down in France, the best plan for activists is to lay low. This could prevent the hijacking of a cause as cover for a violent attack motivated by a different ideology. But this sort of advice only makes sense if the government had expressed a fear of large gatherings in general.
Some protesters argue that the permission granted to football matches, trade fairs and Christmas markets in Paris over the summit period suggests that the authorities’ real concern is to suppress dissent.
This makes the orders some received to limit participants to less than 50 look hypocritical, at best. At worst, it looks like the government is using its state of emergency powers to protect itself from vocal and highly-visible criticism.

Details Of How The Paris Attacks Were Carried Out Show Little Effort By Attackers To Hide Themselves   ~  Oops

from the but-we-blame-encryption? dept

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal's Stacy Meichtry and Joshua Robinson published an in-depth bit of reporting on the planning and operational setup of the Paris attackers, revealing a bunch of previously unknown details. The key thing, however, isn't just the total lack of anything that looks like sophisticated encryption, but the opposite. The attackers basically did nothing to hide themselves, communicating out in the open, booking houses and cars in their real names, despite some of them being on various terrorist watch lists. It discusses how Brahim Abdeslam booked a house using an online website (Homelidays -- a French service that is similar to Airbnb, though it predates Airbnb by a lot), using his own name. So did his brother, Salah Abdeslam, who booked a hotel for a bunch of the attackers (using his real name) on

The piece mentions, as we noted earlier, that the attackers appeared to communicate via unencrypted SMS. It also mentions how the guy who planned the attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, bragged about his plans in ISIS's English-language glossy magazine months ago. Again, you'd think that this would alert the intelligence community to actually watch the guy, but again it appears he did little to hide his movements or communications.

In fact, the report notes that after Abaaoud shot up a restaurant, he went back to check out the aftermath of the attacks that he had helped put together -- and kept his mobile phone with him the whole time, making it easy to track his whereabouts:
An hour after Mr. Abaaoud finished shooting up restaurants, he emerged from a metro station in the 12th district, according to data police pulled from his cellphone. He headed west toward the sound of sirens, his path zigzagging as he returned to the scene of his crimes.

For two hours after the massacre ended, prosecutors say, Mr. Abaaoud surveyed his handiwork, at one point blending in with panicked crowds and bloodied victims streaming from the Bataclan
You can read the entire thing and note that, nowhere does the word "encryption" appear. There is no suggestion that these guys really had to hide very much at all.

So why is it that law enforcement and the intelligence community (and various politicians) around the globe are using the attacks as a reason to ban or undermine encryption? Again, it seems pretty clear that it's very much about diverting blame for their own failures. Given how out in the open the attackers operated, the law enforcement and intelligence community failed massively in not stopping this. No wonder they're grasping at straws to find something to blame, even if it had nothing to do with the attacks.

U.S. identified Paris attackers six months ago and predicted terror plot, so why didn’t they stop it?

November 19th, 2015, by
The U.S. government predicted ISIS-led terror plots against Western cities six months ago, as well as knew the identity of the man believed to be the mastermind behind the recent attacks in Paris, France.
In May of this year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security published an intelligence assessment[PDF] warning of coming terror attacks in Western cities, even naming the guy they thought would do it.(1)

Published by DHS Intelligence and Analysis directorate in partnership with the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center, the report named Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 27-year-old from Belgium, as being a man who would orchestrate terror attacks against the West, reports the Daily Mail.(2)
If the West and its allies knew Abaaoud was an imminent threat, why didn’t they stop him?
While we don’t support the government’s targeted drone program due to its ineffectiveness and its inability to be precise (just to name a few reasons), based on arguments made by U.S. intelligence officials, suspected militants like Abaaoud are exactly the kind of targets the military says it prioritizes.
Under the U.S. military’s drone program, President Obama has about two months to sign off  on the assassination of a target they suspect is “a continuing, imminent threat,” according to a report written by The Intercept’s Cora Currier titled “The Kill Chain” – one of eight reports published by The Intercept in a series coined The Drone Papers.(3)

Belgium raid in early 2015 provided U.S. with intel on Paris attacks, report finds

The DHS reportedly learned about Abaaoud’s identity following an anti-terrorism raid in Verviers, Belgium, in January 2015. Two suspected terrorists with radical Islamist ties were killed during the raid in Belgium, and a third was arrested, the Daily Mail reports. Officials believe the suspected terrorists were under the influence of ISIS.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud on the left (Credit: London Media)
Following the raid, “multiple individuals” were arrested in several European countries and charged in connection with planned terrorist plots in the West. The DHS says the bust was the first in which a “large group of terrorists” possibly acting under the influence of ISIS was discovered, leading them to believe that more attacks throughout Europe were on its way.
Items recovered by Belgian officials during the raid suggested that terrorists may use “small arms, improvised explosive devices” and tactics such as impersonating police officers in future attacks, according to the assessment.
Automatic firearms, precursors for the explosive triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a body camera, multiple cell phones, handheld radios, fraudulent identification documents and large quantities of cash were also found.
The assessment predicted that terror attacks were more likely to happen in Europe “where several recruitment networks have been disrupted, and several returning fighters have already demonstrated the ability to conduct attacks—than in the United States given the different operating environments, number of European foreign fighters currently in theater, and Europe’s geographic proximity to the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.”

Mastermind behind Paris attacks faked his death in 2014 in order to avoid detection

Terror networks operating across several countries pose challenges regarding law enforcement’s ability to “detect and investigate multi-jurisdictional threats,” says the assessment, highlighting the importance of “sharing information about emerging and ongoing threats.”
The DHS wrote that the terrorist group’s activities spanned several European countries, including France, Greece, Spain and the Netherlands.
Abaaoud, the purported leader of the foiled Belgium attack, was believed to have orchestrated “the operation from a safe house in Athens, Greece using a cell phone, while other group members operated in several other European countries.”
Media reports indicate that he was behind a phone call made in 2014 to his family informing them that he had died while fighting in Syria. Authorities only discovered this to be untrue upon learning about his involvement in the foiled Belgium attacks.
The following illustration depicts the Belgian location where some of the suspected militants were apprehended, as well as their training grounds and other networks operating in France.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

“The Hunger Games” Movie: Donald Sutherland Explains Why its Message Must be Understood

There are some inside Hollywood, who are trying to wake up the world – Donald Sutherland is one of them.
The young people who see this film must recognize that for the future ‘blind faith in their leaders,’ as Bruce Springsteen said, ‘will get you dead.’
Hollywood actor, Donald Sutherland just dropped a bombshell on the military industrial complex. Sutherland, who plays President Coriolanus Snow in the blockbuster movie series Hunger Games, was recently asked what the movie was really about – he held no punches in his answer.
If there’s any question as to what it’s an allegory for I will tell you.
It is the powers that be in the United States of America.
It’s profiteers.
War is for profit. It’s not “to save the world for democracy” or “for king and country.”
No, bulls**t.
It’s for the profit of the top 10%, and the young people who see this film must recognize that for the future ‘blind faith in their leaders,’ as Bruce Springsteen said, “will get you dead.
Those who are awake to the war machine, and have watched the movies or read the books, have undoubtedly seen the underlying anti-establishment theme within. However, those who do not notice it should heed Sutherland’s words.
It is no question that war is for the profit of very few people. In fact, as the famous, two-time Medal of Honor recipient, Major General Smedley Butler of the USMC said,
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.
How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?
Sutherland does get one thing wrong, however, and that is the percentage that he assigns to those who profit from war. It is nowhere near 10% as he states. Those who profit from war, as Smedley Butler points out above, are a tiny group of people. The ruling elite.
It’s the weapons manufacturers, the arms dealers, the inside politicians, and the state itself. Everyone else involved in war, including those who die for it, are merely pawns. They are cogs in the machine whose only purpose is to spread death and destruction.
Please share this article and video so that others, who may have missed the point of this movie series, may see its true purpose – calling out the elite for the criminals that they are.

Donald Sutherland reveals some dark secrets


OK. You can chalk this one up in my "miss" column. In fact, you can chalk it up in my big miss column. What do I mean? Well, for a few years, as we've been tracking the GMO/anti-GMO issue here on this website, we have noted the growing opposition to GMOs, and more importantly, to the often under-handed policies, politics, and methods employed by GMO companies like IG Farbensanto, Syncrudda, and other purveyors of GMOs. THese policies began, more or less, under the administration of GHW Bush(who else?), with the findings of "substantial equivalence" for GMOs, a policy that, as F. William Engdahl has pointed out, allowed the big GMO companies like Mon(ster)santo to have their GMO cake and poison us too, for on the one hand, it allowed them to claim that GMO corn was "substantially equivalent" to non-GMO corn, while at the same time, allowing them to patent their creations. This "substantial equivalence" double standard effectively allowed a minimum of scientific testing to be done.
But opposition, both on a public and, more importantly, on a growing governmental level was met, particularly in countries like India where the big GMO companies ran roughshod over farmers. Russia, as regular readers here know, also joined the growing concerns and actually enacted bans on GMOs, and has undertaken a commitment to a long-term intergenerational scientific study of their human and environmental effects. There were indicators that China was having second thoughts about some aspects of GMOs, as llimited bans on certain products were enacted by that country as well.
This led me to hypothesize that if the BRICSA bloc played their cards right, they could transform the GMO issue into a geopolitical one, by pointing out the GMO issue as another example of rampant corruption in the corporate world of the west, and if they really played their cards right, they could move, in a major way, into the agribusiness markets by offering themselves as the sources for natural seeds, playing to the growing world movement against GMOs.
I called it GMO geopolitics, and I based my reasoning, in part, on the idea that there was opposition to GMOs in at least some of the BRICSA bloc countries.
Well, you can chalk it all up in the "big miss" column, for Chiina, it seems, has now decided GMOs are ok, and now wants to buy big western GMO companies, according to this article shared by Ms. M.W.:
China banning anti-GMO websites as communist nation attempts to buy GM seed companies for domination of world food supply
The crux of the article appears to be this:
In recent days, the GMO information site Sustainable Pulse, one of the globe's largest and most respected sustainable agriculture information sites, was blocked by China's communist government censors "in all of mainland China, shortly after ChemChina launched a failed $ 42 billion bid to buy the largest Global pesticide company – Syngenta," the website reported.
"This is yet another example of the Chinese government trying to stop its citizens from informing themselves about topics that could possibly damage Chinese business," said Sustainable Pulse Director Henry Rowlands, in criticizing the ban.
"China has gone from sitting on the fence regarding the use of GM crops, to being one of the main Global 'pushers' of GMOs over the last 12 months. This will lead to a disaster for both the environment and human health in China over the coming years," he said, as quoted by the site.
There is even a faint hint, or suggestion, in the article itself that one may  be looking at some sort of mild internal struggle within the Chinese government regarding the issue:
The website found out about the blocking in recent days, following news that the China National Chemical Corporation, known as ChemChina, was in negotiations to purchase Syngenta, based in Switzerland. Had it gone down, it would have been the largest acquisition to date by a Chinese company. And though the initial $42 billion bid for the Swiss pesticide manufacturer was initially rejected, officials familiar with the negotiations told Bloomberg Business that there remains a strong interest in making the deal.
If it does indeed go through, then ChemChina would become one of the world's biggest GMO developers, putting it in direct competition with the globe's GMO leader, St. Louis-based Monsanto.
The government's ban of Sustainable Pulse is odd when you consider that, in the past, Beijing has banned importation of GMO foods from the U.S., with the specific aim of preventing GMO contamination among Chinese agriculture. Ironically, a recent ban pertained to a Syngenta product.
So if anything, it looks as if China has just concluded the very opposite from the "GMO geopolitics" hypothesis I was advocating in the past few years, as we've been watching the GMO story on this website. If anything, China's version of GMO geopolitics is that it now wants to dominate the field, and the target of entry was apparently Syngenta, the target of recent merger attempts by Mon(ster)santo.
But if anything, we can thank the Chinese Communist government for their ban within their country of websites criitical of GMOs, for it exposes the whole issue and the hypocrisy surrounding it once again, for would you trust a government that has to shut down opposing commentary and criticism to tell the truth about the science, and safety, studies surroundiing GMOs?  Well, you didn't trust the US government when it effectively shut down criticism, why trust China?
So we can chalk my "GMO geopoliitics" idea  up in the big miss column, because China doesn't want to play. It wants to be Mon(ster)santo. On steroids.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Paris Attack: New Data on Police Foreknowledge of Terrorists Raises Questions

Since the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, new revelations have provided more evidence that Islamist elements who launched the attack were well known to the intelligence services before the attack that killed 130 people.
These details are of the greatest political significance. They contradict official claims that the attackers evaded the attention of French and European intelligence, and that the only way to prevent new attacks is to accept a permanent state of emergency and police-state measures. If the terrorists were able to plan and execute such a massive, coordinated attack, it was because intelligence agencies did not use the powers they already have to prevent attacks that were carried out by Islamist terrorist forces with which they have close political ties.
On November 25, the New York Times reported that Belgian authorities had a list of suspected Islamists that included the Belgian residents who were involved in the Paris attacks. It wrote, “a month before the Paris terrorist attacks, Mayor Françoise Schepmans of Molenbeek, a Brussels district long notorious as a haven for jihadists, received a list with the names and addresses of more than 80 people suspected as Islamic militants living in her area.”
Citing sources inside Belgium’s security services, the Times wrote, “the list included two brothers who would take part in the bloodshed in France on Nov. 13, as well as the man suspected of being the architect of the terrorist plot, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Molenbeek resident who had left for Syria to fight for the Islamic State in early 2014.”
Schepmans said, “What was I supposed to do about them? It is not my job to track possible terrorists.” She noted that this is “the responsibility of the federal police.”
Abaaoud, who died in the massive police raid in Saint-Denis last week and was believed to have orchestrated the attacks, lived in Molenbeek. Known to police since 2002, he received multiple prison sentences between 2006 and 2012. He came to the attention of the intelligence services in February 2014, when he appeared in an Islamist video driving a truck dragging the corpses of nonbelievers. Six months later, international arrest warrants were issued for him.
The two brothers cited by the Times, Brahim and Salah Abdeslam, also lived in Molenbeek. Brahim blew himself up on the boulevard Voltaire and his brother, Salah Abdeslam, is currently on the run.
Police also had a file on Omar Ismaïl Mostefai, a suicide bomber at Bataclan theater, even before he travelled to Syria in 2013, while Sami Amimour, a gunman at the Bataclan, had been detained in 2012 due to suspected terrorist links.
Already before the Times report, numerous media outlets had revealed that most Islamists involved in the November 13 attack were known to security forces. Since the Paris attacks, a growing number of experts on French Islamism have expressed amazement that such figures were allowed to operate in France and prepare the attacks.
When Abaaoud was identified as a possible orchestrator of the attack, David Thomson, a journalist specializing in jihad in France and author of French Jihadists, wrote: “if this report is substantiated, what would be involved would be far more than astonishment at a meltdown of the security services.”
Thomson explained, “One must understand who this man is. He is the public face of the French-speaking jihadi world. His face was displayed for several days last year round-the-clock on all France’s major news channels. In 2013 and 2014, on his own Facebook page, under his true identity, he posted videos of himself on the Syrian front, grenade launcher in hand, calling for people to join him.”
Abaaoud’s ability to travel in Europe and plan and obtain supplies for a major terrorist attack can only be explained by the close ties between Islamist terrorist circles and French intelligence, who uses them to go fight in the imperialist war for regime change in Syria. Under these conditions, the Paris attackers were able to exploit what amounted to official protection for their operations from sections of the French state.
The Socialist Party (PS) government’s claims about the attacks are rapidly being discredited, among rising disputes inside the state apparatus and the security services. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve had claimed, “A zero-risk situation faced with such actors, who have declared war on our country and on Europe … that doesn’t exist.”
In fact, amid deep divisions inside French imperialist circles over how to proceed, sections of French intelligence are criticizing the PS’ all-out support for regime change in Syria for blocking police operations in France. “Since the arrival of [PS Foreign Minister] Laurent Fabius at the Quai d’Orsay, all contacts with Damascus have been cut, because Paris is betting on the fall of the regime. … All the French jihadists are going there,” said Bernard Squarcini, a top intelligence official under conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Squarcini told Valeurs actuelles that Prime Minister Manuel Valls refused an offer from Syrian intelligence, passed through Squarcini, to provide more details on French jihadists fighting in Syria. Valls’ refusal was motivated by “ideological reasons,” Squarcini said.
This policy is rooted not only in the aggressive foreign policy of French imperialism and its NATO allies, including the United States, but the escalating social and economic crisis of European capitalism. The ruling elites are happy to rely on Islamist terrorist groups as instruments of their foreign policy overseas, while using their operations to justify massive assaults on democratic rights at home. This makes a mockery of the so-called “war on terror.”
The PS, whose austerity policies obtained a 3 percent approval rating in one poll last year, is handing over sweeping powers to police in a 3-month state of emergency, and planning to write a permanent state of emergency into the French constitution.
After the Paris attacks, the right-wing Belgian government of Prime Minister Charles Michel declared a security emergency last weekend citing an imminent terrorist threat, ordered the shutdown of entire neighbourhoods, and launched vast police-military operations, ostensibly to arrest Islamist suspects. In fact, only one individual was detained.
This led to broad charges, including within sections of the political establishment, that the government was manipulating events for its own political purposes. (See: “Official justifications for Brussels lockdown unravel”)

The Damned Dam


~missing children? the deep,Deep "state" ???

At his birth in Los Angeles on October 2, 1914, one Jack Parsons was given the memorable and unusual name of Marvel Whiteside Parsons, and lived a truly extraordinary, but short, life. An undoubted genius, he indirectly led NASA to send the Apollo astronauts to the Moon in 1969. Moreover, the Aerojet Corporation – which Parsons personally founded – today produces solid-fuel rocket boosters for the Space Shuttle that are based on Parsons’ very own, decades-old innovations.
For his accomplishments, a large crater on the far side of the Moon was named in his honor, and each and every year, on Halloween no less, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory holds an open-house memorial, replete with mannequins of Jack Parsons and his early JPL cohorts known as “Nativity Day.” And, within the aerospace community, there is a longstanding joke that JPL actually stands for “Jack Parsons Laboratory” or “Jack Parsons Lives.
Parsons, who was so revered and honored by very senior figures within the U.S. space-program, was an admitted occultist, a follower of the “Great Beast” himself, Aleister Crowley, and someone who topped even Crowley himself by engaging in bestiality with the family dog and sexual relations with his own mother, perhaps at the same time, no less. Moreover, before each rocket test, Parsons would undertake a ritual to try and invoke the Greek god, Pan.

It was perhaps inevitable that his path would eventually cross with that of Aleister Crowley. In 1942, after the two had become acquainted as a result of their like-minds and pursuits, Crowley chose Parsons to lead the Agape Lodge of the Thelemic Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) in California, after Crowley expelled one Wilfred Smith from the position. The devoted Parsons eagerly practiced Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic Rituals, the goal of which was the creation of a new breed of human being that, if the ritual proved successful, would lead to the destruction of Christianity.
Meanwhile, during the same time frame, and within the confines of his Pasadena mansion – dubbed “The Parsonage” – the darkly handsome Parsons held parties for those friends and colleagues in the field of science fiction. Indeed, writers Robert Heinlein, Jack Williamson, Anthony Boucher, and Ray Bradbury were all regular visitors to Parsons’ home. Parsons, then, was a highly interesting character, who moved in intriguing circles filled with powerful and influential players.
Much of Parsons’ – and the JPL’s – initial rocket research in this period was undertaken at the appropriately-named Devil’s Gate Dam in Pasadena, California. Interestingly, the JPL was itself established at this very locale in 1930 by the California Institute of Technology. The dam had been constructed a decade earlier by engineers from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and took its title from Devil’s Gate Gorge, a rocky out-cropping that eerily resembles a demonic face and which is located in a narrow canyon of the Arroyo Seco, which is a riverbed that extends from the San Gabriel Mountains into the Los Angeles basin.
Some say that the face is merely a classic case of Pareidolia – the process by which the human brain can interpret random imagery as having some meaning or significance behind it. A classic example being the way in which, at one time or another, most of us have seen faces in clouds. But is that really all that is behind the satanic face of the old dam? Maybe not…
In late 2010, probably the most controversial book I have ever written was published: Final Events. The book told the unsettling story of a think-tank-style group deeply buried within the heart of the U.S. Government that addressed the UFO phenomenon at a deep and secret level for more than half a century. The members came to accept a disturbing conclusion about that same phenomenon: namely, that rather than having extraterrestrial origins, it was satanic in nature. And I do mean that literally: fire, brimstone, the Devil, and a malignant deception in which cold-hearted demons, masquerading as aliens, were working to an agenda of their devilish master to provoke Armageddon.
As very often happens when I have a new book out, people who have read it, and who feel they have something to say about its contents, contact me. And, certainly, Final Events was no different. One of those who did precisely that was a Californian man named Bob Jessup who had an amazing story to relate concerning Devil’s Gate Dam, a brief history of which I included in Final Events while telling the story and history of Jack Parsons.
Jessup (who, I should perhaps stress, was no relation to famed 1950s-era UFO researcher/author Morris K. Jessup) claimed to have seen a truly terrifying beast at the foot of Devil’s Gate Gorge only a few nights after reading Final Events! This almost sounded too good to be true, even by my standards! But, I listened carefully to what Jessup had to say.
With its surrounding and nearby hills, dense woodland, and winding pathways, the entire area is the ideal place for hikers and horse-riders to hang out and get some exercise. And Jessup fell into the former category: each weekday afternoon, after work, he would walk his dog, Miles, for an hour or so around the wooded paths, while taking in the pleasant and welcoming scenery. But what Jessup wanted to tell me was not pleasant. And it most certainly wasn’t welcoming either.
On a cold, dark, late afternoon in January 2011, Jessup was nearing Devil’s Gate Gorge when he heard an ear-splitting screech that he said was like a combination of the shrill cry of a fox and someone dragging their fingernails across a chalkboard. In other words: not at all inviting. But, it was extremely loud, very weird, and seemed to be coming from somewhere above him. He looked around – first to the trees, then to the sloping pathway that one takes from the dam down to the base of the Gorge. No luck.
It was when he looked closer at the Gorge itself, however, and that rocky, devil-like face that Jessup saw something that chilled him to the bone: a milk-white-colored, skinny, humanoid creature sporting a large pair of equally-white bat-type wings, scaling the Gorge, just like, in Jessup’s very own words, “Spiderman climbing a building.”Jessup could only stand and stare in awe and fear as the creature stared directly at him, issued another ear-splitting scream, and “kind of hopped and jumped and leapt away over the top [of the Gorge].” Jessup did not wait around to see if it elected to return.
I spent about forty-five minutes on the phone interviewing Jessup, who came across clear, lucid, but downright puzzled, and not to mention significantly worried by the encounter – which, at the time of writing these words, has not been repeated, much to Jessup’s personal relief.
The occult rituals of Jack Parsons and Bob Jessup’s account aside, certainly the most disturbing thing about Devil’s Gate Dam and Devils’ Gate Gorge were the tragic deaths and disappearances of a number of children in the area back in the 1950s. In August of 1956, Donald Lee Baker (thirteen) and Brenda Jo Howell (eleven) vanished while riding their bikes on land directly behind the dam. Both bikes and Brenda’s jacket were subsequently found nearby. The children, unfortunately, were not.
Then, in March 1957, an eight-year-old boy – Tommy Bowman – seemingly vanished into the middle of nowhere while hiking around the gorge with his family. One minute, little Tommy was there, the next he was utterly and forever gone. Three years later, in 1960, a young boy named Bruce Kremen vanished under mysterious circumstances in the same area.
As for Donald and Brenda, their disappearances were finally solved when a deranged serial-killer named Mack Ray Edwards confessed to having killed them – and who later committed suicide while doing time in San Quentin. The other two cases remain unresolved. And additional tragedy and death dominates the bleak area, too. Pasadena is also home to the Colorado Street Bridge, which just happens to cross over the Arroyo Seco bed. Locally, the large construction has a very different name: Suicide Bridge. Its name is very apt: the number of people who have now thrown themselves off the bridge – to their deaths – since its construction in 1912 is now into three-figures.
Some might disagree, but it seems to me – after researching the history of the area – that an atmosphere of distinct negativity and evilness has enveloped Devil’s Gate Dam. It’s a dark atmosphere out of which strode a serial-killer, a winged demon, a famous occultist without whose work NASA would likely never have been founded, and overwhelming, unsettling tragedy.
Since many of the suicides predated Jack Parsons’ presence at the area, we cannot lay the blame on his ritualistic ceremonies and his ties to Aleister Crowley. But, one cannot deny the possibility that his actions may have amplified the air of menace and negativity that enveloped the devilish dam in later years.
A damned dam, to be sure…

TRANSPARENT ALUMINUM NOW A REALITY      ~ not "only" up in the air/space ..under the sea or how's bout secret 'underground' bases   ...drip ..drip ...drip ,drip ? out of the "black" ;o

Yes, you read that correctly. Transparent aluminum, which first made its debut in the Star Trek movie, the voyage home, is now allegedly a reality, if the following article shared by Mr. B.G. is to be believed:
Transparent Aluminum Now A Reality
Now, I had to admit that when I read this, my mind - as usual - went into high octane speculation mode, this time on steroids. This first thing I thought of, believe it or not, was that old Doris Day-Arthur Godfrey movie, The Glass-Bottom Boat, only this time, I thought about sitting in an airplane(which I'm loathe to do in any case), made of transparent aluminum, and thus, having no need of windows, since the whole thing was transparent. Simply look out(or down through the transparent aluminum floor), and be scared witless. Or, for the thrill-ride fan, the transparent roller coaster, complete with transparent cars(providing, of course, that high tensile steel is on the make-it-transparent agenda. I'll get back with you on that; DARPA hasn't returned my call).
But again, like yesterday's blog, it was the timing here that threw me, a few days before the attacks in Paris. So rather than frivilous transparent airplanes or roller coasters, imagine the potential military applications: transparent drones? Missiles?  Indeed, the article itself suggested the same:
The advantage is it’s so much tougher, stronger, harder than glass. It provides better protection in more hostile environments—so it can withstand sand and rain erosion.”
Being a more durable material, it will boast of a thinner layer of spinel which is touted to deliver a better level of performance as opposed to glass. When one takes weight-sensitive platforms such as UAVs (unmanned autonomous vehicles, or “drones”), and head-mounted face shields, you can be sure that this is a technology that will change the way we see the world work.(Emphasis added)
However, the reader will have caught, perhaps, what really was feeding my high octane speculation: "It provides better protection in more hostile environments - so it can withstand sand and rain erosion." Or, besides blowing sand and dust, perhaps also it can better withstand micro-meteorite impacts as it travels through space, besides nasty Martian dust storms? And with appropriate modifications from nanotechnology, perhaps such micrometeorite impact pits would gradually be eradicated and a smooth surface restored?
The bottom line here, folks, is I strongly suspect that there is much more to this story than meets the eye, for such a technology would appear to be tailor made for the hostile environment of deep space or, for that matter, hostile planetary environments. Accordingly, I thus also strongly suspect that this story is yet another component in the slow leak, the slow drip drip drip of technologies we've seen exposed in the media in the past few years. Not for nothing, I suspect, does the article reference the fourth of the Star Trek movies, and its reference to transparent aluminum, for the "space context" of that movie, and that mention, would not seem to be accidental here. In my mind, I suspect a little bit of the veil has been pulled aside so that we can glimpse just a bit of what has been taking place in the secret space program, black projects world.

Facebook now threatening to shut down accounts of users who question official narrative on Sandy Hook shooting

hehe don't fer~geet 2 fill IN yer "con~troll~er" file 2~day boys & girls Oops hitler2 Social media site Facebook has decided to turn the First Amendment on its head, which is remarkable for no less a reason than because its creator has made a fortune on the concept of free, open and unedited speech.

According to reports, Facebook has begun suspending the accounts of users who throw into question the official narrative behind the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, after a warning by Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance that said posting "misinformation" on the site could be result in criminal prosecution.

In one instance of outright censorship, an image that was posted in the shooting's aftermath and which questioned whether Adam Lanza, "a clumsy 20-year-old autistic kid," could have possibly been responsible for killing 26 people, was deleted, with the user handed a warning.

'We will punish you'

"It seems that Facebook is now in the business of shutting down the accounts of journalists who question the mainstream medias reporting of the news. Saturday night I was alerted by Facebook that I would have to wait three days until I was able to log onto my personal Facebook account again," writes the editor of

"I was informed the reason for this punishment was the result of meme I had shared," the editor continued. "Facebook told me it '...violates Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.' I was further warned that, 'If you continue to abuse Facebook's features, your account could be permanently disabled.'"

On the Saturday following the shooting, Connecticut State Police officials warned that posting "misinformation" on social media sites would be "investigated and prosecuted."

"There has been misinformation coming from people posing as the shooter in this case, using other IDs, mimicking this crime and crime scene," Vance said, adding that some posts were made in a "threatening manner."

"It's important to note that we have discussed this with federal authorities. These things are crimes. They will be investigated and prosecuted," he said.

Consistent 'misinformation'

The site's graphic did not appear to fit the description of "threatening." Moreover, the Connecticut State Police warning - which is apparently backed up by the Feds - is not being applied to the mainstream media. Reporters and news networks got a shocking amount of information surrounding the shootings completely wrong in their haste to be the first with the story. For example:

-- It was first reported that Lanza's mother, the very first victim of the massacre, was a teacher at the Sandy Hook school - false.

-- It was first reported that Lanza also gunned down his father - false.

-- It was first reported that the shooter was Ryan Lanza, the older brother of Adam - false.

-- First reports of the shootings said a second gunman was arrested in the woods behind the school, but those reports were subsequently dropped without explanation.

'Be careful and cognizant'

This is what makes the Facebook action so troubling; given that most of the "misinformation" that has been published regarding the shootings came from the corporate-owned media, it is rather hypocritical to punish individuals who are merely posting their own thoughts about what they believe happened.

Earlier reports have documented that Facebook has a habit of deleting images and posts that the social site deems are in violation of its "Statement of Rights and Responsibilities," but which actually don't amount to much more than political satire, conjecture or a reasonable suspicion of official narratives on current events.

In September 2011, Infowars reporter Darrin McBreen was told by Facebook staff not to voice his political opinion on the social networking website.

Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the "Facebook Team" wrote, "Be careful about making political statements on facebook," adding, "Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don't antagonize your base. Be careful and cognizant (sic) of what you are preaching."


Friday, November 27, 2015

Record number of U.S. adults now dependent on Big Pharma prescriptions, and the most popular one causes brain damage   

by David Gutierrez,
(NaturalNews) Nearly 60 percent of all U.S. adults are now taking prescription drugs, according to a study conducted by researchers from Harvard University and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The number rose from 51 percent in 1999 to 59 percent in 2011.
The number of people taking numerous prescription drugs also increased during that period. In 1999, "only" 8.2 percent of adults were taking five or more prescription drugs at once. Now, 15 percent are.

"This is particularly notable among older adults 65 and older," said lead researcher Elizabeth Kantor. She noted that among adults in this age group, 39 percent now take five or more prescription drugs at the same time.

The figures come from nationwide surveys of more than 37,000 adults.

Top-used drugs: Brain-damaging statins

The rise in prescription drug use cannot be fully explained by an aging population, Kantor said. Instead, she suggested that rising obesity rates might be largely to blame. More than two-thirds of the U.S. population is now considered overweight or obese.

The most widely prescribed drugs are those related to obesity: cholesterol-lowering statins are the most widely prescribed, followed by blood pressure drugs.

Yet, other studies have confirmed that in spite of ballooning obesity rates, statins are wildly overused. Because of their strong ability to lower blood levels of cholesterol, statins were immediately hailed as a miracle drug by the medical establishment. In the decades since their adoption, the threshold for statin prescription has been steadily lowered. In fact, in July 2014, the United Kingdom's new statin use guidelines were so broad that if applied, they would put 40 percent of British adults on the drugs.

Notably, studies are now showing that while they do lower cholesterol, statins do not actually lower the risk of dying from heart-related disease. Some studies have suggested that the drugs might actually raise the risk of heart disease.

According to a study published in the Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology earlier this year, the benefits of statins have been dramatically exaggerated, and their risks downplayed. The drugs have "failed to substantially improve cardiovascular outcomes [and] the adverse effects suffered by people taking statins are more common than reported in the media and at medical conferences. Increased rates of cancer, cataracts, diabetes, cognitive impairments and musculoskeletal disorders more than offset the modest cardiovascular benefits of statin treatment," the researchers wrote.

The inclusion of "cognitive impairment" on this list is not a minor point. Indeed, between 2004 and 2014, more than 36,000 cases of brain dysfunction were reported to the FDA's Adverse Events Database in regards to statin use. These included confusion, depression, disorientation, transient cases of global amnesia, paranoia, memory impairment and dementia. And no wonder: the body's highest concentrations of cholesterol are found in the brain.

Other drugs also widely misused

The other top drugs in the U.S. are also notorious for their overuse: antidepressants and proton pump inhibitors. According to a 2010 meta-analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association, antidepressants do not outperform placebos, and are significantly less effective at alleviating depression than talk therapy. At the same time, many of them actually increase a patient's risk of suicide.

Proton pump inhibitors, which are meant for the treatment of severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), are instead widely prescribed for simple acid reflux. According to a 2010 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, between 59 and 63 percent of PPI prescriptions are inappropriate.

The researchers found that only one class of prescription drug became less popular since 1999: female hormone replacement therapy, which has been conclusively shown to increase women's risk of cancer, heart disease and early death.
Sources for this article include:

How your psychic senses are connected to Earth's energy               ~  hehe just WTF is "it" folks that 'they'... don't want US 2 ..know humm  just plane ole U & me just WTF is "it" that under ANY fucking cer~cum~stances... at    ALLLL fucking costs ... 'they' don't  ME & u .... 2 know ? Huh  me wonders ,wonders ...Wonders  :)r  ...nawwww fuck it ... we just consume ..than we die  um hum yea.. yep ...yup humm ..right dude ?

by Julie Wilson staff writer

(NaturalNews) Psychic researcher Pete A. Sanders Jr. knew early on that psych ability was real, leading him to spend his education at MIT studying brain science and biomedical chemistry, hoping to understand the complex relationship between the brain, the mind and the nervous system.
MIT professor Dr. Jerome Letvin inspired Sanders when he opened a course about nerve study stating: "I am not going to teach what we know about nerves. Everything we know would take about two class sessions to tell you, and is relatively boring. Instead I am going to talk about what we don't know about nerves."

Dr. Letvin's approach changed Sander's outlook on life, spurring him to pursue a career studying the brain's sensory abilities and their connection to ESP. The following is an excerpt from Sanders' book entitled You are Psychic! in which he discusses the relationship between Earth's energy patterns and our psychic abilities – which he believes we all have.

Greater awareness equals more security

"By learning to focus on the Psychic Reception Areas you will receive stronger psychic impressions, strong enough to divert your attention from your physical senses. With practice, even subtle energy patterns will be discernible.

"Best of all, you will be able to develop your extrasensory abilities safely and steadily. When you are able to turn them on at will you can also turn them off to prevent the possibility of a psychic overload. Additionally, you will have the increased security that greater awareness and skill always bring.

"All our senses, physical and psychic, function in part by receiving and responding to some form of energy. Physical vision depends on the energy of light waves striking the eye. Physical hearing senses the vibrational energy of sound waves.

"Taste and smell function through chemical energy reactions between certain molecules and the receptor cells of the tongue and olfactory areas. The psychic senses follow a similar pattern, except that the energies they interact with cannot be discerned physically or measured by current technology."

Psychic senses are invisible, but that doesn't mean they don't exist

"That should not deter you from exploring your psychic ability. Many forms of energy affect your life whether you understand them or not. Two hundred years ago little was understood about electricity, but electric energy existed. Though scientifically unexplained, lightning struck, electric eels gave shocks, the nervous system functioned. Even today, you may not fully understand how electricity works although you use it routinely.

"Consider what happens when you turn on a light. You don't need to understand how electrons travel back and forth in the wires. Neither do you need to be aware that for each of your thoughts and movements the electrical energy that is your brain and nervous system has processed millions of messages.

"You don't need to know that each of those brain messages involves billions of complex exchanges of chemical energy into electrical energy. Instead, you have learned by experience how to make those forms of energy work for you in practical ways even though you may not know how they work. You just raise your hand, flip the switch, and the light goes on.

"You need to adopt the same approach to using your psychic senses. They receive the psychic energy that is emitted by all people, places, and objects. Because you are energy, you can receive and identify those extrasensory vibrations.

"Much about the human brain is still unknown, and we use the word 'mind' as a sort of shorthand to describe mental abilities that go beyond what we know about the physical wiring of the cortex. Brain scientists cannot yet explain exactly why or how we dream, how memory is structured, or how we form a creative thought."

People, places and objects emit waves of energy that may be picked up on by your psychic senses

"Yet every day we dream, we remember, and we think. Or consider the mystery of hypnosis. It has been studied and used successfully for over a century to reduce or eliminate pain (it has even been used in surgery instead of anesthesia), to help us control addictions, to uncover repressed memories, yet we still don't have a precise idea as to how or why hypnosis works.

"The fact is that science today comprehends probably less than a tenth of what our brain and mind can do. In a world where many scientists now believe once unbelievable things, for instance, that all matter exists in ten dimensions; that time slows as you travel faster; that particles called tachyons, which can arrive at their destination before they leave their point of origin, may indeed exist; that the universe is literally a sea of interchangeable and interacting energy. In such a world, the concept of psychic sensitivity, of ESP, is no longer a farfetched fantasy.

"Therefore it is not reasonable to resign yourself to waiting until some researcher announces: 'We have now discovered exactly how extrasensory perception operates. You now have permission to use your psychic senses.' Even though science does not yet understand how psychic messages are processed, you can experience and use them in your daily life."
